理论教育 英文资料:老龄化理论与实践


时间:2023-07-16 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:E.W.Busse 1969.Theories of aging,In E.W.Busse & E.Pfeiffer,Behavior and adaptation in later life,Boston:Little Brown,pp.11—32.M.L.Beaver 1983.Human Service Poractice with the Elderly:Englewood Cliffs,NJ:Prentice-Hall.J.Brandtstadter & K.Rothermund 1994.Self-percepts of control in middle and later adulthood:Buffering of losses and rescaling goals,Psychology and Aging,9,pp.265-273.A.Campbell 1981.The sense of well-being in American life:Perceptions,evaluations and satisfactions,NY:Russell Sage.K.Kinsella & D.R.Phillips 2005.Global aging:The challenge go success,Washington,DC:Population Reference Bureau.Sideny Sax 1993.Aging and Public Plicy in Australia,NSW:Allen & Unwin Australia Pty Ltd.Harry R.Moody 2001.Productive Aging and the gerontology of Old Age.J.L.Parr 1980.The Interaction of Person and Living Enviroment,American Psychological Association,Washington.


【1】E.W.Busse 1969.Theories of aging,In E.W.Busse & E.Pfeiffer(Eds.),Behavior and adaptation in later life,Boston:Little Brown,pp.11—32.

【2】M.L.Beaver 1983.Human Service Poractice with the Elderly:Englewood Cliffs,NJ:Prentice-Hall.

【3】J.Brandtstadter & K.Rothermund 1994.Self-percepts of control in middle and later adulthood:Buffering of losses and rescaling goals,Psychology and Aging,9,pp.265-273.

【4】A.Campbell 1981.The sense of well-being in American life:Perceptions,evaluations and satisfactions,NY:Russell Sage.

【5】K.Kinsella & D.R.Phillips 2005.Global aging:The challenge go success,Washington,DC:Population Reference Bureau.(www.daowen.com)

【6】Sideny Sax 1993.Aging and Public Plicy in Australia,NSW:Allen & Unwin Australia Pty Ltd.

【7】Harry R.Moody 2001.Productive Aging and the gerontology of Old Age.

【8】J.L.Parr 1980.The Interaction of Person and Living Enviroment,American Psychological Association,Washington.

