理论教育 四种旅游服务品类&旅游英语即听即说


时间:2023-11-02 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:你一定要会说的场景句1.我想要叫醒服务。要求叫醒服务A:I’m going to Shanghai early tomorrow morning.I would like to request an early morning call.我明天一早要去上海。提供叫醒服务A:Would you like a wake-up call?延伸 Don’t worry,sir.We have wake-up service.先生,别担心,我们有叫醒服务。您要哪一种叫醒服务?We have express service.我们有快洗服务。女士,您需要服务吗?




I would like to request an early morning call.


Would you like a wake-up call?


At what time would you like us to call you tomorrow morning?


I have some laundry to do.


Yes,my air conditioner isn’t working well.


Shall I call a doctor for you?


I’ve lost my camera.


May I clean your room now?


A:I’m going to Shanghai early tomorrow morning.I would like to request an early morning call.我明天一早要去上海。我想要叫醒服务。

B:Yes,Mr.Wang,at what time would you like us to call you tomorrow morning?好的,王先生,您希望我们明早何时叫醒您呢?

延伸 I wonder if your hotel has the morning call service.你们宾馆有叫醒服务吗?

I’ll have a 6 o’clock morning call.我要一个早上6点的叫醒电话。


A:Would you like a wake-up call?您想要叫醒服务吗?

B:Yes.I’m going to attend a speech this afternoon.Would you please wake me up at 2:00 p.m.?是的。今天下午我要参加一个演讲,请你们下午两点叫醒我。

延伸 Don’t worry,sir.We have wake-up service.先生,别担心,我们有叫醒服务。

What kind of wake-up call would you like to have,by phone or by knocking at the door?您要哪一种叫醒服务?打电话,还是敲门?


A:At what time would you like us to call you tomorrow morning?您想让我们明天早上什么时候叫醒您?

B:I need to make sure I’m woken up by 5:00.我一定得在5点前被叫醒。

延伸 At what time do you want me to call you up,sir?您要我什么时候叫醒您,先生?

At 6 sharp tomorrow morning,please.请在明早6点整叫醒我。

What time would you like the call?您希望我们几点叫您?

Call me at 7:00 a.m.早上7点钟叫我。


A:Room service.What can I do for you?客房服务,需要帮忙吗?


① call service 叫醒服务 ② attend 参加

③ knock 敲(门)

B:I have some laundry to do.我有些东西要洗。(www.daowen.com)

延伸 I want to have a dress washed,but I’m afraid it might fade.我想洗套衣服,又担心会褪色。

Excuse me.Have you any laundry?对不起,请问有没有要洗的衣服?

We have express service.我们有快洗服务。

We’ll dry-clean the dress.我们将干洗这条裙子

Is your dress color fading?您的衣服褪色吗?

The laundry will be done in two days.So will tomorrow afternoon be all right?衣服两天内洗完,所以明天下午送来行吗?


A:Did you call for service,madam?女士,您需要服务吗?

B:Yes,my air conditioner isn’t working well.是的。我的空调坏了。

延伸 We’ll send someone to repair it immediately.我们会马上派人来修的。

I’ll report it to the maintenance.我会将此事告知维修人员。

We can have it repaired.我们能找人修理。

There’s something wrong with the desk lamp.台灯有些毛病。

The light bulb should be changed.I’ll replace it with a new one.灯泡该换了。我给您换个新的。


A:I feel very bad.我感觉不太舒服。

B:Shall I call a doctor for you?要我帮您叫医生吗?

延伸 I’m sorry to hear that you are not feeling well.What’s the problem?听说您不舒服,我很难过。您哪里不舒服?

Have you had any fever or any other symptoms such as a sore throat or a cough?您有发烧或其他如嗓子痛、咳嗽之类的症状吗?


A:Do you have a nice day,sir?你今天过得愉快吗,先生?


① laundry 要洗的衣服 ② fade 褪色 ③ color fading 褪色

④ repair 修理 ⑤ maintenance 维修 ⑥ light bulb 灯泡

⑦ symptom 症状

B:Not quite.I’ve lost my camera.不太好,我遗失了相机。

延伸 Someone found it in the corridor this morning.It could be the one that Mrs.Baker lost.有人今早在楼道里捡到了一部,很可能是贝克尔太太丢的那部。

What style is it?什么样式的?

We will contact you if it is located.如果找到了,我们会与您联系。

We’ve already looked for it and haven’t found it.我们已经找过了,可没找到。


A:Good morning!May I clean your room now?早上好!我现在能清理您的房间吗?

B:Could you come back later?你能过一会儿再来吗?

延伸 We will come back and clean your room immediately.我们会立刻来清理您的房间。

When would you like me to do your room,sir?您要我什么时间来给您打扫房间呢,先生?

Could you come back in three hours?你能不能过3小时再来整理?

You can do it now if you like.如果您愿意,现在就可以打扫。


① contact 联系

