理论教育 语式对法律语言的影响


更新时间:2025-01-03 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:摘录5-12I have known Craig since I went to school.We were stopped by our parents going out together,but we still continued going out with each other-I mean we have not gone out together until tonight.I was watching television tonightand between 8pm and 9pm Craig called for me.My Mother answered the door and I heard her say I was out.I had been out earlier to the pictures and got home just after 7pm.A little later Norman Parsley and Frank Fazey called.I did not answer the door or speak to them.自我上学起我就认识克雷格。在声明的开始,克里斯多夫·克雷格被称为“Craig”,然后被称为“Chris Craig”,但在第二个摘录中,他总是被称为“Chris”。

在德里克·宾利(Derek Bentley)的声明中(见附录),在两个部分之间,有一个可衡量的风格二元性。


I have known Craig since I went to school.We were stopped by our parents going out together,but we still continued going out with each other-I mean we have not gone out together until tonight.I was watching television tonight(2nd November 1952)and between 8pm and 9pm Craig called for me.My Mother answered the door and I heard her say I was out.I had been out earlier to the pictures and got home just after 7pm.A little later Norman Parsley and Frank Fazey called.I did not answer the door or speak to them.



When we came to the place where you found me,Chris looked in the window.There was a little iron gate at the side.Christhen jumped over and I followed.Up to then Chris had not said anything.We both got out on to the fl at roof at the top.Then someone in a garden on the opposite side shone a torch up towards us.Chris said:“It's a copper,hide behind here.”We hid behind a shelter arrangement on the roof.We were there waiting for about ten minutes.


上面的第一选段中,每个句子的平均长度为每句14.3个字以上,但是第二段只有10.1个字。同时,第一段中每个词平均长度是4.1个字母,而第二段是3.9个字母。和其他文本中的不一致一样,语言学家所关注的问题一直是这种风格差异是否反映了作者关系的双重性或语式的二元性(口语与书面语),还是这种差异意味着文本可能已被编辑过。(Coulthard 1994;Olsson 1997)在声明的开始,克里斯多夫·克雷格(Christopher Craig)被称为“Craig”,然后被称为“Chris Craig”,但在第二个摘录中,他总是被称为“Chris”。这意味着,第一次使用“Craig”可能是对“你知道克雷格有多长时间”这个问题的一种表现形式。之后,可能只是对晚上的事件的简单陈述,没有被问题所干涉。因此,克里斯多夫·克雷格在后面被宾利以其他方式来称呼(即作为“克里斯”)。

因此,上文中所列出的文本中的二元性,正如由不同的称呼方式所表明的(克雷格、克里斯·克雷格、克里斯),以及测量差异可以是交互风格、作者身份的二元性以及语式二元性的混合体。语式的二元性应该被考虑为变量的可能性来源。因为在给出的第二个节选中,我们发现了不是很常见的短语“shelter arrangement”。说话者是一个19岁的学习有困难的青年,不太可能想出这个短语。对短语和短句的组合使用也是不常见的:与对不是很常见的短语“shelter arrangement”的使用一样,这些用法意味着说话人的语言来自于书面语。而第一个节选的结构显示了这个文本对问题的回应,例如,“你认识克雷格多久了”这样的问题。

