理论教育 考研英语新题型完形填空&阅读解题技巧


时间:2023-10-04 理论教育 版权反馈



替代是指语篇中用代词替代名词或名词短语,构成了替代(substitution)衔接关系。一般而言, one指代前面的单数可数名词;that指代前面的不可数名词或句子;this指代前面的单数名词或句子;it也可指代前面的单数名词或整个句子;they或them指代前面的复数名词。



The high regard for education which is deeply imbedded in Chinese culture, and the willingness to work very hard to gain advancement, are other noteworthy characteristics of theirs._____.

正确选项[B]This explains why so many descendants of uneducated laborers have succeeded in becoming doctors, lawyers, and other professionals.

解析 空格前的句子谈到深植于中国文化中的对教育的高度重视,以及努力工作以得到发展的心愿,是他们具有的其他显著特征。后面自然要说这种重视带来的影响。选项[B]中谈到这就能解释为什么未受过教育的体力劳动者的后代能成为医生、律师和其他的专业人士。根据原文和选项的意思得知,该选项中的this替代的正是前文的high regard for education(对教育的高度重视),选项中的this与上文衔接,故可验证该选项为答案。


比较照应指的是通过形容词副词的比较级形式以及其他一些有比较意义的词语(如same, so, as, equal, such, similar(ly), different(ly), other, otherwise, likewise等)表示照应关系。比较均会涉及两个人或两种事物,所以我们可以利用已知信息板块中的比较词语去寻找与它照应的未知信息板块。


[A]The Asian engineer who suffered in America was the victim of another mistaken expectation.“He was accustomed to the warm group environment so typical in Japan,”said his U. S.manager.“But in our company, we're all expected to be self-starters, who thrive on working alone. For him, it was emotional starvation. He's made the adjustment now, but he'd be humiliated if I told you his name, that's another cultural difference.”


[C]For example, the American manager who promised to be fair thought he was telling his Japanese staff that their hard work would be rewarded, but when some workers received higher salary than others, there were complaints.“You told us you’d be fair, and you lied to us,”accused one salesman.“It took me a year and a half,”sighed the American,“to realize that‘fair’, to my staff, meant being treated equally.”

解析 本题是排序题,此处需要判断[C]到底应该排在[A]前还是[A]后。[A]段中举了一个亚洲工程师在美国公司的经历来进一步说明文化差异(culture difference),[C]段虽然没有出现culture difference的字眼,但举出了美国经理和他的日本员工对同一句话的不同理解的例子(It took me a year and a half to realize that‘fair’, to my staff, meant being treated equally.),同样说明的是跨国文化交际中的误解问题。[A]段两处出现的another与[C]段形成比较照应关系,由此可以看出[C]应该排在前。




The Asian financial turmoil represents a serious threat to global prosperity. We are clearly at a critical moment for Asia. The problem is that the loss of confidence can be highly contagious. If, for example, Indonesia's economy collapses, so could other nearby economies, and that could take down markets across the world. In addition, although the crisis has not spread to China, it faces some of the same problems as its neighbors. So clearly the main concern is that the crisis is not worsened and spread.

[A]How serious is this crisis?

[B]Approaches to the economic recession.

[C]Long-term prospect of Asia.

[D]Importance of restoring investor confidence.

[E]Reasons for Asian economical crisis.

解析 段首句The Asian financial turmoil represents a serious threat to global prosperity.(亚洲金融动荡对全球繁荣构成严重威胁)点出了本段的主旨,段中的a serious threat(严重威胁)和at a critical moment for Asia(亚洲的关键时刻)等关键词进一步说明了危机的严重性,且以上关键词与选项中的serious为复现关系。因此[A]为本段的段落大意。


共现(co-occurrence)又叫搭配性衔接(collocation cohesion),意指一系列相关的词项在篇章中的频繁共现。搭配性衔接对语言信息的生成和解释均有一定的指导作用,有助于对篇章中潜在的语义演进做出预测和推测。


Entertainment for young and old

As well as scores of cinemas and theatres throughout the city and suburbs, there are numerous clubs which appeal to people of all ages, and cater for all tastes……

正确选项[C]Pubs are the venue for smaller modern bands, while the big-name popular music artists, both local and international, attract capacity audiences at the huge Entertainment Centre in the heart of the city.

解析 主题句中谈到老老少少的娱乐,其中心词为entertainment(娱乐);选项[C]中提到的pubs(酒吧), big-name popular music artists(知名的流行音乐艺术家), the huge Entertainment Centre(巨大的娱乐中心)和主题句下面一段中提到的cinemas(电影院), theatres(剧院), clubs(俱乐部)构成了主题句中心词共现关系。

