理论教育 英语旅游指南文本特点:功能途径研究


时间:2023-11-19 理论教育 版权反馈




以下是摘自知名的旅游指南Cadogan Guide,Lonely Planet和DK Eyewitness Travel Guide中的文字。首先阅读这些实用信息介绍,然后我们对其语言特点进行分析总结。

(77)Getting Around

Transport is very easy alone the coast,by train or especially by bus,with three companies-CAT,CLAP and LAZZI.CAT buses link the Marinas of the coastwith Massa and Carrara,and the towns of Lunigiana; CLAP links Forte deiMarmi and Viareggio with Lucca; LAZZI connects the coast woth Lucca,Montecatini,Pistoia and Florence.

There rare regular trains along the coastal rail line,which hugs the shore except at themouth of the Arno and the Maremma.Trains to Massa or Carrara leave you between the beach and the center,but CAT bus connections to either are frequent.The stations at Pietrasanta and Camaiore are inland,not at the marinas.

By car you can whip through the dull stretches on the A12,or follow the Via Aurelia(SSI),the main Roman route,though both keep their distance from the sea.

——摘自Facaros,D.&Pauls,M.(2005),Tuscany,Umbria &the Marches,Cadogan Guides,p.264

(78)Getting Around


The only significant boat service within Brunei connect BSB with Bangar in the Temburong district.


Brunei isn't a huge place,but outside BSB and off the main routes it's hard to get around without a car.The local bus system within and around BSB is very good and gets you tomost places for B$ 1 to B$2.However,services stop at 6 p.m.and after that you'll have to rely on expensive taxis.


Renting a car is the easiestway to get around Brunei,and Bruneian drivers are quite sane by Southeast Asian standards.It's expensive though (rental starts from B$70 per day) and involves a steep learning curve if you're not used it driving on the left-hand side.


Hitching is remarkably easy in Brunei.Changes are you'll stick out your thumb and get a ride instantly,and it's a greatway tomeet local people.That said,always be careful.Even though Brunei is probably one of the safest places to hitch in Southeast Asia,it's wise to take precautions.Women especially should not hitch alone; if possible,travelwith amale companion.

W ater Taxi

Most shortwater-taxi trips costaround B$2,and you can hire your own water taxi for B$20 to B$25 per hour.To flag one down,head out to one of themany jetties jutting onto the river in and around BSB,and simply wave.The city'swaterfront is filled wit buzzing water taxis,even at night.

——摘自William,C.etc.(2006),Southeast Asia on a Shoestring,Lonely Planet Publications,p.42

(79)Hidden Extras

Before making a reservation,establish whether breakfast is included in the price.Garage parking,laundry and snacks in the hotel or from theminibar may be pricey and telephone charges for your hotel room can be phenomenal.Check the rates first if you are concerned.Some hotelsmay expect you to take full-or half-full-board during the high season.

——摘自Catling,C.(2005),Florence& Tuscany, DK Eyewitness Travel Guide

很明显,这三个篇章都是一些实用信息的介绍,但风格又各有不同。Cadogan Guide的介绍非常实际,几乎全都是事实的呈现,没有太多的评论。例外的是在描写交通设施的时候用到了两个形容词easy和frequent。整个篇章大部分是清晰明了的说明性句子,语气是陈述语气,动词的时态为现在一般时。但也有一些较为主观的描述,例如在描述coastal rail line的时候,用来hugs the shore,还有用whip through the dull stretches on the A12 来描述一种可能性。单词hug,whip,stretches的选择表明了作者的一些主观感受。(www.daowen.com)

Lonely Planet提供了几种交通方式的介绍,内容客观,基本上用的也都是说明性的陈述句,动词的时态也为现在一般时。但评论性的话语比较多,例如形容词good, easiest,great,safest。另外,作者还给读者提供了一些建议:“always be careful”“ it'swise to take precautions”“Women especially should not hitch alone”“if possible,travelwith amale companion”“you can hire your own water taxi”。但作者传达这些建议的时候语气比较委婉,使用了一些表达可能性的情态动词和句子结构。

DK Eyewitness的内容比较单一。它只告诫读者在计划旅行的时候应该注意的事项。其动词基本上使用原形,是祈使语气。另外,作者提供建议的时候也使用了一些表示可能性的情态动词,例如may,can,表明作者在旅行时必须考虑这些选择以避免不愉快。

DK Eyewitness还有一些跨文化的暗含信息。旅游者往往会根据自己在国内旅游的情况期望国外旅游地的情况,作者的建议正是对旅游者的这种期望的疑虑。因此,通过使用情态动词,作者强调了两种文化之间的隐性对比。作者所暗含的文化信息是,旅游者所在国家的车位和电话等服务是免费的。










在比较目的地文化和旅游者本土文化的时候,旅游指南还通过使用隐喻、明喻、释义和重述来缩小两种文化之间的差距。有时旅游指南还把目的地比作更加著名的地方,例如把意大利的San Gimignano(圣季米尼亚诺)描述为a Renaissance Manhattan。这种比较可以使读者从心理上容易接受目的地及其文化,减轻读者的认知负担。这些比较有时被用来强调目的地积极的一面,但有时则被用来说明消极的一面。这一点与促销文本有很大的不同,促销文本只强调目的地积极的一面。旅游指南中作者处于突出的地位,而且旅游指南文本具有很强的信息性特征,所以有必要提醒旅游者不要到某些地方去。例如Cadogan Guide(p.261)中的负面描写:

(80)The sea isn't as clean as itmight be,and the closer you get to the mouth of the Arno and Livorno,the less savoury it becomes.


(81) Lucca rivals any city in Italy for fascination and beauty.One century flows into the next-and rightup to the present-as you walk past shops with medieval and art-nouveau facades,across a Roman amphitheatre turned piazza ad stroll along the magnificent 16th-century ramparts that are now a pleasure garden.This is“the Tuscany that still lives and enjoys,hopes and works” (Henry James).

——摘自Gregston,B.(2005),Drive around Tuscany and Umbria,Thomas Cook,p.108

例(81)中引用了美国著名小说家亨利·詹姆斯(Henry James)的话,具有很强的说服力。因为亨利·詹姆斯曾经漫游欧洲各国,其作品的主题多为他所熟悉的美国和欧洲这两种不同文化和价值体系间的冲突。

在突出作者文化与目的地文化冲突方面还有一个非常有趣的方法:使用口语化表达和反语。使用口语化表达可以使读者有一种归属感和轻松感,而反语是显示作者个人参与旅行体验的重要手段。而且,作者还注意到反语在消除文化误解中的作用,有时也被用来表达作者的部分负面观点。关于旅游指南的口语化风格和反语修辞,我们不妨看一个摘自Cadogan Guide中的例子:

(82)In Italy,the three Ms(the Madonna,Mamma and Mangiare) are still a force to be reckoned with,and in a country where millions if otherwise sane people spend much of theirworking hoursworrying about their digestion,standards both at home and in the restaurants are understandably high.Everybody is a gourmet,or at least thinks he or she is,and food is not only something to eat,but a subject approaching the heights of philosophy-two Umbrian businessmen once overheard on a train heatedly discussed mushrooms for over four hours.Although ready-made pasta,tinned minestrone and frozen pizza inthe supermarket tempt the virtue of the Italian cook,few give in (although many a workingmother wishes she could at times).

For the visitor this national culinary obsession comes as an extra bonus to the senses-along with Italy's remarkable sights,music,and the warm sun on your back,you can enjoy some of the best tastes and smells the world can offer,prepared daily in Italy's kitchen and fermented in its countless wine cellars.Eating all'italiana is not only delicious and wholesome,but now undeniably trendy.Foreigners flock there to learn the secrets of Italian cuisine and the even more exclusive secret of how the Italians can live surrounded by such a plethora of delights,and still fit into their sleek Armani trousers.


关于旅游指南与跨文化表征之间的关系,还需要说明的一点是,让读者认识到文化差异的方法不仅可以通过反语和其他呈现作者地位和主观意志的表达手段,而且还可以通过其他更为中性的语言选择。例如,Eyewitness Guide介绍目的地时就相当客观,但它往往通过词语选择来引起读者关注文化的差异。最后,突出跨文化差异还可以通过给予读者明确的指示,告诉他们在计划旅行的时候需要考虑的事情。

