理论教育 外文著作:女性在电影中的呈现和美国梦


更新时间:2025-01-03 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:1.Marjorie Rosen,Popcorn Venus:women,movies & the American dream,Coward,McCann & Geoghegan,1973.2.Molly Haskell,From Reverence to Rape:The treatment of women in the movies(Second Edition),The Universi

1.Marjorie Rosen,Popcorn Venus:women,movies & the American dream,Coward,McCann & Geoghegan,1973.

2.Molly Haskell,From Reverence to Rape:The treatment of women in the movies(Second Edition),The University of Chicago Press,1987.

3.Jay Layda,Dianying:An Account of Films and the Film Audience in China,Cambridge,Mass,MIT Press,1972.

4.Jubin Hu,Projecting A Nation:Chinese National Cinema Before 1949,Hong Kong University Press,2003.

5.Sean Griffin,What Dreams Were Made Of:Movie Stars of the 1940s,Rutgers University Press,2011.

6.Bruce Austin,Current research in film:audiences,economics,and law,Ablex Publishing Corporation,1985.

7.Schuyler M.Moore,The biz:The basic business,legal,and financial aspects of the film industry,Silman-James Press,2000.(www.daowen.com)

8.John Sedgwick,Michael Pokorny,An economic history of film,Routledge,2004.

9.Perry Link,Mandarin Ducks and Butterflies:Popular Fiction in Early Twentieth-Century Chinese Cities,University of California Press,1981.

10.Rob Shields,Lefebvre,Love and Struggle,Spatial Dialectics,Routledge,London and New York,1999.

11.Douglas Gomery,Shared Pleasures:A History of Movie Presentation in the United States,University of Wisconsin Press,1992.

12.Maggie Valentine,The Show Starts on the Sidewalk:An Architectural History of the Movie Theatre,Starring S.Charles Lee,Yale University Press,1996.

13.Yiman Wang,Remaking Chinese Cinema:Through the Prism of Shanghai,Hong Kong,and Hollywood,University of Hawaii Press,2013.

