理论教育 6个简单方法保持健康


时间:2023-11-02 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:To my mind,the best way to keep t is to go in for sports.5.我通过运动减去了10公斤。I lost ten kilos by exercising.6.现在瑜伽挺流行的。我的病不严重,很快就会好的。喂,吉姆,晚餐后去喝几杯啤酒怎么样?它只会让我们发胖,举止笨拙。运动有利于健康A:Right you are!




Aren’t you feeling well?


You know that is tempting but it is really not good for our fitness.


I’m becoming chubby,and I have to slim down.


To my mind,the best way to keep fit is to go in for sports.


I lost ten kilos by exercising.


Yoga is rather popular nowadays.


Jim,how often do you come bowling?


Why don’t you attend an aerobic class?


A:Good morning, Mr. Smith.Oh, what’s the matter?Aren’t you feeling well?


B:I’m afraid I feel rather bad this morning. I had a splitting headache last night.


延伸 Oh,I’m sorry to hear that. Is it any better now?啊!真是太遗憾了。您现在好一些了吗?

Yes,thanks. I took a couple of aspirins last night and sweated it out.But I still feel rather groggy.是的,谢谢。昨晚我吃了两片阿司匹林,出了一身汗。不过,我仍然感觉头晕眼花。

That’s too bad.We’ll have to do something about it.Shall I call a doctor?那太糟了。我们得带您去看病。我去请医生,好吗?

Please don’t bother.It’s nothing serious. I’ll be all right soon.请别麻烦了。我的病不严重,很快就会好的。

It’s no bother.Look, what about going to the hospital and having a general check-up?不麻烦。这样吧,您去医院做一个全面检查,怎么样?


A:Say Jim, how about going for a few beers after dinner?喂,吉姆,晚餐


B:You know that is tempting but it is really not good for our fitness. 你知道,


延伸 What do you mean? It will help us to relax.你这是什么意思?它会有利于我们放松一下的。

Do you really think so?I don’t.It will just make us fat and act silly.Remember last time?你真的这么想吗?我可不这么想。它只会让我们发胖,举止笨拙。还记得上次在一起喝酒吗?

I guess you are right.But what shall we do?I don’t feel like sitting at home.我猜你是对的。但我们做点儿什么呢?我不想坐在家里。


① headache 头疼 ② aspirin 阿司匹林

③ general check-up 全面检查 ④ relax 放松

I suggest a walk over to the gym where we can play ping-pong and meet some of our friends.我建议去体育馆,打打乒乓球,会会朋友。


A:Linda,would you care for some candy or cookies?琳达,你要来点儿糖果或小甜饼吗?

B:No.Don’t try to tempt me.I’m becoming chubby,and I have to slim down.


延伸 You’re not really chubby. You are actually thin enough.你并不胖,实际上你挺瘦的。

I don’t think so.I know I’ve put on weight this winter.我不这样认为。我知道这个冬天我的体重增加了。

So,you’re watching your weight?那么,你时刻都在注意你的体重?

Yes.To tell you the truth,I’m on a diet.当然。说实话,我在节食。


A:Right you are!Can you give me some tips as to how to keep fit?你说得对!你能给我一些关于保持身体健康的指导吗?

B:To my mind,the best way to keep fit is to go in for sports.依我看来,保持


延伸 What kind of sports do you participate in4 ? 你参加什么体育运动呢?

I play football once a week. 我每星期踢一次足球

I used to play football,but I don’t have time any more.我以前踢足球,可是,我再也抽不出时间了。

That’s too bad. Exercise is very important for your health.那可不好呀,运动对你的健康很重要。


A:You look a little thinner than before.你看上去好像比以前瘦些了。

B:I do.I lost ten kilos by exercising.是的。我通过运动减去了10公斤。

延伸 No wonder you look so good.How often do you work out?难怪你看上去这么棒。



① tempt 诱惑 ② chubby 胖的

③ keep fit 保持健康 ④ participate in 参加

I jog thirty minutes every morning and then I lift weights in the afternoon.我每天早上慢跑30分钟,然后下午举重

I think I’m going to start working out.我看我也要开始运动了。

You really should.It makes you feel a lot better.And you’ll find some pleasure in sports.



A:Yoga is rather popular nowadays.现在瑜伽挺流行的。

B:Yeah,I know it.But is it for women only?是的,这我知道。但是不是只有女性才可以练呢?

延伸 No,men can also do it.As a matter of fact,yoga is simply a special gymnastic exercise.

But you have to pay attention to its particular way of breathing while practicing it.不是,男性也可以练瑜伽。实际上,瑜伽只是一种特别的体操运动。你只需要在练习瑜伽时注意其特别的呼吸方式就行了。

Oh,I see.Is it tiresome?哦,我明白了。练习瑜伽累吗?

Well,in the beginners’ class,it’s not tiresome at all. But in the advanced class,it’s rather demanding.嗯……在初级班,你一点儿也不会感到累;但高级班对体力的要求确实有些高。

That sounds pretty much like aerobics.I used to do that.But I’ve been lazy for a long time.这听上去倒很像做有氧运动。我以前常做那个,但现在已经好久不做了。

In that case,it’s easier for you to learn yoga for it has something in common with aerobics.那样的话,你学瑜伽会容易一些,因为瑜伽和有氧运动有共同之处。

Great.I’m going to sign up for a class this weekend.太好了,我这周末就去报名参加瑜伽班。


A:Jim, how often do you come bowling?吉姆,你多久打一次保龄球?

B:Not as often as I’d like to.It’s so expensive here in Beijing,and you often


① as a matter of fact 实际上 ② aerobics 有氧运动

have to wait in line for a lane at weekends.So maybe only once a month. How about you?不是想打就能打。在北京打保龄球非常贵,而且在周末必须排队等球道,所以大约一个月打一次。你呢?

延伸 Just the same.I don’t like it too seriously.My highest score is only 125 points,which I only got once. I usually average around 105.我也一样。我打保龄球只不过是玩玩而已。最高纪录只有一次打出了125分,通常我平均打105分左右。

Me,too. My highest score is only 120,and like you,I average around 105.So it sounds like it’s going to be an evenly matched game.我也跟你一样,最高分只有120分,平均105分左右。看起来我们势均力敌嘛!

Good,it’s more fun that way.太好了,这样比较有趣。


A:I really need to lose some weight.我真的需要减肥了。

B:Why don’t you attend an aerobic class?你为什么不去参加一个有氧健身班呢?

延伸 It might be a good idea to join a fitness center.您可以参加健身中心。

You need to work out.你需要去锻炼一下。

I exercise every morning by jogging.我每天早上做慢跑运动。

I go to the gym a lot.我常去健身房。


① fitness center 健身中心 ② jog 慢跑

