理论教育 稿件修改及录用说明


时间:2023-07-05 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:稿件不做任何修改即被录用的情况通常是很少的,在大多数情况下,作者收到的可能是改后录用、改后再审或退稿的决定。例:稿件修改说明Dear Editor/Dear Prof.Filbin:Thank you very much for your letter dated January 17th enclosing the revieweis'comments for our manuscript entitled“***”.We submit a revised manuscript here.The following are the correspondences to your reviewer concerning the comments and suggestions about the manuscript.We wish to take this opportunity to thank your consideration of our paper for publication in your journal,Journal of Neuroscience Research.Yours sincerely,…



如果收到的是退改信,那么首先要仔细阅读审稿人的修改意见,并按照审稿人的意见逐一进行修改。无论是较小的修改(minor revision)还是较大的修改(major revision),都需静下心来对相关建议进行全面认真的考虑,并在规定的时间内返回修改稿。

返回修改稿时一定要附寄修改说明信,对所有的审稿意见逐条回答(point-by-point response),修改过程中应注意以下几点:






Dear Editor/Dear Prof.Filbin:

Thank you very much for your letter dated January 17th enclosing the revieweis'comments for our manuscript entitled“***”(JNR#2726).We submit a revised manuscript here.The following are the correspondences to your reviewer concerning the comments and suggestions about the manuscript.

We wish to take this opportunity to thank your consideration of our paper for publication in your journal,Journal of Neuroscience Research.

Yours sincerely,

To reviewer#1


Thank you for your kind comments for our manuscript to Journal of Neuroscience Research(#2726).We appreciate your valuable comments and suggestions to improve it.With regard to your comments and suggestions,we wish to reply as follows:

(1)As you pointed out,the stimulus strength used to activate the dorsal root was relatively low,it may account for the under-representation of the C fiber-evoked response.However,this may be a misunderstanding because of the obscure describe for the method in the primary manuscript.In fact,...as we described elsewhere(see Ref.[1]for review).In our present study,...The information was added in the METHODS SECTION in page 4.(www.daowen.com)

(2)About the conductive velocity(CV)of the primary afferent A-fiber or C-fiber:to our knowledge,the classification for different primary afferent fiber is obscure up to now.The lower limit for A-fiber CV is generally treated as 1.3 m/s,although some researchers treated it as 2.5 m/s,2.0 m/s,or 1.4 m/s[2,3].However,the upper limit for C fiber CV is generally accepted as 1.4 m/s(see[1-5]for review).Thus in the present study,it is unlikely that the dorsal root-evoked responses with CV faster than 1.6 m/s were mediated by C fibers.

Taken together,in our present study,it is unlikely that the underrepresentation of C fiber-evoked response was due to the low stimulus strength to the dorsal root or classification of different primary afferent fiber.These results agree with the former study by Yoshimura and Nishi[6].We have added the above information in the DISCUSSION SECTION(page 6 and 7)of the revised manuscript.

(3)As you pointed out,the present experimental conditions have ruled out the postsynaptic GABAB receptor response by inhibiting the intracellular G-protein coupled receptor.However,ubiquitous distribution of...[2,3,5].In monosynaptic input study,it is possible to inhibit the postsynaptic GABAB receptor,and let the presynaptic GABAB receptor be activated[1].However,the dorsal root-evoked...We can not precisely locate the baclofen action site,although the postsynaptic involvement had been ruled out.We have described this weakness in the DISCUSSION SECTION(page 6)of the revised manuscript.


We hope that the changes having been made to the manuscript meet to your satisfaction.


[1]Yang K,Kumamoto E,Furue H,et al.Action of capsaicin on dorsal rootevoked synaptic transmission to substantia gelatinosa neurons in adult rat spinal cord slices.Brain Res,1999,830:268-273

[2]Harper AA,Lawson SN.Conduction velocity is related to morphological cell type in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons.J Physol(Lond.),1985,359:31-46

[3]Prabhakar E,Lawson SN.The electrophysiological properties of rat primary afferent neurones with carbonic anhydrase activity.J Physol(Lond.),1995,482:609-622

[4]Waddell PJ,Lawson SN.Electrophysiological properties of subpopulations of rat dorsal root ganglion neurones in vitro.Neuroscience,1990,36:811-822






