理论教育 意大利葡萄园-意大利托斯卡纳地区的迷人葡萄酒起源


更新时间:2025-01-02 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:《意大利托斯卡纳的迷人日出》:意大利著名葡萄产区托斯卡Tuscany 意大利托斯卡纳地区2. 意大利6000年前的葡萄酒2017年意大利考古人员在地下发现了公元前4000年前陈酿葡萄酒的陶罐。难道古埃及人或印欧人的葡萄酒酿酒技术当时就来到了意大利?西西里岛阿格里真托省考古结果发表在《微量化学学报》Microchemical Journal上:西西里岛卡塔尼亚大学Catania的研究人员Enrico Greco称:本次发现为迄今世界发现最早的发酵葡萄酒。

黑体, SimHei; font-size: 18px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">1. 葡萄园日出


意大利托斯卡纳的迷人日出》:意大利著名葡萄产区托斯卡Tuscany (Toscana)


2. 意大利6000年前的葡萄酒



一支由美国南佛罗里达州立大学意大利考古学家David Tanasi领导的国际科考小组,对意大利南部地中海的西西里岛Sicily西海岸阿格里真托Agrigento(同名省会)附近的克洛尼奥山Mont Kronio的古老洞穴考古研究,发现了陶罐中的发酵葡萄残留物,距今有6000年历史,比意大利撒丁岛Sardinia已发现的意大利最早葡萄种植遗迹早了3000年。


考古结果发表在《微量化学学报》Microchemical Journal上:

西西里岛卡塔尼亚大学Catania的研究人员Enrico Greco称:本次发现为迄今世界发现最早的发酵葡萄酒。


【维基百科】The cave with this name is 9.4 metres long and 4.2 metres wide and reaches a maximum height of c. 4 metres. Inside the temperature varies between 36 and 42 °C, depending on the season and time of day.



核磁共振 Nuclear magnetic resonance,NMR

Splitting of nuclei spin states in an external magnetic field(www.daowen.com)

Skeletal diagram of tartaric acid        potassium bitartrate

       酒石酸化学结构                   葡萄酒糟中的非提纯酒石酸钾



【维基百科】Ancient winemaking

   In 2012 copper age jars dating from the fourth millennium BC were found in a cave on Monte Kronio. Organic samples taken from the jars proved to contain tartaric acid and its salt, confirming the use of the vessel as wine containers. The site is the location of one of the earliest known evidences of winemaking, dating back 6000 years, a similar age to the evidence from Areni in Armenia. 

当今,意大利西西里岛阿格里真托省也是著名的葡萄酒产区,如Sambuca di SiciliaMenfiSanta Margherita di Belice

                    Sambuca di Sicilia葡萄园


The Proto-Indo-Europeans were the prehistoric people of Eurasia who spoke Proto-Indo-European (PIE), the ancestor of the Indo-European languages according to linguistic reconstruction.

Knowledge of them comes chiefly from that reconstruction, along with material evidence from archaeology and archaeogenetics. The Proto-Indo-Europeans likely lived during the late Neolithic, or roughly the 4th millennium BC. Mainstream scholarship places them in the forest-steppe zone immediately to the north of the western end of the Pontic-Caspian steppe in Eastern Europe. Some archaeologists would extend the time depth of PIE to the middle Neolithic (5500 to 4500 BC) or even the early Neolithic (7500 to 5500 BC), and suggest alternative location hypotheses.

By the early second millennium BC, offshoots of the Proto-Indo-Europeans had reached far and wide across Eurasia, including Anatolia (Hittites), the Aegean (the ancestors of Mycenaean Greece), the north of Europe (Corded Ware culture), the edges of Central Asia (Yamna culture), and southern Siberia (Afanasevo culture).


颜那亚文化 Yamna (Yamnaya) Culture:公元前4000-2300年前,铜器至青铜时期的原始印欧文化 Proto-Indo-Europeans。

这一推论就与《圣经》中的诺亚Noah在该地区阿拉特山Mount Ararat种下第一株葡萄,并着手酿酒;古植物学考古证明,人类最先种植葡萄和酿酒之地(摇篮);以及地处该地区的亚美尼亚、格鲁吉亚等,后者称葡萄酒有8000年历史等等证据完全吻合!

