理论教育 比莉布鲁斯(Billie’sBlues):流行音乐之旅


时间:2023-10-22 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:by Billie HolidayLord I love my man,tell the world I doI love my man,tell the world I doBut when he mistreats meMakes me feel so blueMy man wouldn't give me no breakfastWouldn't give me no dinnerFought about my supper and put me outdoorsHad the nerve to lay a match back on my clothesI didn't have so manyBut I had a long,long way to goSome men like me talkin' happySome calls it snappySome call me honeyOthers think I got moneySome tell me baby you're built for speedNow if you put that all togetherMakes me everything a good man needs《比莉布鲁斯》是比莉·荷利黛风格的标志性歌曲之一。比莉·荷利黛的歌,被誉为那个年代黑人苦难生活的代言,她在1939年演唱《奇异果》时引起极大的争议。


by Billie Holiday

Lord I love my man,tell the world I do

I love my man,tell the world I do

But when he mistreats me

Makes me feel so blue

My man wouldn't give me no breakfast

Wouldn't give me no dinner

Fought about my supper and put me outdoors

Had the nerve to lay a match back on my clothes

I didn't have so many

But I had a long,long way to go

Some men like me talkin' happy

Some calls it snappy(www.daowen.com)

Some call me honey

Others think I got money

Some tell me baby you're built for speed

Now if you put that all together

Makes me everything a good man needs

《比莉布鲁斯》(Billie’s Blues)是比莉·荷利黛风格的标志性歌曲之一。



比莉·荷利黛(Billie Holiday,1915~1959)的歌,被誉为那个年代黑人苦难生活的代言,她在1939年演唱《奇异果》(Strange Fruit)时引起极大的争议。歌曲描述了美国种族极端主义者把黑奴吊死在树上的悲惨故事。当她在舞台上演唱的时候,一个黑人妇女冲向舞台,大声哭喊,阻止她演唱,现场让她回忆起了童年时看见黑奴被吊死在树上的惨状,随后与荷利黛在舞台上抱头痛哭。

荷利黛的歌声源自于灵魂深处,是对那种苦难岁月的柔声倾诉,既是在代言,也是在言及自己悲惨的命运,那一份真诚换来了众多歌迷的认同,感人至深,令人动容。在她离开后的很多年,仍被视作最受人崇敬的偶像。比莉的代表作品还有:《上帝保佑孩子》(God bless the child)、《我心中的格鲁吉亚》(Georgia on my mind)、《忧郁的星期天》(Gloomy Sunday)、《轻松的生活》(Easy Living)等。


