理论教育 塞罕坝:绿色奇迹


更新时间:2025-01-03 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:The green miracle of SaihanbaDo you know Saihanba?Do you know what is special about it?Saihanba is a world renowned name.It is located to he northeast of Beijing.Saihanba used to be a wasteland after the felling of trees,which brought Beijing a lot of sandstorms.Hundreds of foresters embarked on tree planting in Saihanba in 1962.Three generations of foresters have been working hard there ever since.塞罕坝的绿色奇迹你知道塞罕坝吗?你知道它有什么特殊之处吗?塞罕坝是一个举世闻名的名字,它位于北京的东北部。以前,这片区域的树林被砍后,这里变成了一片荒漠,使北京沙尘暴频发。1962年,几百名造林人开始在这里植树造林。从那时起,三代造林人一直在那里艰苦奋斗。

The green miracle of Saihanba

Do you know Saihanba?Do you know what is special about it?

Saihanba is a world renowned name.It is located to he northeast of Beijing.Saihanba used to be a wasteland after the felling of trees,which brought Beijing a lot of sandstorms.

Hundreds of foresters embarked on tree planting in Saihanba in 1962.Three generations of foresters have been working hard there ever since.





