理论教育 强调论文成果的投稿信:共享照料1型糖尿病患者的意义及重要性


更新时间:2025-01-03 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:例3:强调论文成果的意义及重要性的投稿信Dear Editor,We submit our manuscript entitled“Shared care for patients with Type 1 diabetes:...”to Progress in Natural Science for publication.We trust our paper will be of interest to your readers as it reports the results of a care scheme that shares responsibility for diabetes Type 1 care between gener


Dear Prof.Braun/Dear Editor/Dear Sir:

Attached is a manuscript by Shengli Ren and Ronald Rousseau entitled“International visibility of Chinese scientific journals”,which we would like to submit for publication as a“Research Article”in Scientometrics.We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal as it....

All authors have read and approved this version of the article,and due care has been taken to ensure the integrity of the work.No part of this paper has been published or submitted elsewhere.No conflict of interest exists in the submission of this manuscript,and we have attached to this letter the signed letter granting us permission to use Figure 1 from another source.

We would like to suggest Dr.***,the editor of Scientometrics,Prof.***in New York Univ.(Email:***@***),Prof.***in Peking Univ.(Email:***@***),Prof.***in Yale Univ.(Email:***@***),or any other experts in the field of***assigned by the editorial board to review this manuscript.

Due to a direct competition and conflict of interest,we request that Drs.***of Harvard Univ.,and***of Yale Univ.not be considered as reviewers.

Dr.Shengli Ren is the corresponding author,who can be reached at the following address,phone and fax number,and Email address:

Department of Publication,NSFC

83 Shuangqing Road,Haidian District

Beijing 100083,P R China




Thanks very much for your attention to our paper.Please acknowledge receipt of this manuscript at your earliest convenience,and let us know if you need any further information.

Sincerely yours,



Dear Sir.

Leo Egghe and I would like to submit our report entitled“Size-frequency and rank-frequency relations,power laws and exponentials:a unified approach”for publication in Progress in Natural Science.This article or any one with similar content has not been submitted to any other journal.

Sincerely yours,

Ronald Rousseau(签名)




Dear Editor,

We submit our manuscript entitled“Shared care for patients with Type 1 diabetes:...”to Progress in Natural Science for publication.

We trust our paper will be of interest to your readers as it reports the results of a care scheme that shares responsibility for diabetes Type 1 care between general practice and hospital outpatient clinics.The scheme meets the need for an organisational model that addresses capacity problems in hospital outpatient clinics caused by the rising incidence of diabetes.

The present study is the first to report an evaluation of a shared care scheme for diabetics in Denmark.It is also,to our knowledge,the first report of a study where general practitioners participating in the shared care group have been unselected.This has become possible because the study comprised all general practitioners within the same country.

We found that diabetics in the shared care scheme matched the control groups in terms of....We conclude that shared care for diabetes is as effective as conventional care,and that shared care makes the most effective use of specialist time by moving routine consultations to primary care.

All authors included in the paper fulfill the criteria of authorship.(www.daowen.com)

Bridget Jones,M.D.(签名)


第一段简要介绍了所投稿件的信息:We submit our manuscript entitled....

第二段旨在说明期刊的读者会对稿件的内容感兴趣(we trust our paper will be of interest to your readers as...),并且强调了研究成果具有较高的重要性(The scheme meets the need for an organizational model that...)。

第三段阐述了论文的创新性(The present study is the first to report....It is also,to our knowledge,the first report of a study...)。

第四段具体指出研究成果的创新之处及其为什么重要(We found that....We conclude that...,and that shared care makes the most effective use of...)。

最后一段声明论文的所有作者均符合署名要求(All authors included in the paper fulfill the criteria of authorship)。



Dear Sir,

I am sending a manuscript titled“***”by***et al.for consideration to be published as an“Article”in your journal.Neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere.However,we would like to note that some materials in this manuscript were presented at an international meeting of***in Beijing,on July 23,2009,whose abstract was also attached with the manuscript.

We appreciate your attention to our manuscript,and look forward to receiving your reply soon.

Sincerely yours,


如果期刊要求作者在投稿的同时做出某些声明或承诺,例如:版权转让(copyright transfer),各位作者的贡献(contributions),是否涉及利益冲突(conflict of interest)等,就一定要按要求分别提供书面文字(详见例5)。否则期刊很有可能要求作者补齐这些材料后才考虑送交同行评审。例5:有关版权转让协议和作者贡献的说明信

Copyright assignment

We certify that the material contained in this manuscript entitled“Helicobacter species sequences in liver samples from patients with and without hepatocellular carcinoma”is original,except when appropriately referenced to other sources,and that written permission has been granted by any existing copyright holders.We also give an assurance that the material will not be submitted for publication elsewhere until a decision has been made as to its acceptability for“World Journal of Gastroenterology”.

We also agree that our article be put on the Internet.

We hereby assign copyright to“World Journal of Gastroenterology”if this paper is accepted.

Authorship responsibility

I,the undersigned author,certify that I have participated sufficiently in the intellectual content,the analysis of data,if applicable,and the writing of the manuscript,to take public responsibility for it.I have reviewed the final version of the manuscript,believe it represents valid work,and approve it for publication.As an author of this article,I certify that none of the material in the manuscript has been published previously,is included in another manuscript or is currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.I also certify that this article has not been accepted for publication elsewhere,not have I assigned any right or interest in the manuscript to any third party.Moreover,should the editors of“World Journal of Gastroenterology”,request data upon which the manuscript is based,I shall produce it.

Financial disclosure

I,the undersigned author,certify that I have no commercial associations(e.g.consultancies,stock ownership,equity interests,patent licensing arrangements,etc)that pose a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted article.Funding sources supporting the work and my institutional or corporate affiliations are acknowledged in a footnote.

(This work was supported by a grant AIRC[Italian Association for Research on Cancer]).

I declare that the above statement is true on behalf of all the authors related to this study.

With sincere regards,

Rinaldo Pellicano(签名)

Vincenzo Mazzaferro(签名)

简析:这封信中的三个部分是对某些期刊特定要求的补充,实际上,稿件一旦被录用,这些期刊可能还会要求作者签署版权转让协议(Copyright transfer agreement)、作者的贡献单(Contributions checklist),等等。

