理论教育 中国行政区划简表和中英文对照


时间:2023-11-17 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:A city name plus * means a prefecture-level city with 2 or more municipal district. ③地名加**者,指省级政府直辖行政单位。Place name plus * * refers to the administrative unit of the provincial government under the central government. ④中文地名后之“()”内为市辖区;英文不译。“()” after the Chinese geographical name is the municipal district; English is not translated. ⑤内蒙古与个别地名采用现行的汉语拼音,在其后的“()”采用传统英译名。The names in Inner Mongoliaand individual place are based on the existing Chinese phonetic alphabet, followed“()”by the traditional English translation. ⑥同一省内出现相同英译地名,分别在其后之“”内加地级市名区分。


* ①本表依据:中华人民共和国民政部编.中华人民共和国行政区划简册:2016.北京:中国地图出版社,2016;中国地图出版社编著.中国地图册.北京:中国地图出版社,2014(2017重印)编制。
②市名加*者,指含有2个及其以上市辖区的地级市(俗称)。 A city name plus * means a prefecture-level city with 2 or more municipal district(vulgo).
③地名加**者,指省级政府直辖行政单位。Place name plus * * refers to the administrative unit of the provincial government under the central government.
④中文地名后之“()”内为市辖区;英文不译。“()” after the Chinese geographical name is the municipal district; English is not translated.
⑤内蒙古与个别地名采用现行的汉语拼音,在其后的“()”采用传统英译名。 The names in Inner Mongolia(Inner Mongolia)and individual place are based on the existing Chinese phonetic alphabet, followed“()”by the traditional English translation.
⑥同一省内出现相同英译地名,分别在其后之“【】”内加地级市名区分。Same English translation of place names in the same province, followed by “【】” and prefecture-level city names.
⑦虽然现“大兴安岭地区”取消了原辖政企合一的4个区,但其地跨内蒙古与黑龙江二省级地域,具有特殊性,故特将其视为俗称“地级市”。Although the“ Daxing’anling Area”has abolished the 4 areas of the original government and enterprise, the area has a special nature across Neim Mongl Zizhiqu(Inner Mongolia Aut. Reg.)and Heilongjiang Province, so it is regarded as the commonly known“prefecture level city”.





















