1.掌型 blade
2.拳型 fist
3.五指张开掌型 jazz
4.冲拳 punch
5.绕环 circle
6.交叉 cross
7.振臂、摆臂 swing arms
8.两臂前举 arms forward
9.两臂上举 arms upward
10.两臂侧举 arms sideward
11.两臂侧上举 arms obliquely upward
12.两臂侧下举 arms obliquely downward
14.屈臂 bend arms(bicep curl)
15.两手叉腰 hands on hips
16.双手撑地 place hands on floor
17.两臂(左、右臂)伸直 arms (left arm,right arm)stretching
18.两臂下摆(前、后)swing arms downward (forward,backward)
1.基本步伐 basic steps
2.弹动 spring
3.开合跳 jack
4.弓步跳 lunge
5.吸腿跳 knee lift
6.后踢腿跳 jog
7.弹踢腿跳 skip
8.钟摆跳 swing
9.踢腿跳 kick
10.踏步 march
11.走步 walk
12.漫步 mambo
13.并步 step touch
14.一字步 ezy walk
15.V字步 V step
16.交叉步 grapevine
17.十字步 cross step
18.小马跳 pony
19.摆腿跳 leg lift
20.双腿跳 jump
21.单腿跳 hop
22.踏步跳 leap
23.跑跳步 running jump
24.点地(后脚跟点地)heel tap forward
25.侧踹 side kick
26.半蹲 squat
27.单膝跪立 half-kneeling
28.双膝跪坐 (跪立)knees sitting (standing)
29.腿伸直 straighten legs
30.绷脚尖 pointed toes
31.提踵 calf raise
32.分腿 legs apart
33.并腿 legs joined
34.起跳 take-off
1.挺胸 thrust forward the chest
2.立腰 straighten up
3.核心收紧 pull into the center
4.身体伸直 straighten the body
5.重心 center of gravity
6.体前屈(侧、后)bend the body forwards(sidewards,backwards)
1.实践课 the practice lesson
2.理论课 the theory lesson(www.daowen.com)
3.集合 gather
4.解散 disband
5.立正 attention
6.稍息 at ease
7.报数(1~2报数)count numbers (1 to 2)
8.向右(左)看齐 eyes right (left)
9.向前看 eyes forward
10.跑步走 running step
11.立定 stop
12.小结 summary
13.向右(左、后)转 turn right (left,back)
14.开始位置 start position
15.结束姿势 definitive position
16.预备——开始 ready start
17.4个8拍 4 times 8
18.坐(蹲)下 sit(squat)down
19.准备活动 warm up (limber-up)
20.示范 demonstration
21.质量 quality
22.素质练习 fitness training
23.放松活动 cooling down
24.敬礼 solute
25.礼毕 over
1.动力性力量 dynamic strength
2.俯卧撑 push up
3.文森俯卧撑 wenson push up
4.文森后倒 lifted wenson hinge push up
5.直升飞机 helicopter
6.托马斯 flair
7.静力性力量 static strength
8.支撑 support
9.分腿支撑 straddle support
10.直角支撑 l-support
11.直角支撑转体360° l-support 1/1 turn
12.水平支撑 planchet
13.跳与跃 jumps & leaps
14.直体跳 straight jump
15.空转 air turn
16.直体跳转360° 1/1 air turn
17.给纳 gainer
18.团身跳 tuck jump
19.团身跳劈腿 tuck jump to split
20.科萨克 cossack jump
21.科萨克转体360°成俯撑 1/1 turn cossack jump to push up
20.屈体跳 pike jump
21.屈体分腿跳 straddle
22.屈体分腿跃 straddle leap
23.横劈腿跳 frontal split
24.纵劈腿跳 split jump
25.跨跳 split leap
26.交换腿跃 switch split leap
27.剪式变身跳 scissors leap
28.旋子 butterfly
29.平衡与柔韧 balance & flexibility
30.横劈腿前穿split through
31.垂地劈腿 vertical split
32.单足转体720° 2/1 turn
33.依柳辛 illusion
34.搬腿转体360° balance 1/1 turn
35.4次连续垂地高踢腿 four consecutive vertical high leg kicks