理论教育 科技论文写作中时间与过程的重要性


时间:2023-07-05 理论教育 版权反馈






The emphasis given by both scholars and statesmen to the presumed disappearance of the American frontier helped to obscure the great importance of changes in the conditions and consequences of international trade that occurred during the second half of the nineteenth century.In 1869 the Suez Canal was opened and the first transcontinental railroad in the United States was completed.An extensive network of telegraph and telephone communications was spun:Europe was connected by submarine cable with the United States in 1866 and with South America in 1874.By about 1870 improvements in agricultural technology made possible the full exploitation of areas that were most suitable for extensive farming on a mechanized basis.


Total U.S.research and development spending is projected to reach a current-dollar level of$66.7 billion in 1981.This is an increase of 10%over the 1980 projected level and nearly double the amount spent on these activities in 1975.Even in constant dollars,U.S.R&D funding grew at an average annual rate of better than 3%.That growth resulted in large part from increased emphasis on searching for means to resolve energy and environmental problems and a resurgence of defense R&D activity.Between 1975 and 1978,the last year for which survey data are available,energy accounted for one-third of the R&D spending increase while,at the same time,amounting to 10%of the national R&D effort.




begin/start/commence/kicks off/etc.

first,second,then,next,finally,at last

stop/end/finish/wind up/etc.(www.daowen.com)


The main steps in...are:

One has to go through...steps...

The...process has...major steps...

There are...steps in the process of...



Heat pumps circulate a fluid refrigerant that cycles alternatively from its liquid phase to its vapor phase in a closed loop.The refrigerant,starting as a low-temperature,low-pressure vapor,enters a compressor driven by an electric motor.The refrigerant leaves the compressor as a hot,dense vapor and flows through a heat exchanger called the condenser,which transfers heat from the refrigerant to a body of air.Now the refrigerant,as a high-pressure,cooled liquid,confronts a flow restriction which caused the pressure to drop.As the pressure falls,the refrigerant expands and partially vaporizes,becoming chilled.It then passed through a second heat exchanger,the evaporator,which transfers heat from the air to the refrigerant,reducing the temperature of the second body of air.



The purification of water is basically a two-step or three-step process carried out under the strict supervision of public health scientists and engineers.As the first step,natural water from the least contaminated source is allowed to stand in large reservoirs,where most of the mud,clay,and silt settles out;this is called“sedimentation”...As the second step,the water is filtered through beds of sand gravel,which remove other impurities and chemicals in it.During or after filtration,chemicals are ordinarily added to the water to kill any remaining harmful bacteria.Chlorine is one of the most common chemicals used for this purpose.A third step taken by some municipalities is adding to the water other beneficial chemicals such as fluoride to make tooth enamel hard,and soda ash to make the water itself soft.

