理论教育 中国珍稀野生动物分布变迁地图集:鼍科


时间:2023-11-17 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:短吻鳄属 Alligator扬子鳄组图Maps of Chinese Alligators 扬子鳄 Alligator sinensis Chinese alligator, Yangtzi alligator, Alligator sinensis 、它、鱓、鳝、鼍、鼍龙、鱼、土龙、中华鼍、中华鳄、猪婆龙等。


短吻鳄属 Alligator


Maps of Chinese Alligators

【中文学名】 扬子鳄

拉丁学名】 Alligator sinensis

【英文名】 Chinese alligator, Yangtzi alligator, Alligator sinensis

【中文别名】 、它、鱓、鳝、鼍、鼍龙、鱼、土龙、中华鼍、中华鳄、猪婆龙等。

图2-1 扬子鳄(洪小卫)

图2-2 扬子鳄(洪小卫)

图2-3 扬子鳄(洪小卫)

图2-4 扬子鳄(洪小卫)

图2-5 扬子鳄(洪小卫)

图2-6 扬子鳄(洪小卫)

图2-7 马来鳄[1]

图2-8 马来鳄[2]

地图2-1 扬子鳄遗存分布地点概况图
Note: The Paleocene distribution location The Eocene distribution location The Miocene distribution location The Pliocene distribution location The Pleistocene distribution location The Holocene distribution location

图2-9 马来鳄[3]


图2-10 马来鳄[4]

地图2-2 现存扬子鳄分布图

Note: Current distribution location North China Northeast China East China South Central China Southwest China Northeast China

地图2-3 历史时期扬子鳄分布变迁图
Note: Remains distribution location Distribution location before the 20th century Distribution location in frist half of the 20th century Distribution location in second half of the 20th century Current distribution location

地图2-6 历史时期扬子鳄分布北界变迁图
Note: B.C.2200 B.C.200~A.D.200 A.D.900 A.D.2000 Now

地图2-7 历史时期湘桂川滇间的扬子鳄与马来鳄状况图
Note: Southwestern boundary line of Chinese alligator in historical period Suspected Chinese alligator location Crocodile relics distribution location Remaining“crocodile”location The northwestern boundary of the Mala crocodile

古人眼中的动物 Animals in the eyes of the ancients

商 Shang Dynasty

商 Shang Dynasty

三国 The Three Kingdoms

明 Ming Dynasty

清 Qing Dynasty


[1]http: //www.naturalis.nl/nl/kennis/collectie/Sterren-van-Naturalis/onechte-gaviaal/

[2]http: //venomland.forumotions.net/t135-crocs-at-herpaworld-picture

[3]http: //viewpoint.mydrivers.com/1/485/485297.htm

[4]http: //www.iciba.com/马来鳄

