理论教育 微课整合特性对提升语言能力的影响


时间:2023-07-18 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:借助“微课”的整合能力,教师可围绕词汇、语段或话题对教材进行重组、删减、补充或根据自定话题选择文本、组合文本,选编与话题同一题材的课外读物,作为阅读教学延伸的辅助读物,让课内阅读与课外阅读相结合,进而塑造出学生英语阅读的能力与素养。这里以译林新版《英语》五(下)Unit 8 Cartoon time 的教学实践为例,对小学英语阅读教学课中“微课”的建构过程及其对阅读等语言能力的建构过程加以说明。



这里以译林新版《英语》五(下)Unit 8 Cartoon time 的教学实践为例,对小学英语阅读教学课中“微课”的建构过程及其对阅读等语言能力的建构过程加以说明。


1.Step One. Leading in 聚焦主题,塑造“英雄”形象


T:I am your new English teacher. I want to know you. May I know your name?What’s your hobby?

Ss:My name is... I like...

T:I like watching films. Do you like watching films?Let’ s watch a film. What film is it about?

Ss:It’ s about superman.

T:Do you like superman?Why?

S1:Yes. Superman is strong.

S2:Superman is brave/ clever/...

T:Superman is so wonderful,I like him too. In my heart,he is a hero.


T:Boys and girls,who is a hero in your heart?Why?

S1:The doctor is a hero.He often helps people.

S2:Lei Feng is a hero in my heart because he always helps people.

S3:In my heart,my father is a hero.He is strong,he can do everything.


2.Step Two. Cartoon time 学习故事,认知“英雄”特质


T:Look,Bobby is here. Is Bobby a hero?



T:Boys and girls,open your books,please read the cartoon fast,then try to answer the question “Is Bobby a hero?”

T:Is Bobby a real hero?


T:Bobby is a hero in the play. But why?Let’ s find it out together.


1) T:Dang Dang,the play is beginning. Listen,what happens?

S1:A girl is asking for “help” .

T:Yes. May be she is a princess. What does Bobby do?

S2:He wants to help her.


2) T:Look,the door is opened. Can Bobby go in?


T:How does he go in?Read and find the answer.


S1:Bobby can find out the answer.

S2:Bobby finds the password.

T:What do you think of Bobby?

S3:He is very clever.

3)T:Now ,Bobby can go in the room. Can he save the princess?

Ss:No. There is a pig.

T:Look,the pig is so tall and strong. Look at Bobby,he is so small and weak. If you are the pig,what will you say?If you are Bobby,what will you say?What will you do?Imagine and act it out.


S1:I’ m strong,you are so small. Ha,ha...

S2:I’m not afraid of you. I want to help the princess.

S1:Go away,little mouse.

S2:Come here. I’ ll kill you,fat pig.

S1/S2 fight with each other.

4)T:The pig runs away. Then,a cat comes out from a room. What will the princess say?Who is the princess?Is she beautiful?


T:What will Bobby say?How to read“What a play!”?

Ss:(用自己理解的语气读“What a play”,体会Bobby 当时的情感。)


T:From Picture 1,2,4,5,What do you think of Bobby?

S1:Bobby wants to help the princess. He is helpful.

S2:He is clever. He can find out the password.

S3:From Picture 4,I know Bobby is brave.

S4:He is kind.

S5:Bobby is...

(板书 helpful/ clever/ brave )(www.daowen.com)

T:Is Bobby a real hero in the play?



1) T:Now let’ s watch the cartoon,please watch carefully,it can help you act it out.

2)T:Work in pairs of 4,try to remember the lines(台词). If you can add your own words and gestures,it will be better.

Ss:(Work in groups.)

(3)Show the act,and talk about how many stars they can get.

课程意图:本片段是教材里的内容。整节课围绕主问题“Is bobby a hero?Why?”引导学生在想象中感悟、在阅读中明晰、在表演中体验,目的是让学生了解“英雄”应有的品质,从而深入认识“英雄”。另一方面,它也不是传统教学中的“孤独一课”,而是在“hero”为主题的引领下,统整了“初谈英雄、认识英雄、学做英雄”中的前面两个部分。

3.Step Three. Picture book 拓展阅读,找寻“英雄”之路


T:Bobby is a hero in the play. Do you want to be a hero?


T:How?How can we be heroes?


T:Look at these two little boys,they want to be supermen.

Then,they do many things. At last,they are supermen. Do you want to know how they can be supermen?


T:Take out your Picture book,read from Page 1 to Page 8,tell me why they can be supermen.


T:Why can they be supermen?

Ss:They run every day.

They jump over the chair every day./ They give the toys to the children./ They love the dogs and cats and feed them./...


T:The little boys do many things. What else do they do?Now you are little writers.Please work in pairs of 4,try to write the story,and then prepare to show your story.

Ss:(Work in groups.)They...


T:Do you know how they can become supermen?

S1:They run and jump everyday,so they can be strong.

S2:They do many things to help others,so they are helpful.


4.Step Four. 提升情感,落实“我要做英雄”


T:Do you think it is difficult to be a superman?

Ss:No,of course not.

T:So if you want to be a hero,what should you do?Discuss with your deskmate.

S1:I should run every day.

S2:I want to be a hero,I should help others.


(2)总结教学,读、 写诗升华主题

T:Wow! I’ m so proud of you,I believe each of you can be a hero. And that makes me want to read a poem for you.

T:Can you write a poem like this?

S1:Hero can be ______,

To be a hero,I should______;

S2:Hero can be ______.

To be a hero,I should______;

T:Look,it’s a nice poem. Let’s read it together!

5.Step Five. Homework

(1)Read more stories about“Heroes”.读更多的关于“英雄”的故事。

(2)Read your Hero poem to your family.把你作的诗读给家人听。

课程意图:本片段还是以“hero”为主题,是在之前的“初谈英雄、认识英雄”之后的“学做英雄”。这部分以We want to be supermen 绘本为载体,借助形象的图画和生动的文字,引导学生探究“文中两个男孩怎样成为超人?”进一步迁移到“我们怎样成为英雄”。在师生互动中谈英雄、辨英雄、做英雄,落实核心素养,关注学生生命成长。






在本教学案例中,笔者以主题Hero 进行了三个部分的预设。明暗之中谈英雄:引导学生说一说自己心目中的英雄,初步确立“英雄”的形象;言语之中辨英雄:在语篇的学习中通过读、悟、演体验文本的含义、人物的情感,逐步分辨“英雄”的本质;互动之中做英雄:在拓展阅读中感悟,自己如何做就能成为“英雄”。






