理论教育 第三节主要观赏竹种类及应用


更新时间:2025-01-03 理论教育 版权反馈

【学名】Phyllostachys nigra (Lodd. ex Lindl.) Munro



秆高3~10 m,径2~100px,新秆有细毛茸,绿色,老秆则变为棕紫色以至紫黑色。箨鞘淡玫瑰紫色,背部密生毛,无斑点;箨耳镰形、紫色;箨舌长而隆起;箨叶三角状披针形,绿色至淡绿色。叶片2~3枚生于小枝顶端,叶鞘初被粗毛,叶片披针形,K4~lOcm,质地较薄(图13.1)。笋期4~5月份。原产中国,广布华北长江流域以至西南等省区。紫竹耐寒性较强,能耐一18℃的低温。紫竹的竹笋可以食用;秆可制小型家具,细秆可作手杖、笛、箫、烟秆、伞柄及工艺品等。此外,紫竹秆紫黑色,叶翠绿,颇具特色,常植于庭院观赏,增添色彩变化。

Phyllostachys nigra, common name black bamboo, is a species of flowering plant in the bamboo subfamily of the grass family Poaceae, native to Hunan Province of China, and widely cultivated elsewhere.

Growing up to 5 m (16 ft) tall by 3 m (10 ft) broad, it forms clumps of slender arching canes which turn black after two or three seasons. The abundant lance-shaped leaves are 4–13 cm (2–5 in) long.

Numerous forms and cultivars are available for garden use. The species  and the form P. nigra f. henonis[5] have both gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit. The form henonis is also known as Henon bamboo and as cultivar 'Henon'.

It is used for lumber (timber), food, and musical instruments, among other things, in areas of China where it is native and also worldwide. Unlike golden bamboo, it is not considered an invasive species in the United States.

【学私】Sinocalamus alfinis(Rendle)McClure



秆高为5~10m,径4~200px,顶梢细长作弧形下垂。箨鞘革质,背部密被棕黑色刺毛:箨耳缺如;箨舌流苏状;箨叶先端尖,向外反倒,基部收缩略成圆形,正面多脉,密生白色刺毛,边缘粗糙内卷。叶数至十数枚着生于小枝先端;叶片质薄,长卵状披针形,长13~750px,表面暗绿色,背面灰绿色,侧脉5~10对,无小横脉(图1 3.2)。笋期6月份,持续至9~10月份。原产中国,分布在云南、贵州、广西、湖南、湖北、四川及陕西南部各地。孝竹秆丛生,枝叶茂盛秀丽,在庭院内池旁、石际、窗前、宅后栽植都很适宜。材质柔韧,劈篾性能好,是编织竹器、扭制竹索以及造纸的好材料。

【学名】Phyllostachys viridis(Young)Mc Clure


秆高为1 0~1 5 m,径4~225px,挺直,淡绿色,分枝以下的秆环不明显;新秆无毛,微被白粉,老秆仪节下仃白粉环,秆表面在扩大镜下可见白色晶状小点。箨鞘无毛,乳黄色或淡绿色底上有深绿色纵脉及棕褐色斑纹;无箨耳;箨舌近截平或微弧形,有细纤毛;箨叶狭长三角形至带状,下垂,多少波折。每小枝有2~6叶,有发达的叶耳与硬毛,老时可脱落;叶片披针形,长6~400px。笋期5~7月份。原产中国,分布于黄河流域至长江流域以南广大地区。刚竹抗性强i能耐一1 8。C的低温,微耐盐碱,pH8.5左右的碱土和含盐0.1%的盐I:上也能生长。由于刚竹秆高、叶翠,四季常青,秀丽挺拔,值霜雪而不凋,历四时而常茂,颇无妖艳,雅俗共赏,在园林上有着极高的利用价值。刚竹材质坚硬,韧性较差,不宜劈篾编织可供小型建筑及农具柄材使用;笋味略苦,浸水后可食用。

【学名】Phyllostachys reticulata(Phyllostachys bambusoides)



秆高为1l~20 m,径8~250px,秆环、箨环均隆起,新秆绿色,无白粉。箨鞘黄褐色底密被紫色斑点或斑块,常疏生直立短硬毛;箨耳小,l枚或2枚,镰形或倒卵形,有长而弯曲的肩毛;箨舌微隆起;箨叶二角形军带形,橘红色,有绿边,皱褶下垂。小枝初生4~6叶,后常为2~3叫一;叫一带状披针形,长7~375px,有叶耳和长肩毛。笋期4~6月份。原产中国,分布甚广,东至江苏、浙江,西至四川,南至两广北部,北至河南、河北都有栽植。桂竹抗性强,适牛的范围大,能耐一18℃的低温,多生长在山坡下部和平地土层深厚肥沃的地方,在黏重土壤卜生长较差。冈林用途与刚竹相似,经济用途较广,竹笋味美可食,也是优良的“南竹北移”种。

Phyllostachys bambusoides, commonly called madake, giant timber bamboo or Japanese timber bamboo, is a bamboo species in the genus Phyllostachys.

Madake is typically known for being the most common type of bamboo used in the making of shakuhachi flutes, and is utilized in numerous Japanese, as well as Chinese, arts and crafts.

【学名】Pyllostachys aurea Carr.ex A.et C.Riviere




Phyllostachys aurea

Common names: Fish pole Bamboo, Golden Bamboo

Maximum Height: 30 feet

Typical northwest height: 15 to 20 feet

Diameter: 1.25 inches

Hardiness: 0° F

Phyllostachys aurea is a bamboo species of the 'running bamboo' type, belonging to the diverse Bambuseae tribe. It is native to Fujian and Zhejiang in China. It is commonly known by the names fishpole bamboo, golden bamboo, monk's belly bamboo and fairyland bamboo (Australia).

One of the most common bamboos in the United States, and for a good reason: although usually not very tall, it is one of the strongest and most useful. Growing rigidly upright, this bamboo is one of the best for hedges and for planting next to driveways and walkways.

 It often has a series of distorted internodes at the base of the cane, sometimes called "Tortoise Shell" internodes, that are quite ornamental and make this plant useful for craft work. Culm color of the species type is green. Like other Phyllostachys, when exposed to strong direct sunlight, the canes will fade to yellow with age. Phyllostachys aurea can be an aggressive spreader in hot climates, where care must be used in its placement.

【学名】Chimonobambusa quadranglaris(Fenzi.)Makino



Chimonobambusa quadrangularis holds the name "Square Stem Bamboo" because larger canes are angular like a square rather than being perfectly round. The cane walls are thick and strong and this is one of the best species for producing canes for crafts and furniture construction. Plants establish quickly and spread great distances so this is best kept in large containers if you don't want to install bamboo barrier around an in-ground plant. Chimonobambusa quadrangularis is one of the few bamboo species that will grow indoors, just be sure to give it plenty of light and water it consistently.(www.daowen.com)

The large leaves grow very dense and form an excellent privacy hedge, especially because the canes grow very straight with long side branches. When grown in large containers the branches add several feet to the width on all sides and one 15 gallon plant can completely block an area five or more feet wide.

In colder climates this bamboo will not grow as tall because the new shoots get frosted back during the winter. Our nursery is right between zones 7b and 8a and our Chimonobambusa quadrangularis plants typically stay around ten feet tall, but they are very full and healthy despite their shorter stature.

【学名】Bambusa multiplex(Lour.)Raeusch.Var.Na力a(Roxb.)Keng.F


风尾竹足孝顺竹(凤凰竹)的变种,比孝顺竹要矮小,高约I~2m,径不超过1-2 cm。枝叶稠密、纤细而下弯,每小枝有叶10余枚,羽状排列,叶片长2~125px。喜光,稍耐阴,长江流域以南各地常植于庭园观赏或盆栽

Bambusa multiplex is a species of bamboo native to China (provinces of Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Hunan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan), Nepal, Bhutan, Assam, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, and northern Indochina. It is also naturalized in Iraq, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles, the Indian subcontinent, parts of South America, the West Indies, and the southeastern United States.

【学名】Pyllostachys praecox.C.d.Chu et C.S.Chao



秆高8~l Om,胸径125px以下。新秆绿色具白粉,老秆淡绿色,节下有白粉圈,箨环与秆环均略隆起。箨鞘淡紫褐色或深黄褐色,被门粉,有紫褐色斑点及不明显条纹,上部边缘枯焦状:无箨耳;箨舌淡褐色,弧形;箨叶带状披针形,紫褐色,平直反曲。小枝具叶2~3片,带状披针彤,长7~400px,宽1~2锄,背面基部有毛;叶舌弧形隆起。笋期4~6月份。主产华东。抗寒性强,适应性强。


【学名】Indocalamus latifolius(Keng)Mc-C1ure





【学名】  Sasa fortunei(van Houtte) Fiori


小灌木状竹类,秆高30~1250px,地径0.1~0.50px,节问圆筒形,光滑无毛,秆环平。秆箨宿存,无毛。叶片短小,直立,披针形,长6~1 125px,宽0.8~1.100px,叶片绿色而具明显的白色或淡黄色条纹。。笋期5~6月份,产自日本。菲白竹为竹类植物中的小型彩叶品种,其植株低矮,生长茂密,可作为地被植物成片植于庭院或园林景观中,也可盆栽观赏。

【学名】Phyllostachys bambusoides Sieb.Et Zucc.f.1acrima-deae



中小型竹,竿高达5~10m,径达3~125px。竿环及箨环均隆起:竿箨黄褐色,有黑褐色斑点,疏牛直立硬毛。箨耳较小,矩圆形或镰形,有长而弯曲之遂毛。箨叶三角形或带形,橘红色,边缘绿色,微皱,下垂。每小枝2~4片,叶带状披针形,长7~1 125px,宽1.2~57.49999999999999px。叶舌发达,有叶耳及长肩毛。笋期5~6月份。自然分布黄河全长江流域各地,常见于观赏栽培。喜肥沃疏松的土壤,较耐干旱寒冷,但彳i耐水湿。斑竹的观赏特点是竹竿上具有的泪状斑点或斑块。斑竹宜在亭、台、轩、榭之旁栽立数竿;或在名胜的水边院旁栽种:也宜以粉墙为背景,种之几行,并以洞窟、窗框创造出竹影婆娑的清幽典雅环境
















