理论教育 投稿后如何询问稿件处理结果?


时间:2023-07-05 理论教育 版权反馈


投稿成功并且初审通过后,稿件即处于“稿件审查中”或“审稿中”(Under review,With reviewers等)的状态。大多数期刊会尽量在收到稿件的6-8周内形成一个是否录用的决定,如果另有原因要耽搁更长的时间,编辑会向作者作出解释。如果作者在投稿2个月后仍没有收到有关稿件处理结果的信息,可向编辑发Email或打电话询问。


Dear Editor.

We submitted our manuscript entitled“***”to Journal of***on April 10,2010,but we have not received a confirming receipt till now.We are wondering whether the manuscript has been reached successfully.If not,we will re-submitted our manuscript soon.

Thank you in advance for the time and effort you will spend on our manuscript.

Sincerely yours,


Dear Editor,(www.daowen.com)

We submitted our manuscript“***”(Ref.No.***)three months ago.On behalf of our co-authors,I would like to enquire you about the review result.I can most easily be contacted at the following E-mail address:xxx@dadlnet.dk.

Thank you for your consideration of our manuscript.

Best regards,


Dear Editor,

I submitted a paper entitled“***”(Ref.No.***)on Feb.28,2010.Four months has passed,but the manuscript is still“With reviewers”.I am a little anxious for the current status,and wondering whether you have already reached a decision.If not,I would greatly appreciate if you could remind the referees to speed up the reviewing.

With regards,

