理论教育 在英语写作中冒号的用途和示例


时间:2023-07-05 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:如:The rate constants for the reaction in increasing concentrations of sodium hydroxide are 3.9,4.1,4.4,4.6,and 4.9.The thermal decomposition was investigated with gas chromatography,BET surface areas,and X ray powder diffraction.Transition-metal nitrides have many properties that make them suitable for industrial applications,including high wear resistance,high decomposition temperature,and high microhardness.3.用冒号或斜线表示数字比,但表示不同成分比时需用斜线或en dash。如:dissolved in 5∶1 glycerin/water或dissolved in 5∶1 glycerin-waterthe metal/ligand(1∶1)reaction mixture或the metal-ligand(1∶1)reaction mixture或the metal ligand(1/1)reaction mixturethe methane/oxygen/argonmatrix或the methane/oxygen/argonmatrixThe proportionwas 1∶8.We recommended a 5∶10∶5 fertilizer.4.分隔标题与副标题。如:Scientific Style and Format:The CBE Manual for Authors,Editors,and Publishers5.分隔参考文献中出版地和出版机构。



The electron density was studied for the ground state of three groups of molecules:(1)methane-methanol carbon dioxide,(2)water hydrogen peroxide,and(3)ferrous oxide-ferric oxide.

Lewin captured the essence of the history of genetics thus:“The gene iS...”

The following are our conclusions:Large-angle X-ray scattering studies give us an accurate picture of structures up to 9 A.They do not allow the specification of defects,such as random ruptures of the chains.The structural models defined are strongly supported by magnetic measurements.


We now report a preliminary finding:no chemical shift changes were detected in the concentration range 0.1~10 mol/L.

They have agreed on the outcome:Informed participants perform better than uninformed participants.

Slow-stop mutants complete the round of replication:they cannot start another.

This is the rule:On closing a file,back it up on a separate disk.


The rate constants for the reaction in increasing concentrations of sodium hydroxide are 3.9,4.1,4.4,4.6,and 4.9.(不能表示为...sodium hydroxide are:3.9,4.1...)

The thermal decomposition was investigated with gas chromatography,BET surface areas,and X ray powder diffraction.(不能表示为...investigated with:gas chromatography...)

Transition-metal nitrides have many properties that make them suitable for industrial applications,including high wear resistance,high decomposition temperature,and high microhardness.(不能表示为...applications,including:high wear resistance...)

3.用冒号或斜线表示数字比,但表示不同成分比时需用斜线或en dash。如:(www.daowen.com)

dissolved in 5∶1 glycerin/water或dissolved in 5∶1 glycerin-water

the metal/ligand(1∶1)reaction mixture或the metal-ligand(1∶1)reaction mixture或the metal ligand(1/1)reaction mixture

the methane/oxygen/argon(1/50/450)matrix或the methane/oxygen/argon(1∶50∶450)matrix

The proportion(salt:water)was 1∶8.

We recommended a 5∶10∶5 fertilizer.


Scientific Style and Format:The CBE Manual for Authors,Editors,and Publishers


Washington:U.S.Government Printing Office.


2∶40 p.m.(或2∶40 PM)

12∶38 AM(或12∶38 a.m.)

