

你一定要会说的场景句1.你觉得韩国怎么样?My family is going to Australia this summer.9.我听说加拿大是个多山的国家。I hear Canada is very mountainous.10.我们现在在华盛顿特区,美国的首都。We are now in Washington D.C.,the capital city of America.韩国A:How do you like Korea?那是个美丽的国家。The best island of Korea—Jizhou Island.韩国最棒的岛屿——济州岛。阳光灿烂,但不晒。I’m afraid two days isn’t enough for you to see all the places of interest.恐怕两天的时间不够游览所有的名胜古迹。
理论教育 2023-11-02


你一定要会说的场景句1.你打算从事什么职业?你打算从事什么职业?There’s a great deal of scope for architects① in China and a lot of useful work to be done—building bridges,roads,high buildings for people.建筑师在中国大有可为,有许多工作可做,为人们建造桥梁、道路和高楼。In all about 15.总共大约15人。年初才开始工作。询问工作地点A:So whom do you work for?I work for IBM.我在IBM工作。你为什么换工作这么频繁?
理论教育 2023-11-02


你一定要会说的场景句1.首都剧院正在上演一出新戏。Mary,would you like to dance with me?延伸 Beijing opera① is popular with both Chinese and westerners.京剧很受中国人和西方人的欢迎。There are dozens of kinds of dramas② in China.中国有几十种戏剧。I especially love the first three movements⑧ of the Ninth Symphony.我特别喜欢《第九交响曲》的前三个乐章。The woodwind quartet⑨ is composed by Mozart.这支木管四重奏是由莫扎特作曲的。华尔兹是我最喜欢的舞蹈之一。
理论教育 2023-11-02


你一定要会说的场景句1. 在即将来临的假期里你打算去旅游吗?How long are you going to stay in Zhangjiajie?She usually goes sightseeing to make her experience richer.她经常去观光旅游,这让她的经历更加丰富。They decide to spend one day more to visit all the places of interest③.他们决定多花一天时间去游览所有的名胜古迹。You can find the information about your tour on the Internet as much as possible.你可以在网上找到关于你的旅行的尽可能多的信息。
理论教育 2023-11-02


你一定要会说的场景句1.这些天有到上海的旅行吗?Well,you should take some cold medicine.联系旅行社A:Is there a tour that goes to Shanghai these days?到上海的旅行每隔一天发团一次。完成旅行要多长时间?If we go on a package tour③, we don’t have to worry about accommodations④,meals and so on.如果我们的旅游由旅行社包办,那么我们就不必为食宿之类的事操心了。
理论教育 2023-11-02


My name is Wang Feng and I’m calling to cancel my plane ticket.6.我想确认一下我预订的机票,6月18日两点起飞去香港的516次航班。I’d like to reconrm my reservation on Flight 516 for Hong Kong at 2o’clock,June 18th.7.我想更改我预订的本月16日机号为AR880的航班。预订机票A:The only ight available is Northwest Airlines 231, which leaves at 8:30 a.m.唯一一趟还有机位的航班是西北航空公司的231次,早晨8点半起飞。I’d like to reserve two one-way tickets⑦ to New York for tomorrow.我想预订两张明天去纽约的单程票。
理论教育 2023-11-02


你一定要会说的场景句1.你能告诉我这儿哪里可以逛街购物吗?寻找购物中心A:Could you please tell me where I can go shopping here?你能告诉我这儿哪里可以逛街购物吗?这个镇的购物区在哪里?The gold necklace is very elegant.这条金项链非常精致。中国丝绸世界闻名。这件衣服很漂亮。The fitting room is over there.Follow me,please.试衣间在那边。
理论教育 2023-11-02


你一定要会说的场景句1.我该在哪儿办理海关手续?我该在哪儿办理海关手续?延伸 You’re through with the customs formalities.你已办完海关手续了。Give this form to the customs ofcer standing at the exit.把这张表交给站在出口处的海关官员。你是商务旅行还是旅游?场景词汇① customs formality 海关手续 ② currency 现金④ customs declaration form 关税申报单 ④ conscate 没收⑤ attend 参加停留时间A:How long are you going to stay here?您有行李号码存根吗?
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Oh,I’m very sorry, madam.5.顺便问一下,这里是餐厅的禁烟区,对吗?I’m terribly sorry,sir.8.我立刻去调查。这儿太吵了,我妻子被行李电梯声音吵醒了几次。噪音在宁静的早晨可能会扰人。明天早上,美国教育代表团的人就要离开。The remote control doesn’t work.I turned on the air conditioner,but I can’t adjust the temperature.遥控器出故障了。我把空调打开了,但是我无法调节温度。延伸 I’m terribly sorry,madam.I’ll get a new one without ice
理论教育 2023-11-02


你一定要会说的场景句1.欢迎光临和平饭店。Welcome to the Peace Hotel.2.我来帮您拿行李吧,夫人。Please enjoy your stay.迎接来宾A:Good evening,sir.Welcome to the Peace Hotel.晚上好,先生。欢迎光临和平饭店。延伸 Good morning,sir.Welcome to our hotel.先生,早上好,欢迎光临我们旅馆。延伸 Here’s your taxi. Get in,please.出租车来了,请上车。延伸 Please fill in this registration card while I prepare your key card.请您填写这张登记卡,我来给您准备房卡。I hope you will enjoy your stay with us.希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。
理论教育 2023-11-02


Where are you going to return it?What documents do we need to prepare for the application?B:One hundred and eighty Yuan a day or one thousand a week, unlimited mileage.180元一天或者1000元一星期,没有路程限制。场景词汇① driver’s license 驾照 highway 高速公路Put in a liter of engine oil①,please.请加1升机油。I’d like some gas,as
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你一定要会说的场景句1.今天天气怎么样?延伸 Tomorrow’s high will be 17℃,and low 12℃.明天最高气温17摄氏度,最低气温12摄氏度。谈论季节喜好A:Which season do you like best?Oh,everything comes back to life in spring and the weather gets warmer.哦,春天万物复苏,并且天气越变越暖。
理论教育 2023-11-02


你有业余爱好吗?Several things.For example,various coins,stamps,stones and so on.好几种东西,有各种各样的硬币、邮票、石头等。B:Yes, I’ve got over four hundred stamps.Come and have a look.是的,我有400多张邮票。集邮是个费钱的爱好吗?I wonder how she got interested in such a unique④ hobby.我想知道她怎么会有这么奇特的爱好。延伸My Own True Love in the film Gone with the Wind. 电影《乱世佳人》中的《我的真爱》。
理论教育 2023-11-02


To my mind,the best way to keep t is to go in for sports.5.我通过运动减去了10公斤。I lost ten kilos by exercising.6.现在瑜伽挺流行的。我的病不严重,很快就会好的。喂,吉姆,晚餐后去喝几杯啤酒怎么样?它只会让我们发胖,举止笨拙。运动有利于健康A:Right you are!
理论教育 2023-11-02


你一定要会说的场景句1.到火车站我该乘哪一趟公交车呢?到火车站我该乘哪一趟公交车呢?请问,我到市商业区该乘哪辆车?You can take either Bus 19 or 8.您可以乘19路或8路公共汽车。延伸 Cross the road and take a north-bound No.38 bus to the Central Hotel and then change Bus No.24.It will take you right there.穿过马路到对面乘向北走的38路汽车到中央酒店站,然后在那儿换乘24路汽车,直接就可以到达了。这是开往相反方向的车。汽车上有限制吸烟的规定吗?
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你一定要会说的场景句1.你能告诉我阳光大酒店在哪里吗?I was rear-ended just now on Highway 23,and it made a little dent inthe bumper.7.一分钟前,我被抢劫了。The line of number 506 bus is across the street,if I have the correct memory.如果我记得没错,506路车的行车路线穿过那条街。车祸A:I was rear-ended just now on Highway 23,and it made a little dent in the bumper.刚才在23号公路上我的车尾被撞了一下,保险杠也凹下去了一点儿。只要打电话给警察,再拿一份事故调查报告就可以了。
理论教育 2023-11-02