理论教育 四川大学儒藏-古籍所简介


更新时间:2025-01-02 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:舒大刚 所长、研究员、博导历史文化学院副院长兼古籍所所长、研究员、博导。四川大学古籍整理研究所,是国家教育部1983年批准成立的从事中国古典文献整理与研究的专门机构,著名学者徐中舒、缪钺、杨明照、赵振铎、胡昭曦、曾枣庄、刘琳等曾先后担任古籍所学术带头人和行政负责人。

舒大刚 所长、研究员、博导





The Institute of the Classical Literature studies of Sichuan University (ICLSSCU) is an academic entity established in 1983 and becomes one of top research institutes on the Chinese classical literature approved by the Ministry of Education. The former directors of ICLSSCU include many famous researchers such as Xu Zhongshu, Miao Yue, Yang mingzhao, Zhao Zhenduo, Hu Zhaoxi, Zeng Zaozhuang, and Liu Lin etc. Currently, there are eight professors and eight associate professors in ICLSSCU. The ICLSSCU mainly has four research directions, namely, Philosophical Literature, Historical Literature, Literary and Utilizations of the Historical Literature with the technology of computer. In the past 20 years, ICLSSCU has conducted more than 40 research programs supported by National Fund for Social Science, the Ninth and Tenth Five-Year Plan of the Ministry of Education, national “211 Project” key construction disciplines, the Philosophical and Social Science plan of Sichuan Province and the committee of national universities for the Classical Literature Studies. At the same time, the researchers of ICLSSCU have published more than 100 monographs and 1000 papers. It has also won 20 prizes since 1983.   

The following is some representative achievement: Quan Song Wen (180 volumes), the biggest literature concourse of Song Dynasty, Song Ji Zhen Ben Cong Kan (108 volumes), a series of scarce books whose contents are literature concourse of Song Dynasty, Song Hui Yao Ji Gao (electronic edition), edited in cooperation with Harvard University and the Central Research Institute of Taiwan province. Now ICLSSCU has become one of the leading research centers on the culture and literature of Song Dynasty. At present, all the members of the ICLSSCU are focusing their research on the Confucian literature and a big series of books of Confucian literature, namely, Ru Zang are being compiled, which will surely attract researchers’close attention.

