理论教育 北京旅游英语即听即说:京剧、戏曲和交响乐介绍


时间:2023-11-02 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:你一定要会说的场景句1.首都剧院正在上演一出新戏。Mary,would you like to dance with me?延伸 Beijing opera① is popular with both Chinese and westerners.京剧很受中国人和西方人的欢迎。There are dozens of kinds of dramas② in China.中国有几十种戏剧。I especially love the first three movements⑧ of the Ninth Symphony.我特别喜欢《第九交响曲》的前三个乐章。The woodwind quartet⑨ is composed by Mozart.这支木管四重奏是由莫扎特作曲的。华尔兹是我最喜欢的舞蹈之一。




There’s a new play at the Capital Theater.


What do you think of last night’s concert?


What type of music do you like best?


Mary,would you like to dance with me?


What dances do you like?


Would you like to go to the movies tonight?


Is it simple to buy in and sell out stocks online?


I’ve got some free tickets for an art exhibition on Sunday.


A:There’s a new play at the Capital Theater.首都剧院正在上演一出新戏。

B:What’s its name?叫什么?

延伸 Beijing opera is popular with both Chinese and westerners.京剧很受中国人和西方人的欢迎。

There are dozens of kinds of dramas in China.中国有几十种戏剧。

What’s the most popular comedy now?现在最红的喜剧是什么?

How is the comment about this drama?对于这场舞台剧的评价如何?


A:What do you think of last night’s concert?你觉得昨晚的音乐会怎么样?

B:It was wonderful.How do you like it?非常好。你觉得如何?

延伸 I just like the classic music.我只爱听古典音乐

I’m just a layman,and I can’t keep track of the new music.我只是个门外汉,跟不上新音乐潮流。

I especially love the first three movements of the Ninth Symphony.我特别喜欢《第九交响曲》的前三个乐章

The woodwind quartet is composed by Mozart.这支木管四重奏是由莫扎特作曲的。


A:What type of music do you like best?你最喜欢哪一类音乐呢?

B:I like classical music best.我最喜欢古典音乐。

延伸 I like the tenor solo fairly well.我很喜欢男高音独唱。

What’s your favorite kind of music?Do you like pop music?你喜欢什么样的音乐?你喜欢流行音乐吗?

Almost all kinds of music.But I like country music11) best.几乎所有的音乐我都喜欢。但我最喜欢乡村音乐。


① Beijing opera 京剧 ② drama 戏剧 ③ comedy 喜剧

④ comment 评价 ⑤ classic music 古典音乐 ⑥ layman 门外汉

⑦ keep track of 跟上 ⑧ movement 乐章 ⑨ woodwind quartet 木管四重奏

⑩ tenor solo 男高音独唱 11) country music 乡村音乐


A:Mary,would you like to dance with me?I hear you are a good dancer.玛丽,我们跳个舞吧?我听说你是舞林高手呢。

B:Thank you for your inviting.谢谢你的邀请。

延伸 I don’t care for the fox trot.我不喜欢跳狐步舞

I think I’ll sit out the next dance.I’m tired.下一支舞我不想跳了,我有点儿累。

I always enjoy dancing with you.Waltz is one of my favorite dances.我喜欢和你跳舞。华尔兹是我最喜欢的舞蹈之一。


A:What dances do you like?你喜欢跳什么舞?

B:I love to dance the fast music.我喜欢跳快节奏的舞。延伸 I like the old styles of dance,such as waltz,rumba,tango and so on.They are graceful.我喜欢旧式舞蹈,比如华尔兹、伦巴、探戈等。它们很优雅。

Why do you like the old styles of dance?你为什么喜欢旧式舞蹈?

Do you think I should like modern dance?你觉得我应该喜欢现代舞吗?


A:Would you like to go to the movies tonight?今天晚上去看电影怎么样?

B:Well,I just saw a horror movie last night.It almost frightenedme to death.


延伸 The plot is quite simple,but it has got a great theme.情节很简单,但主题很深刻。

That was a great movie and Zhang Manyu was wonderful in it.那部电影太棒了,张曼玉在里面演得好极了。

This movie was very touching.这部电影非常感人。

What’s your comment on this movie?你怎么评价这部影片?


A:Is it simple to buy in and sell out stocks online?网上买卖股票,操作容易吗?


① fox trot 狐步舞 ② waltz 华尔兹 ③ graceful 优雅的

④ modern dance 现代舞 ⑤ horror movie 恐怖片 ⑥ frighten 惊吓

⑦ touching 感人的

B:Yes it is.You should log in the server,and fill in the account,password,etc.


延伸 Over the Internet I can buy stocks and seek my stock value.在网上我可以买股票,查看股票行情。

I don’t know.I’m just looking for some girls to chat with on the Internet.我不知道,我正试图通过网络寻找能谈得来的女孩。

I am hooked on it and I spend all my spare time on it.我对它很着迷,我所有的空闲时间都用来玩它了。

The Internet has become the most important part of people’s life.互联网已经成为人们生活中最重要的一部分了。


A:I’ve got some free tickets for an art exhibition on Sunday.Do you want to go with me?我这儿有几张周日艺术展的免费票。你想去吗?

B:Sure,I’ve nothing better to do.Which art galleryis it at?好啊。反正我也没什么更好的事可做。在哪个展馆啊?

延伸 I really like those super realism paintings.我真的很喜欢那些特别棒的现实主义绘画作品。

Do you want to go to the photographic art exhibition with me?你想和我一起去看摄影艺术展吗?

You’d be fascinated by what is on display.你将会被陈列的文物吸引住。

The Metropolitan is worth visiting.大都会博物馆值得参观。


① be hooked 对……着迷 ② art gallery 展馆,艺术馆

③ realism 现实主义 ④ fascinate 吸引

⑤ display 陈列

