理论教育 近五年出版学研究进展


时间:2023-08-08 理论教育 版权反馈


陈 丹 连星星


【摘 要】近年来国内学者对出版教育的研究主要围绕国内外高校的教育理念、培养目标、课程设置、师资队伍、教育模式以及人才培养策略等方面展开。根据对2011—2015年在国内核心期刊发表的近百篇关于出版教育的文献进行研究分析,本文从我国出版教育现状及存在的问题、出版教育如何应对行业人才需求、国外出版教育研究现状及对我国出版教育的启示,以及近五年我国出版教育研究的热点四个方面综合论述了近五年我国出版教育研究的基本情况,可为出版教育研究者深入了解本领域研究情况提供借鉴。

【关键字】出版教育 人才培养模式 研究热点 综述

A Review of the Research on Publishing Education in the Past Five Years(2011—2015)

Chen Dan Lian Xingxing(www.daowen.com)

(Beijing Insititute of Graphic Communication)

【Abstract】In recent years,domestic scholars’studies about publishing education have mainly focused on the education philosophy,training objectives,curriculum,faculty,educational pattern and talent cultivation model in universities at home and abroad.According to aboutone hundred of publishing education research literature published in domestic core journal in 2011-2015,this paper reviews the basic situation of publishing education research from four aspects:publishing education status and existing problems,how the publishing education cope with the demand of professional personnel,the introduction of the foreign publishing education and some enlightenment as well as the hot spot of publishing research in the past five years.This article aims to produce some references to related researchers.

【Keywords】publishing education talent cultivation model hot spot review


