理论教育 旅游翻译:英译汉翻译手册成果!


更新时间:2025-01-02 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:旅游手册的翻译应以其文本功能为指导,充分实现文本信息功能和描写功能的转换。下面我们通过分析几段英汉对照旅游宣传手册文字来说明英语旅游手册翻译的具体方法。它不仅是马德里逐步向世界开放的标志,每年还吸引来自世界各地成千上万的旅游者。译者没有把Spain's Age of Enlightenment直译为“西班牙的启蒙运动时期”。像这种引用名人之言宣传旅游目的地的做法,在汉语中也不乏其例。


(3)Majestic and stylishly dignified,the archway known as the Puerta de Alcalá (puerta; gate),designed by the architect Sabatini in Spain's Age of Enlightenment,is at once a symbol of a city eager to welcome the world,and a veritable gateway to Spain formillions of visitors from all around the globe.


原文在对阿尔卡拉门进行描述时用了大量的修饰词,这是由英语的语言结构决定的,英语中可以用作修饰的成分很多,其中有形容词过去分词、现在分词以及从句等,而且这些修饰成分的位置也很灵活,可以放在所修饰的成分之前,也可以放在所修饰的成分之后,结果就造成英语的句子可以很长,而且结构复杂。所以译者首先根据汉语的逻辑顺序调整了原文的结构,把原文拆分成了两个句子。这是结构拆译法。译者在译文中没有翻译出原文中the archway known as的信息,这是省略翻译法,而且省略得恰到好处,因为这段文字的旁边附有阿尔卡拉门的图片,读者一看便知它是拱门,根本用不着啰唆。译者对文本信息的处理也非常到位。译者没有把Spain's Age of Enlightenment直译为“西班牙的启蒙运动时期”。因为考虑到目的语读者的历史文化知识,可能不知道欧洲的启蒙运动时期为什么时候,所以译者把它改译为“十八世纪”,既准确传达了原文的信息,又容易被读者接受。另外,译者还使用了一些其他变通的译法(意译)。例如,译者没有把a city eager to welcome the world 翻译为“渴望欢迎世界的城市”,而是翻译为“马德里逐步向世界开放”,更符合汉语表达的习惯;没有把gateway to Spain 作名词短语翻译为“进入西班牙的通道”,而是转换为动词,翻译为“吸引”,符合汉语多用动词的表达习惯。

(4)From the Plaza M ayor to La Almudena Cathedral

That age-old market place and backdrop for Madrid Life,scene of autoda-fé, preclamations, bullifights and festivities, the Plaza Mayor(main square) (1) is arguably the ideameeting or starting point for any tour of the capital.While the writer Gòmez de la Serna described it as“Spain's back yard”,Alexandre Dumas(Sr.) claimed it had “the most beautiful and best painted vault” of all the theatres he had known,viz.,the Madrid sky.Since its inauguration in 1620,the Plaza Mayor has been the symbol par excellence of Hapsburg Madrid (Madrid de los Austrias),with the lovely frescoes of the Casa de la Panadería(bakery) and the equestrian statue of Phiilip Ⅲas its most noteworthy features.


大广场是几百年来举办各种集会的场所,是马德里生活的背景,在这里张贴公告、公开审判异教徒、举行斗牛表演和节日庆典。大广场可以作为理想的会合地和任何一条马德里参观路线的起点。作家哥梅兹·德拉·塞纳将其称为“西班牙的后花园”,大仲马也称它拥有他所见过的剧院中“最美丽、绘画最精美的拱顶”,即马德里的天空。大广场落成于1962年,象征着当时哈斯堡王朝的辉煌。大广场上最引人注目的是那里一家面包房中精美的壁画,以及菲利普三世国王的骑马雕像。1,400 years ago.


(4)大榕树景区位于桂林市阳朔县城西南壮族之乡高田镇,距县城约六公里,是中国十大风景名胜区之一的国家级重点风景名胜区桂林漓江风景名胜区的重要组成部分,因景区内有一棵植于隋代距今1400 多年的奇特古榕树而得名。


译文:The Grand Banyan Scenic Area,about 6 km from Yangshuo town,is located at Gaotian,a place for Zhuang minority people,which is in the southeast of Yangshuo town.This scenic area is a very important part of Guilin Li River Scenic Areawhich is one of the top ten scenic areas around China.It takes its name from a big and old banyan tree planted at Suidynastymore than

Walking around this scenic area,breathing fresh air,people will feast their eyes on spectacular hills,clean water,phoenix-tailed bamboos and villages of Zhuang minority people.All of these constitute a wonderful traditional Chinese landscape painting.Dr Carl Steinitz from Harvard University of US,a well-known landscape engineer in theworld,once visited this scenic area.Hemade his comments about it:it is themost beautiful place that Ihave ever seen in China.Many scenes of a famousmovie Sister Sanjie Liu,which was very popular among China and Southeast Asia,were shot at this scenic area.Many lovers were deeply impressed with the scene when the hero Aniu and heroine Sister Sanjie Liu in themoviewere telling their lovers'pledges to each other under the Grand Banyan.



Rome in 48 hours

The first daystarts from:(A) St.Peter's Basilica in the Vatican City goes on to(B)Castel S.Angelo then,crossing the Tiber,gets to(C) Piazza Navona next to the(D)Pantheon and finally,passing through Piazza Colonna,ends up in (E) Piazza di Spagna.



(A)The Vatican City

Arriving at St.Peter's Square,the visitor is immediately impressed by the size of thememorable square facing St.Peter's,surrounded by themagnificent four-row colonnademasterpiece of Gian Lorenzo Bernini.Only when one gets inside the basilica, slowly climbing up the sweeping three flights of steps designed by Bernini,one will be truly amazed by the size and splendor of the largest church in the world,the symbol of Christianity,extending over a total of about 22,00 sqm.

The building is 136 m.high,the diameter of the Cupola,designed by Michelangelo,measures 42 m.It is possible to reach the top of the Cupolaclimbing 330 steps:once up there the view of the square below and of Rome is unforgettable.The church contains the masterpieces of important artists:the 29 m.high bronze baldachin by Bernini,the Pietà by Michelangelo,the tomb of Clement XⅢby Canova and the mosaic of the Navicella by Giotto,located above themiddle entrance to the Portico.

Numerous and timeless are the woks of art,Mainly paintings,kept in the Vatican Museums, which preserve the art of the most illustrious artists of all times.A visit to the Sistine Chapel,amilestone in the history of Italian painting,should not bemissed.


置身于圣彼得广场,映入眼帘的是由杰安·劳伦佐·贝尼尼设计的四根壮丽精美的柱廊环绕中的圣彼得教堂。对面的纪念广场规模宏大。只有当你亲自置身于教堂之中,沿着贝尼尼设计的三段弯弯曲曲的楼梯拾阶而上的时候,才会真正被世界上最大的教堂的宏伟壮丽所震慑。大教堂占地22000 平方米,是基督教的象征。

圣彼得教堂高136 米,由米开朗琪罗设计的穹顶直径达42 米,到达穹顶需要攀爬330 级台阶,从穹顶可俯瞰整个圣彼得广场,令人流连忘返的罗马景色也尽收眼底,教堂内有很多名家的杰作:贝尼尼设计的高达29 米的青铜华盖,米开朗琪罗设计的圣母怜子像,卡诺瓦设计的克莱门特十三世的陵墓以及位于门廊入口处中上方、由乔托设计的扁舟镶嵌图。


Brief historical outline

The first basilica of St.Peter,belonging to the Vatican City,independent State since 1929( Lateran Pacts), was built by emperor Costantin about 320 A.D.near the necropolis which included the tomb of the martyrized Saint,that can still be visited today.Around 1450,reconstruction works were first entrusted to Bernardo Rossellino,later on to Bramante who designed a Greek-cross plan basilica,and then to Raphael who designed it,instead,following a Latin-cross plan.The design by Bramante was resumed and enlarged by Michelangelo in 1547.Before its official conservation in 1626,the church was modified by Carlo Maderno who reverted definitely to the Latin-cross plan.



(B)Castel Sant'Angelo

From St.Peter's walking along Via della Conciliazione one can reach the second top of our itinerary:Castel Sant'Angelo.The unique monument houses the National Museum where,besides the stuccoes,frescoes and furniture of the papal apartments,one can also admire an important collection of ancient arms.Castel Sant'Angelo is well known to Opera lovers,since right from its famous terrace overlooking the heart of Rome,Tosca,the protagonist of Gi-acomo Puccini's opera,threw herself down.



Brief historical outline

Castel Sant'Angelo is an imposingmausoleum built on the banks of the river Tiber,ordered and probably designed by Wmperor Hadrian (2nd century AD),who wished to have a tomb for himself and his successors.Over the centuries Castel Sant'Angelo has undergone several changes:first a fortress against the attacks of the Visigoths and the Ostrogoths,then a prison and finally a magnificent papal residence.



(C)Pizza Navona

From an airview,the arena-like shape of Pizza Navona can be easily noticed,As amatter of fact,the piazza was built on the Stadium of Domitian,whose ruins can still be admired in the adjacent church of Sant'Agnese in Agone.The church, designed by the great architect Francesco Borromini,is an excellent example of the Rome Baroque architecture.In Pizza Navona are three fountains:Fontana del Moro,Fontana di Nettuno and in the centre of the square Bernini'smagnificent Fontana dei Fiumi.Four allegorical statues portray the Nile,the Ganges,the Danube and the Rio de la Plata,symbolizing the four corners of theworld.Traditionally,from the beginning of December till the Epiphany, this piazza is occupied by stalls selling sweets and toys.



Brief historical outline(www.daowen.com)

Around 86 A.D.,Emperor Domitian had a stadium built on a pre-existing amphitheatre of Nero's time and over the centuries the square became a place for games,tournaments and processions.From the 17th to the 19th centuries the square used to be flooded to allow the ships of princes and prelates to parade in a background of fireworks.




The Pantheon is an impressive example of the exquisite architectural technique of ancient Rome.It consists of a huge cylindrical body of equal heightand width,covered by a greathemispherical dome.Important artists such as the painter Raphael are buried there,aswell as the Italian Sovereigns of the period when Italy was amonarchy.

Opposite to the Pantheon is Piazza della Rotonda with its beautiful fountain designed by Giacomo Della Porta.




Brief historical outline

Built as a temple dedicated to all the gods,erected by Marcus Agrippa in 25 B.C.and laterrebuilt by Hadrian around 120 A.D.,the Pantheon underwent several transformations:a Christian church in 609 and a fortress in Medieval Times.



(E)Piazza diSpagna

A meeting place for both Romanand tourist,Pizazza di Spangna is famous for its theatrical staircase,a creation of Francesco De Sanctis,and for its fountain known as La Barcacicia,designed in 1629 by Pietro Bernini and his son Gian Lorenzo in the shape of a boat semisubmerged in water.

At the top of the Spanish Steps is the Church of Trinità deiMonti,erected by order of the king of France LouisⅫin 1502.Farther along,on the left,is Villa Medici,today seat of the Academy of France.The streets that host the most important fashion shops,but also the sites that have left a mark on the history and the culture of Rome depart in rays from Piazza di Spagna.In this respect a visit to CaffèGreco in Via Condotti is not to bemissed.




Brief historical outline

Riginally Piazza di Spagna was named after the imposing church at the top of the great flight of steps,Trinità dei Monti,one of the French churches of Rome.Only in the 17th century,when Palazzo Monaldeschi become knows as Piazza di Spagna in order to win the rivalry with France,owner of Trinità deiMonti.



The second day starts from:( A)Colosseum,walking along Via dei(B) Fori Imperiali to the(C) Roman Forum and from there,crossing Piazza Venezia, to the(D)Campidoglio the Capitoline Museums and the Vittoriano.

第二天从罗马圆形大剧场(A)出发, 步行到帝王广场(B),然后到古罗马广场(C),从这里穿越威尼斯广场到达卡比托利欧广场(D),罗马神殿博物馆和维托里安诺。

(A)The Colosseum

The Colosseum owes its name to a colossal bronze statue,representing the Emperor Nero,more than 35 m.tall,that used to stand in this area. Symbol of Rome Worldwide, the Colosseum was builtby the emperors of the Flavian dynasty between 72-80 A.D.,on the site once occupied by anartificial lake belonging to the magnificent Domus Aurea,a compound of buildings and gardens built by Nero now in ruins but with beautiful decorations which inspired Renaissance painters.As many as 100,000 cubic meters of travertine from the Tivoli quarries were used to build this amphitheatre,the largest ever built in Roman empire.The Colosseum could hold more than 70,000 spectators who could watch the fights between gladiator,the hunting of animals and,at the very beginning,the naumachias:naval battles that took place in the arena that was flooded.The architectwho design the Colosseum is said to have been thrown alive to the wild beast“as a reward for his own work”,thus inaugurating the long story of blood and cruelties of the building he himself had conceived.

In the Middle Ages the Colosseum was transformed into a fortress.Later on,stripped of its structures,it became in turn a quarry for buildingmaterials and finally the east of hospitals,fraternities and craft guilds.Itwas only towards themiddle of the 18th century,that Pope Benedict XIV had it decreed “sacred site”,and the plunder and devastation was stopped.


罗马圆形大剧场的名字来源于过去曾经矗立在这里的一座巨大的青铜雕塑,该雕塑高35 米,是尼禄大帝的塑像。作为罗马的象征,世界闻名的罗马圆形大剧场由弗拉维亚王朝的统治者们于公元72 到80年建造。这里曾经是著名的金宫的人工湖所在地,金宫是尼禄大帝所建的综合了住宅与花园的大型宫殿,现在已成为一片废墟,但它那华丽的装饰启发了文艺复兴时期画家们的灵感。这座罗马帝国最大的圆形剧场用掉了从蒂沃利采石场开采的多达100000 立方米的石料。罗马圆形大剧场可容纳70000 多人,观众在这里可观看角斗士的搏斗、狩猎,而且在最初的时候,人们在这里还可以观看海军表演:在注满水的竞技场进行的海军战斗。据说设计罗马圆形大剧场的建筑师被活生生地扔给了野兽“作为他工作的奖赏”。建筑师用自己的生命开始了他所设想的充满鲜血与残忍的故事,也开始了这座建筑的漫长历史。

中世纪的罗马圆形大剧场被用于制敌要塞。随后,剧场的一部分被拆除,它变成了建筑材料的采石场,最后,被用作医院、互助会和工艺协会。一直到18 世纪中期,罗马教皇本尼迪克特14 世下令这里为“神的所在地”,才停止了对这里的掠夺和破坏。

(B)(C) The Rome Forum

The Rome Forum,the most important archaeological area in Rome,extends from the Capitol Hill to the Palatine.As far back as the 7th century B.C.,the Forum was the centre of the political, commercial and religious life.Later on, to the original Rome Forum were added the Imperial Forums:Foro di Cesare,Foro di Augusto,Foro di Nerva,Foro di Vespasiano and the most imposing one,the Foro di Traiano,of which one can still admire the huge Column of the Markets.


古罗马广场是罗马境内考古学者重要的研究场所,它所在的区域从主神殿山扩展到帕拉廷。一直到公元前7 世纪,古罗马广场一直是政治、经济和宗教生活的中心。随后,在古罗马广场原有的基础上增加了帝王广场:凯撒广场、奥古斯都广场、内尔瓦广场、韦斯帕夏诺广场以及最宏伟的图拉真广场,在这里人们仍可以看到集市广场上巨大的柱子。

(D)The Capitoland the Vittoriano

Since its origins the Capitol hill has been the seat of the city's government and the adequate place for solemn public celebrations.Piazza del Campidoglio,designed by Michelangelo,is surrounded by three noble places:the central one,Palazzo Senatorio,is the seat of the Municipality whereas the two on the sides,Palazzo dei Consrvatori and Palazzo Nuovo,host the treasures of the Capitoline Museums.The Capitoline Picture Gallery contains over 200 paintings from the 14th to the 18th centuries by extraordinary painters such as:Tiziano,Pietro Da Cortona,Caravaggio,Guercino,Rubens and many more.The square is dominated by a copy of the bronze equestrian statue of Mac Aurelius that survived destruction because it was believed to represent the Christian emperor Constantin.The elegant plinth was designed by Michelangelo.The original can be admired inside the adjacent Museum.

A new passageway connects Piazza del Campidoglio to the terraces of the Vittoriano which offer a breathtaking view of the city.The Vittorianowhich offer a breathtaking view of the city.The Vittoriano,also monument to Victor EmanuelⅡfirst king of Italy,is now completely open to the public free of charge,including the Museum-Sanctuary of the Flags of the Armed Forces and the Museum of the Risorgimento that are housed in its interior.The monument was inaugurated in 1911 to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the unification of Italy and since 1921 has been the site of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.


卡彼托山建成之初就是作为市政府的所在地,并被选做举行庄严的公共庆典的地方。米开朗琪罗所设计的卡比托利欧广场被三座贵族宫殿环抱着:中间的市政厅是市政当局的所在地,两旁分别是康塞巴托里宫殿美术馆和新宫,寄存着首都博物馆的众多财宝。罗马神殿画廊陈列着从14 到18 世纪的200 多件绘画珍品,这些作品的作者都是非常出色的画家,例如:提香、毕也特洛伊·达·科托纳、米开朗琪罗·达·卡拉瓦乔、圭尔奇诺、鲁宾斯等等。马可·奥里利乌斯大帝的青铜骑马像矗立在广场上,由于他被认为是基督教的君主而没有遭到破坏。庄重的方形底座是由米开朗琪罗设计的。原物可到邻近的博物馆瞻仰。


旅游宣传手册中关于旅游行程的介绍通常有两部分内容:一是具体的路线介绍和时间安排;二是游览景点,包括历史文化信息的介绍。对于第一部分内容应采用直译的方法,对于第二部分内容可以采取直译加意译的方法,尤其是对景点的描述,考虑到目的语读者的审美情趣和译文表达的需要,可以采取变通的译法。对照以上中英文,我们可以发现译者主要采取的是直译的方法,但也有意译,例如在翻译Arriving at St.Peter's Square,the visitor is immediately impressed by the size of he memorable square facing St.Peter's,surrounded by themagnificent four-row colonnade masterpiece of Gian Lorenzo Bernini时,译者没有受到原文形式的束缚,而是根据译文表达的需要,调整了原文的语序,把它译为“置身于圣彼得广场,映入眼帘的是由杰安· 劳伦佐·贝尼尼设计的四根壮丽精美的柱廊环绕中的圣彼得教堂”。


