理论教育 中国旅游景点-世界最大广场,天安门广场


时间:2023-11-02 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:B:Yes,you are right.It covers 720,000 square meters.是的,你说对了,它占地72万平方米。Because it’s “forbidden” to the common people.因为它是“禁止”普通人入内的。延伸 Yes,it is also the biggest square in the world.是的,这也是世界上最大的广场。On the east side of Tian’anmen Square,the buildings are the Museum of History and the Museum of the Chinese Revolution.天安门广场东侧是历史博物馆和中国革命博物馆。你都游了哪些景点?那是我去过的最美的地方之一。你去太湖游玩了吗?




The Palace Museum is so large.


This is Tian’anmen Square.


Do you know Lushan Mountain?


How do you like Wuxi?


This is Jiuzhaigou.


Hangzhou has always been known as “the earthly paradise”.


How is Mount Tai?


The most famous buildings to see in Lhasa are the Jokhang Templeand Potala Palace.


Do you know Dunhuang?


A:The Palace Museum is so large.故宫太大了。

B:Yes,you are right.It covers 720,000 square meters.是的,你说对了,它占地72万平方米。

延伸 There are so many rooms,too.房间也很多。

Yes.It is said that the Palace Museum contains 9,999 rooms.是的。据说故宫有9999个房间。

9,999 rooms? I hardly believe it.9999间?我真不敢相信。

Do you know why it’s called Forbidden City in ancient times?你知道在古代它为什么叫紫禁城吗?

No,I don’t know.不,我不知道。

Because it’s “forbidden” to the common people.因为它是“禁止”普通人入内的。

So we are lucky now.所以我们现在很幸运。

I think so.我也这么认为。


A:This is Tian’anmen Square.这就是天安门广场。

B:What a beautiful square!多漂亮的广场啊!

延伸 Yes,it is also the biggest square in the world.是的,这也是世界上最大的广场。

What’s the building over there?那边的建筑是什么?

It’s the Great Hall of the People.那是人民大会堂。

On the east side of Tian’anmen Square,the buildings are the Museum of History and the Museum of the Chinese Revolution.天安门广场东侧是历史博物馆和中国革命博物馆。


A:Do you know Lushan Mountain?你知道庐山吗?

B:Yes,of course.是的,当然知道。

延伸 It is a very beautiful place.那是一个非常漂亮的地方。

Yes,I have been there before.是的,我以前去过那儿。

Really?Which scenic spots did you visit?真的吗?你都游了哪些景点

I visited Guling.我去了牯岭。


① Forbidden City 紫禁城 ② square 广场

You must have had a bird’s-eye view of Poyang Lake on the way to Guling.你一定在去牯岭的路上鸟瞰到鄱阳湖了。

Yes,Poyang Lake is very great.Moreover,I saw many fine mountain scenes on the way.是的,鄱阳湖真是波澜壮阔。而且,在路上我还欣赏到了许多漂亮的山景。

Do you like Lushan Mountain?你喜欢庐山吗?

Of course.It’s one of the most beautiful places I have been to.当然。那是我去过的最美的地方之一。


A:How do you like Wuxi?你觉得无锡怎么样?

B:It’s a charming place.And the best is Lake Taihu Scenic Area.那可是个令人神往的地方。最棒的要数太湖风景区了。

延伸 Have you visited Lake Taihu?你去太湖游玩了吗?

Of course.I boated on it and reached several famous islets.当然了。我还在湖上泛舟,去了好几个有名的小岛


Yes, there are 48 islets there.是的,那儿有48个小岛。

It sounds so interesting.听起来太有意思了。

And I visited Turtle Head Islet,the most attractive scenery on Lake Taihu.我还去了太湖最美的景点鼋头渚。

lt must be more beautiful.那儿肯定更漂亮。

Of course yes. You can go there while you are free.那是当然。你有空也可以去那儿玩。


A:This is Jiuzhaigou.这就是九寨沟。

B:Is Jiuzhaigou a nature reserve ? 九寨沟是一个自然保护区吗?

延伸 Sure.There are 15 nature reserves altogether in Sichuan.And it’s one of them.当然。四川共有15个自然保护区,九寨沟是其中之一。

Can you explain the name of it?你能解释一下九寨沟名字的来历吗?

Certainly.Jiuzhaigou is named after the nine Tibetan-style villages situated in the valley.当然可以。九寨沟因该峡谷中坐落着九个藏族村寨而得名。


① bird’s-eye 鸟瞰 ② islet 小岛

③ nature reserve 自然保护区 ④ situate 坐落

And what is the most typical scenery in Jiuzhaigou?那么九寨沟最典型的自然景观是什么?

Well,it’s most famous for its waterscape and virgin forests.嗯,最著名的是水景和原始森林。

Where shall we go first?我们先去哪儿?

What about the virgin forests?先去原始森林怎么样?

OK.Let’s go.行,走吧。


A:It’s so beautiful here.这儿真漂亮。

B:Hangzhou has always been known as “the earthly paradise”.杭州一向被视为“人间天堂”。

延伸 Let’s do the West Lake first,OK?我们先去游西湖,好不好?

No problem.没问题。

Where are we now?我们现在在哪儿?

Here is Viewing Fish at the Flower Pond.这里是花港观鱼。

Could we take a boat trip on the West Lake?我们可以在西湖上划船吗?

Of course.We’ll see Three Pools Mirroring the Moon soon.There are three small stone pagodas rising from the lake.On the night of the Moon Festival,people place candles inside the pagodas.The reflections of the light imitate the real moon.当然了。我们马上就可以看到三潭印月了。湖中有三个高出水面的小石塔。中秋之夜,人们在里面放上蜡烛,烛光反射到水面上的影子,很像月亮的影子。

Wonderful!Are there any other resorts in Hangzhou?真妙啊!杭州还有别的景点吗?

Yes,it includes Lingyin Temple,China Silk Museum and China Tea Museum and so on.是的,还有灵隐寺中国丝绸博物馆和中国茶叶博物馆等。

When shall we go there?我们什么时候去?

What about going there now?现在就去怎么样?

Wait for a moment,please.I’ll take some photos first.请等一会儿。我先拍几张照片。


A:How is Mount Tai?泰山怎么样?

B:Oh,it was out of my imagination!哦,真是超乎想象!

延伸 Really?是吗?


① virgin forest 原始森林 ② pagoda 宝塔

③ imagination 想象

Yes.Mount Tai is a perfect example of the kind of mountain resort that embodies natural scenery and cultural heritage.是的。泰山将自然景观和文化遗迹完美地融为了一体。

Tell me something about it.给我讲讲吧。

It boasts numerous exotic rock formations,waterfalls,age-old pine trees,stone bridges,temples and balls.The sights there are so beautiful.泰山上有数不胜数的奇石、瀑布、古松、石桥、庙宇和殿堂。那儿的风景实在是太美了。

I’d like to go there,too.我也想去那儿旅游。

I’m on your side.我支持你。


A:The most famous buildings to see in Lhasa are the Jokhang Temple and Potala Palace.拉萨市内值得参观的主要建筑有大昭寺、布达拉宫。

B:l’ve been to Potala Palace,but I don’t know what Potala means.我去过布达拉宫,但不知道“布达拉”是什么意思。

延伸 It means “Buddha’s Mountain”.它的意思是“佛山”。

Shall we go there again?我们还去那儿吗?

No,we’ll go to the Jokhang Temple.How do you like it?不,我们去大昭寺。你觉得怎么样?

What a good idea!好主意!


A:Do you know Dunhuang?你知道敦煌吗?

B:Yes,it’s in Gansu Province.知道,它在甘肃省。

延伸 Is there anything interesting in Dunhuang?敦煌有什么好玩的吗?

The most famous spot of interest is Mogao Grot toes.最有名的景点是莫高窟。

I think I knew it.我想我知道。

Mogao Grottoes are really a world-famous art treasury.莫高窟真是举世闻名的艺术宝库

What are the main art works?主要是什么艺术品呢?

There are many murals and sculptures.有许多壁画和石刻。

It must be beautiful.I want to take some pictures there.那一定很漂亮。我想去那儿拍些照片。

In order to protect the cultural relics,tourists are not allowed to take any camera into it.为了保护文物,游客们是不能携带相机进入窟内的。


① embody 使具体化 ② cultural heritage 文化遗产

③ boast 有(值得自豪的东西) ④ sculpture 雕塑

⑤ relic 遗迹

