理论教育 静态与动态:英语教学理论探究


更新时间:2025-01-02 理论教育 版权反馈



Necessary Fictions

The most pathetic in Fredrich Dürrenmatt’s play The Visit is the Schoolmaster. The play tells the story of a town bribed by an enormously wealthy lady(the“visitor” of the title)to murder her former lover. That, at least,is the surface plot. The real plot is the reenactment by the townspeople of the archetypal ritual sacrifice that is the subject of Sir James Frazer’s study of primitive religion. The Golden bough,and that classical scholars such as Gilbert Murray and F. M. Cornford have found at the root of Greek tragedy. The play thus moves on two levels. On one, it is the story of a judicial murder for money,an indictment of materialism. On the other,it has nothing to do with motives in the conventional sense. It is a play about religious impulses that are independent of the ways people explain them.

Dürrenmatt’s Schoolmaster is a key figure because he represents the liberal and rational heritage of Western culture. He is“Headmaster of Guellen College,and lover of the noblest Muse.”He sponsors the town’s Youth Club and describes himself as “a humanist, a lover of the ancient Greeks, an admirer of plato.”He is a true believer in all those liberal and rational values that Western culture has inherited from antiquity.(www.daowen.com)





