理论教育 颠覆传统,新一代设计师如何设计生活系统


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1 Ken Friedman,“Design Science and Design Education,”in The Challenge of Complexity,ed.P.McCrery(Helsinki:University of Art and Design,1997),54-55;Steven Mithen,The Prehistory of the Mind:A Search for the Origins of Art,Religion and Science(London:Phoenix,1998),105-28;George Ochoa and Melinda Corey,The Timeline Book of Science(New York:Ballantine,1995),1-8;Peter Watson,Ideas:A History of Thought and Invention from Fire to Freud(New York:Harper Collins,2005),23-25.

2 Herbert A.Simon,The Sciences of the Artificial(Cambridge,MA:MIT Press,1982),129.

3 Merriam-Webster,Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary,10th ed.(Springfield,MA:Merriam-Webster,Inc,1993),343.

4 Mary C.Bateson,A Metaphor of Our Own:A Personal Account on the Effects of Conscious Purpose on Human Adaptation(New York:Knopf,1972),104-20.

5 Ken Friedman,Yongqi Lou,Don Norman,Pieter Jan Stappers,Ena Voûte,and Patrick Whitney,“DesignX:A Future Path for Design,”Shanghai:DesignX Collaborative,accessed May 15,2015,https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20141204175515-12181762-designx-a-future-path-fordesign?trk=prof-post.

6 Ken Friedman,“Models of Design:Envisioning a Future for Design Education,”Visible Language 46,no.1-2(2012):148-51.

7 Mario Bunge,The Dictionary of Philosophy(Amherst,NY:Prometheus,1999),251.

8 Kees Dorst,“Design Research:A Revolution-Waiting-to-Happen,”Design Studies 29,no.1(2008).

9 Tore Kristensen,“Research on Design in Business”(keynote paper delivered at Useful and Critical:The Position of Research in Design International Conference,University of Art and Design UIAH,Helsinki,Finland,September 9-11,1999).


1 Staffan Bengtsson,IKEA the Book:Designers,Products and Other Stuff(Stockholm:Arvinius Förlag AB for IKEA FAMILY,2013),86-88.

2 同上,89。

第二章 设计与研究

1 Peter Downton,Design Research(Melbourne:RMIT University Press,2003),1.

2 Oxford Dictionaries,“Research,”Oxford University Press,accessed December 21,2013,http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/research.

3 Gjoko Muratovski,“What Is Design,and Where It Is Going?,”Between Design Journal 5(2012):45.

4 Design Council,Multi-Disciplinary Design Education in the UK:Report and Recommendations from the Multi-Disciplinary Design Network(London:Design Council,2010).

5 同上。

6 Richard Buchanan,“The Study of Design:Doctoral Education and Research in a New Field of Inquiry,”in Proceedings from the Doctoral Education in Design Conference(School of Design,Carnegie Mellon University,October 8-11,1999),1-29.

7 Buchanan,“The Study of Design”;Richard Buchanan,“Design Research and the New Learning,”Design Issues 17,no.4(2001):3-23.

8 Ken Friedman,“Theory Construction in Design Research:Criteria,Approaches,and Methods,”Design Studies 24,no.6(2003):507-22.

9 同上,507。

10 Muratovski,“What Is Design,and Where It Is Going?,”45.

11 Charles L.Owen,“Design Education and Research for the 21st Century,”in Proceedings of the First International Design Forum:Design,Your Competitive Edge(Singapore Trade Development Board,October 20,1989),4,accessed January 13,2014,http://www.id.iit.edu/media/cms_page_media/.../Owen_singapore88.pdf.

12 Victor Margolin,“Design History or Design Studies:Subject Matter and Methods,”Design Studies 13,no.2(1992):113.

13 Angela Schönberger,Preface to Raymond Loewy:Pioneer of American Industrial Design(Munich:Prestel,1990),7.

14 Margolin,“Design History or Design Studies,”113.

15 Gjoko Muratovski,Beyond Design(Skopje:NAM Print,2006),82-83.

16 Cal Swann,“Action Research and the Practice of Design,”Design Issues 18,no.2(2002):49.

17 Gjoko Muratovski,“Design and Design Research:The Conflict between the Principles of Design Education and Practices in Industry,”Design Principles and Practices:An International Journal 4,no.2(2010):377-86;Gjoko Muratovski,“In Pursuit of New Knowledge:A Need for a Shift from Multidisciplinary to Transdisciplinary Model of Doctoral Design Education and Research”(presented at the Doctoral Education in Design,Hong Kong Polytechnic University,Hong Kong,China,May 22-25,2011),accessed July 15,2012,http://www.sd.polyu.edu.hk/DocEduDesign2011/proceeding.php.

18 Nigan Bayazit,“Investigating Design:A Review of Forty Years of Design Research,”Design Issues 20,no.1(2004):17-23.

19 Swann,“Action Research and the Practice of Design,”49.

20 Bayazit,“Investigating Design,”18-19.

21 Julka Almquist and Julia Lupton,“Affording Meaning:Design-Oriented Research from the Humanities and Social Sciences,”Design Issues 26,no.1(2010):3.

22 Bayazit,“Investigating Design,”27.

23 Marietta Del Favero,“Academic Disciplines——Disciplines and the Structure of Higher Education,Discipline Classification Systems,Discipline Differences,”Education Encyclopedia,第2段,accessed January 12,2014,http://education.stateuniversity.com/pages/1723/Academic-Disciplines.html。

24 同上,第1段。

25 Paul D.Leedy and Jeanne E.Ormrod,Practical Research:Planning and Design(Boston,MA:Pearson,2010),1.

26 Buchanan,“Design Research and the New Learning,”17.

27 见Owen,“Design Education and Research for the 21st Century,”8。

28 见Peter Downton,Design Research(Melbourne:RMIT University Press,2003),1-12;其他观点可见Friedman,“Theory Construction in Design Research,”519。

29 对此的评论可见Kees Dorst,“Design Research:A Revolution-Waiting-to-Happen,”Design Studies 29,no.1(2008):6。

30 Bayazit,“Investigating Design,”16.

31 见Buchanan,“Design Research and the New Learning,”17;亦见Dorst,“Design Research,”6。

32 Brenda Laurel,“Introduction:Muscular Design,”in Design Research:Methods and Perspectives,ed.Brenda Laurel(Cambridge,MA:MIT Press,2003),16-19.

33 Buchanan,“Design Research and the New Learning,”19.

34 Dorst,“Design Research,”4-5.

35 引自Staffan Bengtsson,IKEA the Book:Designers,Products and Other Stuff(Stockholm:Arvinius Förlag AB for IKEA FAMILY,2013),299。

36 Dorst,“Design Research,”4-5.

37 Muratovski,“In Pursuit of New Knowledge.”

38 Owen,“Design Education and Research for the 21st Century,”7-8.

39 David Durling and Brian Griffiths,“From Formgiving to Braingiving,”in Proceedings of the Re-Inventing Design Education in the University Conference,ed.Cal Swann,Ellen Young,and Curtin University of Technology(Perth,Australia:School of Design,Curtin University of Technology,2001),29-36.

40 Bruce M.Hanington,“Research Education by Design:Assessing the Impact of Pedagogy on Practice,”in Proceedings from the Joining Forces:International Conference on Design Research(Helsinki,Finland:University of Art and Design,September 22-24,2005),accessed April 14,2011,http://www.uiah.fi/joining forces/papers/Hanington.pdf.

41 Muratovski,“What Is Design,and Where It Is Going?,”46.

42 Ken Friedman,“Models of Design:Envisioning a Future for Design Education,”Visible Language 46,no.1-2(2012):144-46;Donald Norman,“Why Design Education Must Change,”Core77,2010,accessed January 15,2014,http://www.core77.com/blog/columns/why_design_education_must_change_17993.as.

43 Muratovski,Beyond Design,259;Muratovski,“What Is Design,and Where It Is Going?,”46-47.

44 Dan Formosa,“Design Thinking”(keynote addressed at agIdeas 2013 Advantage,part of the 2013 agIdeas International Design Week,Design Foundation,Melbourne,Australia),2012,accessed May 4,2013,http://www.agideas.net/coming-event/business-breakfast.

45 同上。

46 Muratovski,“What Is Design,and Where It Is Going?”

47 同上,46。

48 见Horst W.J.Rittel and Melvin M.Webber,“Planning Problems Are Wicked Problems,”in Developments in Design Methodology,ed.Nigel Cross(New York:Wiley,1973),135-44。

49 Muratovski,“What Is Design,and Where It Is Going?,”46-47.

50 Jens Aagaard-Hansen,“The Challenges of Cross-Disciplinary Research,”Social Epistemology 21,no.4(2007):425-38.

51 Roderick J.Lawrence and Carole Després,“Introduction:Futures of Transdisciplinarity,”Futures 36,no.4(2004):397-405.

52 Gjoko Muratovski,“Challenges and Opportunities of Cross-Disciplinary Design Education and Research,”in proceedings of ACUADS Conference 2011:Creativity:Brain,Mind,Body,ed.Gordon Bull(Canberra,Australia:University of Canberr,2011),accessed February 26,2013,http://acuads.com.au/conference/2011-conference.

53 见Terry Cutler,Designing Solutions to Wicked Problems:A Manifesto for Transdisciplinary Research and Design(Melbourne,VA:RMIT University,2009).

54 Muratovski,“In Pursuit of New Knowledge.”

55 Ken Friedman,“Conclusion:Toward an Integrative Design Profession,”in Creating Breakthrough Ideas:The Collaboration of Anthropologists and Designers in the Product Development Industry,ed.Susan Squires and Bryan Byrne(London:Bergin &Garvey,2002),199-214.

56 同上。

57 Victor Margolin,“Doctoral Education in Design:Problems and Prospects,”Design Issues 26,no.3(2010):71.

58 Friedman,“Conclusion.”

59 同上。

60 Friedman,“Theory Construction in Design Research,”508.

61 同上。

62 Buchanan,“The Study of Design.”

63 Friedman,“Conclusion.”

64 同上。

65 同上。

66 Terence Love,“New Roles for Design Education in University Settings,”in Proceedings of the Re-Inventing Design Education in the University Conference,ed.Cal Swann,Ellen Young,and Curtin University of Technology(Perth,Australia:School of Design,Curtin University of Technology,2001),249-55.

67 同上。

68 Jens Aagaard-Hansen and John H.Ouma,“Managing Interdisciplinary Health Research:Theoretical and Practical Aspects,”International Journal of Health Planning and Management 17,no.3,(2002):195-212;Patricia L.Rosenfield,“The Potential of Transdisciplinary Research for Sustaining and Extending Linkages between the Health and Social Sciences,”Social Science and Medicine 35,no.11(1992):1343-57.

69 Muratovski,“In Pursuit of New Knowledge;”Muratovski,“Challenges and Opportunities.”

70 同上。

71 见Aagaard-Hansen,“The Challenges of Cross-Disciplinary Research。”

72 Muratovski,“What Is Design,and Where It Is Going?;”Muratovski,“The Importance of Research and Strategy in Design and Branding:Conversation with Dana Arnett,”in Design for Business,Volume 1,ed.Gjoko Muratovski(Melbourne:agIdeas Press/Bristol:Intellect,2012),16-23.

73 Aagaard-Hansen,“The Challenges of Cross-Disciplinary Research;”Muratovski,“Challenges and Opportunities.”

74 Aagaard-Hansen,“The Challenges of Cross-Disciplinary Research”。

75 同上;Muratovski,“In Pursuit of New Knowledge”;Muratovski,“Challenges and Opportunities”。

76 Swann,“Action Research and the Practice of Design,”49;亦见Richard Buchanan,“Education and Professional Practice in Design,”Design Issues 14,no.2(1998):63-66。

77 Friedman,“Models of Design,”144.

78 同上,149。

79 见Christopher Ireland,“The Changing Role of Research,”in Design Research:Methods and Perspectives,ed.Brenda Laurel(Cambridge,MA:MIT Press,2003),22;Eric Zimmerman,“Creating a Culture of Design Research,”in Design Research:Methods and Perspectives,ed.Brenda Laurel(Cambridge,MA:MIT Press,2003),185-92。

80 Rachel Cooper and Mike Press,“Academic Design Research,”Design Council,accessed September 1,2009,https://www.designcouncil.org.uk/en/About-Design/Design-Techniques/Academic-Design-Research-by-Rachel-Cooper-and-Mike-Press/.

81 Margolin,“Doctoral Education in Design.”

82 Bruce M.Hanington,“Relevant and Rigorous:Human-Centered Research and Design Education,”Design Issues 26,no.3(2010):18-26.

83 Muratovski,“In Pursuit of New Knowledge.”

84 Aagaard-Hansen,“The Challenges of Cross-Disciplinary Research.”

85 Muratovski,“Challenges and Opportunities.”

第三章 研究的基本要素

1 Paul D.Leedy and Jeanne E.Ormrod,Practical Research:Planning and Design(Boston,MA:Pearson,2010),xvi.

2 同上。

3 同上,45。

4 同上。

5 同上,47。

6 同上,47-48。

7 同上,48。

8 同上,49。

9 同上。

10 John S.Stevens,Design as a Strategic Resource:Design’s Contributions to Competitive Advantage Aligned with Strategy Models(PhD dissertation,University of Cambridge,Cambridge,2009),1-2.

11 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,52-54.

12 Stevens,“Design as a Strategic Resource,”1-2.

13 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,4.

14 同上,56。

15 同上,4。

16 同上,56。

17 同上,66。

18 Judith Bell,Doing Your Research Project:A Guide to First-Time Researchers in Education,Health and Social Sciences(Maidenhead:Open University Press,2005),99.

19 同上。

20 同上,100。

21 同上。

22 Gretchen McAllister and Alison Furlong,“Understanding Literature Reviews,”in Research Essentials:An Introduction to Designs and Practices,ed.Stephen D.Lapan and Marylynn T.Quartaroli(San Francisco,CA:Jossey-Bass,2009),22-24.

23 同上,24-25。

24 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,77.

25 同上。

26 同上,58。

27 Nick Moore,How to Do Research:The Complete Guide to Designing and Managing Research Projects(London:Library Association,2000),39.

28 Oxford Dictionaries,“Method,”Oxford University Press,accessed February 15,2013,http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/method?q=method;and“Methodology”from http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/methodology?q=methodology.

29 Raymond Madden,Being Ethnographic:A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Ethnography(London:SAGE,2010),24-25.

30 同上,26。

31 M.A.Heckman,K.Sherry,and E.Gonzalez de Mejia,“Energy Drinks:An Assessment of Their Market Size,Consumer Demographics,Ingredient Profile,Functionality,and Regulations in the United States,”Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 9,no.3(2010):303-17.

32 Christopher Crouch and Jane Pearce,Doing Research in Design(London:Berg,2012),53.

33 Moore,How to Do Research,101.

34 Lisa M.Given,The SAGE Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods(Thousand Oaks,CA:SAGE,2008).

35 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,135.

36 Michael S.Lewis-Beck,Alan Bryman,and Tim F.Liao,The SAGE Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods(Thousand Oaks,CA:SAGE,2004),896.

37 John W.Creswell,Research Design:Qualitative,Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches(Thousand Oaks,CA:SAGE,2003),125-26.

38 Jean McNiff and Jack Whitehead,All You Need to Know about Action Research(London:SAGE,2012),7.

39 Cal Swann,“Action Research and the Practice of Design,”Design Issues 18,no.2(2002):50.

40 Linda Candy,“Differences between Practice-Based and Practice-Led Research,”Creativity and Cognition Studios,accessed February 14,2013,https://www.creativityandcognition.com/research/practice-based-research.

41 Robert K.Yin,Case Study Research:Design and Methods(Thousand Oaks,CA:SAGE,1994),92.

42 Alan Bryman,“Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Research:How Is It Done?,”Qualitative Research 6,no.1(2006):97-98.

43 Paul A.Schutz,Sharon L.Nichols,and Kelly A.Rodgers,“Using Multiple Methods Approaches,”in Research Essentials:An Introduction to Designs and Practices,ed.Stephen D.Lapan and MaryLynn T.Quartaroli(San Francisco,CA:Jossey-Bass,2009),244.

44 同上,247-48。

45 Kristin Larson,“Research Ethics and the Use of Human Participants,”in Research Essentials:An Introduction to Designs and Practices,ed.Stephen D.Lapan and Marylynn T.Quartaroli(San Francisco,CA:Jossey-Bass,2009),3.

46 同上,6。

47 同上;亦见Herman Aguinis and Christine A.Henle,“Ethics in Research,”in Blackwell Handbook of Adolescence,ed.Gerald Adams and Michael Berzonsky(Oxford:Blackwell,2004),38。

48 Larson,“Research Ethics and the Use of Human Participants,”13-14;亦见Aguinis and Henle,“Ethics in Research”。

49 Larson,“Research Ethics and the Use of Human Participants,”2.

50 同上,14。

51 Moore,How to Do Research,29.

52 同上,30-31。

53 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,117-18.

54 Moore,How to Do Research,33-34.

55 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,1.

56 Moore,How to Do Research,vi-xi.

第四章 定性研究

1 Gjoko Muratovski,Beyond Design(Skopje:NAM Print,2006),24-25.

2 Gjoko Muratovski,“What Is Design,and Where It Is Going?,”Between Design Journal 5(2012):45-46.

3 Paul D.Leedy and Jeanne E.Ormrod,Practical Research:Planning and Design(Boston,MA:Pearson,2010),136-37.

4 同上,136。

5 同上,135。

6 Pamela Baxter and Susan Jack,“Qualitative Case Study Methodology:Study Design and Implementation for Novice Researchers,”The Qualitative Report 13,no.4(2008):544.

7 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,137.

8 同上,137-38。

9 Baxter and Jack,“Qualitative Case Study Methodology,”546-47.

10 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,137.

11 Robert K.Yin,Case Study Research:Design and Methods(Thousand Oaks,CA:SAGE,1994),78-80.

12 Jane Stokes,How to Do Media &Cultural Studies(London:SAGE,2011),108-09.

13 Yin,Case Study Research,83.

14 Stokes,How to Do Media &Cultural Studies,110.

15 同上,113-14。

16 Yin,Case Study Research,81.

17 同上。

18 同上,78-80。

19 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,138.

20 Baxter and Jack,“Qualitative Case Study Methodology,”555-56.

21 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,138.

22 Raymond Madden,Being Ethnographic:A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Ethnography(London:SAGE,2010).

23 Scott Reeves,Ayelet Kuper,and Brian D.Hodges,“Qualitative Research Methodologies:Ethnography,”British Medical Journal 337,(August,2008):512.

24 同上。

25 Christopher Crouch and Jane Pearce,Doing Research in Design(London:Berg,2012),85.

26 Reeves et al.,“Qualitative Research Methodologies,”512.

27 Madden,Being Ethnographic,175-76.

28 Crouch and Pearce,Doing Research in Design,84.

29 同上。

30 Madden,Being Ethnographic,16-17.

31 同上,59-62。

32 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,139.

33 Madden,Being Ethnographic,80.

34 Tim Plowman,“Ethnography and Critical Design Practice,”in Design Research:Methods and Perspectives,ed.Brenda Laurel(Cambridge,MA:MIT Press,2003),35.

35 Madden,Being Ethnographic,16-17.

36 F.J.Riemer,“Ethnography Research,”in Research Essentials:An Introduction to Designs and Practices,ed.Stephen D.Laplan and Marylynn T.Quartaroli(San Francisco,CA:Jossey-Bass,2009),205-06.

37 Reeves et al.,“Qualitative Research Methodologies:Ethnography,”513;Gillian Rose,Visual Methodologies:An Introduction to Researching with Visual Materials(London:SAGE,2012),297-327.

38 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,139.

39 同上。

40 Madden,Being Ethnographic,67-68.

41 同上,69。

42 Stokes,How to Do Media &Cultural Studies,114.

43 同上,117-18。

44 Nick Moore,How to Do Research:The Complete Guide to Designing and Managing Research Projects(London:Library Association,2000),121.

45 同上,121-22。

46 同上,111。

47 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,149-52;Stokes,How to Do Media &Cultural Studies,117-20.

48 Madden,Being Ethnographic,101-04.

49 Crouch and Pearce,Doing Research in Design,101.

50 Madden,Being Ethnographic,96-97.

51 同上,77。

52 同上,77-80。

53 Stokes,How to Do Media &Cultural Studies,120-21.

54 同上,122-23。

55 同上,123-24。

56 William W.Gaver,Andrew Boucher,Sarah Pennington,and Brendan Walker,“Cultural Probes and the Value of Uncertainty,”interactions 11,no.5(2004):53.

57 Peter Wyeth and Carla Diercke,“Designing Cultural Probes for Children,”in OZCHI ’06 Proceedings of the 18th Australia Conference on Computer-Human Interaction:Design:Activities,Artefacts and Environments(Sydney:ACM,2006),385,http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1228252.

58 Donald Norman,The Design of Everyday Things:Revised and Extended Edition(New York:Basic Books,2013).

59 Dorothy Leonard and Jeffrey F.Rayport,“Spark Innovation through Empathic Design,”Harvard Business Review 75,no.6(1997):102-13,accessed March 3,2013,http://hbr.org/1997/11/spark-innovation-through-empathic-design/ar/1.

60 Muratovski,Beyond Design,87.

61 Chadia Abras,Diane Maloney-Krichmar,and Jenny Preece,“User-Centered Design,”in Berkshire Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction,ed.William S.Bainbridge(Thousand Oaks,CA:SAGE,2004),767.

62 Gaver et al.,“Cultural Probes and the Value of Uncertainty,”53.

63 Claudia Mitchell,Doing Visual Research(London:SAGE,2012).

64 同上,4-5;亦见Rose,Visual Methodologies,298。

65 Rose,Visual Methodologies,304.

66 同上,305-06。

67 同上,307。

68 Wyeth and Diercke,“Designing Cultural Probes for Children.”

69 同上,386。

70 同上。

71 同上,386-87。

72 同上,387。

73 同上,388。

74 Bill Gaver,Tony Dunne,and Elena Pacenti,“Design:Cultural Probes,”interactions 6,no.1(1999):21-29.

75 同上,22。

76 同上,26。

77 同上,22-24。

78 同上,22。

79 同上,25。

80 同上,28。

81 Herman Aguinis and Christine A.Henle,“Ethics in Research,”in Blackwell Handbook of Adolescence,ed.Gerald Adams and Michael Berzonsky(Oxford:Blackwell,2004),39-40.

82 Kristin Larson,“Research Ethics and the Use of Human Participants,”in Research Essentials:An Introduction to Designs and Practices,ed.Stephen D.Lapan and Marylynn T.Quartaroli(San Francisco,CA:Jossey-Bass,2009),1-17.

83 Aguinis and Henle,“Ethics in Research,”39-40;Larson,“Research Ethics and the Use of Human Participants,”7.

84 Larson,“Research Ethics and the Use of Human Participants,”7-8.

85 同上,8。

86 同上,9。

87 同上,8-9。

88 Aguinis and Henle,“Ethics in Research,”35.

89 Larson,“Research Ethics and the Use of Human Participants,”10.

90 同上,11;Aguinis and Henle,“Ethics in Research,”42-43。

91 Larson,“Research Ethics and the Use of Human Participants,”12.

92 同上。

93 同上,12-13。

94 Madden,Being Ethnographic,175-76.

95 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,140.

96 同上,140-41.

97 Rose,Visual Methodologies,317-27.

98 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,108.

99 同上,141。

100 Susann M.Laverty,“Hermeneutic Phenomenology and Phenomenology:A Comparison of Historical and Methodological Considerations,”International Journal of Qualitative Methods 2,no.3(2003):4,accessed February 20,2013,http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/160940690300200303.

101 Muratovski,Beyond Design,89-101.

102 Steven S.Holt,“Beauty and the Blob:Product Culture Now,”in Design Culture Now:National Design Triennial,ed.Donald Albrecht,Ellen Lupton,and Steven S.Holt(New York:Princeton Architectural Press,2000),21-24.

103 Stan Lester,“An Introduction to Phenomenological Research,”Stan Lester Developments,1999,accessed February 22,2013,http://www.sld.demon.co.uk/resmethv.pdf.(www.daowen.com)

104 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,141.

105 Lester,“An Introduction to Phenomenological Research,”1999.

106 Laverty,“Hermeneutic Phenomenology and Phenomenology,”18.

107 David W.Smith,“Phenomenology,”Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,2008,accessed February 13,2013,http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/phenomenology/.

108 Laverty,“Hermeneutic Phenomenology and Phenomenology,”19.

109 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,141.

110 Laverty,“Hermeneutic Phenomenology and Phenomenology,”18.

111 Moore,How to do Research,124.

112 同上。

113 Stokes,How to Do Media &Cultural Studies,124-25.

114 Yin,Case Study Research,84-85;Moore,How to Do Research,122.

115 Moore,How to Do Research,123.

116 Gjoko Muratovski,“The Importance of Research and Strategy in Design and Branding:Conversation with Dana Arnett,”in Design for Business,Volume 1,ed.Gjoko Muratovski(Melbourne:agIdeas Press/Bristol:Intellect,2012),16-23.

117 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,141.

118 同上,142。

119 Laverty,“Hermeneutic Phenomenology and Phenomenology,”23.

120 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,164.

121 DJ.Huppatz and Grace Lees-Maffei,“Why Design History? A Multi-National Perspective on the State and Purpose of the Field,”Arts &Humanities in Higher Education 12,no.2-3(2013):311.

122 Clive Dilnot,“The State of Design History,Part I:Mapping the Field,”Design Issues 1,no.1(1984):12.

123 Victor Margolin,“Design History or Design Studies:Subject Matter and Methods,”Design Studies 13,no.2(1992):115.

124 Clive Dilnot,“The State of Design History,Part II:Problems and Possibilities,”Design Issues 1,no.2(1984):20.

125 Muratovski,Beyond Design,91.

126 见Bridgette Engeler Newbury,“Design Thinking and Futures Thinking,Strategic Business Partners or Competitors? Exploring Commonalities,Differences and Opportunities,”in Design for Business,Volume 1.,ed.Gjoko Muratovski(Melbourne:agIdeas Press,2012),26-41。

127 Muratovski,Beyond Design,76.

128 WGSN,“About WGSN,”Worth Global Style Network,accessed February 26,2013,http://www.wgsn.com.

129 Muratovski,Beyond Design,77.

130 Christian Sandström,“The Rise of Digital Imaging and the Fall of the Old Camera Industry,”The Luminous Landscape,2009,accessed February 26,2013,http://www.luminous-landscape.com/essays/rise-fall.shtml.

131 Engeler Newbury,“Design Thinking and Futures Thinking,”30.

132 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,164.

133 L.M.Hines,“Evaluating Historical Research,”in Research Essentials:An Introduction to Designs and Practices,ed.Stephen D.Lapan and MaryLynn T.Quartaroli(San Francisco,CA:Jossey-Bass,2009),148-49.

134 同上,146-47。

135 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,172-75.

136 见Hines,“Evaluating Historical Research,”147。

137 Jeremy Coulter,The World’s Great Cars(London:Marshall Cavendish,1989).

138 Hines,“Evaluating Historical Research,”152-54.

139 Stokes,How to Do Media &Cultural Studies,114.

140 Yin,Case Study Research,81-82.

141 同上,83-84。

142 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,165.

143 Hines,“Evaluating Historical Research,”156.

144 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,169-71.

145 同上,168-69。

146 Hines,“Evaluating Historical Research,”147.

147 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,175.

148 同上,177。

149 同上,142。

150 M.L.Jones,George K.Kriflik,and M.Zanko,“Grounded Theory:A Theoretical and Practical Application in the Australian Film Industry,”in Proceedings of the International Qualitative Research Convention 2005(QRC05),ed.A.Hafidz Bin Hj(Kuala Lumpur:Qualitative Research Association of Malaysia,2005),accessed February 20,2013,http://ro.uow.edu.au/commpapers/46.

151 见Muratovski,Beyond Design,26-29。

152 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,108.

153 见Gjoko Muratovski,Design Research:Corporate Communication Strategies——From Religious Propaganda to Strategic Brand Management(PhD dissertation,University of South Australia,2010)。

154 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,142-43.

155 同上,143。

156 同上。

157 同上,143-44。

158 同上,157。

第五章 定量研究

1 Peter Zec,“Design Value,”DMI Review 22,no.2(2011):39.

2 Anna Whicher,Gisele Raulik-Murphy,and Gavin Cawood,“Evaluating Design:Understanding the Return on Investment,”DMI Review 22,no.2(2011):47.

3 C.Williams,“Research Methods,”Journal of Business &Economic Research 5,no.3(2007):66.

4 Gabriella Belli,“Nonexperimental Quantitative Research,”in Research Essentials:An Introduction to Designs and Practices,ed.Stephen D.Lapan and MaryLynn T.Quartaroli(San Francisco,CA:Jossey-Bass,2009),60.

5 John W.Creswell,Research Design:Qualitative,Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches(Thousand Oaks,CA:SAGE,2003),125-26.

6 Michael S.Lewis-Beck,Alan Bryman,and Tim F.Liao,The SAGE Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods(Thousand Oaks,CA:SAGE,2004),869.

7 Randall R.Cottrell and James F.McKenzie,Health Promotion &Education Research:Using the Five-Chapter Thesis/Dissertation Model(London:Jones and Bartlett,2011),172-73.

8 Lewis-Beck et al.,The SAGE Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods,896.

9 Nick Moore,How to Do Research:The Complete Guide to Designing and Managing Research Projects(London:Library Association,2000),104-05.

10 Creswell,Research Design,156-58.

11 Paul D.Leedy and Jeanne E.Ormrod,Practical Research:Planning and Design(Boston,MA:Pearson,2010),182-87.

12 同上,187;Jane Stokes,How to Do Media &Cultural Studies(London:SAGE,2011),141-42。

13 Pamela L.Alreck and Robert B.Settle,The Survey Research Handbook(Homewood,IL:Irwin,1985),97.

14 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,187-88;Stokes,How to Do Media &Cultural Studies,142.

15 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,191-92.

16 Alreck and Settle,The Survey Research Handbook,97-128;Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,194-97.

17 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,188-89.

18 Stokes,How to Do Media &Cultural Studies,141-42.

19 IBM,“User-Centred Design,”IBM Design,2007,accessed April 21,2013,http://www-01.ibm.com/software/ucd/ucd.html;UXPA,“What Is User-Centered Design?,”User Experience Professionals Association,2010,accessed February 13,2013,http://www.upassoc.org/usability_resources/about_usability/what_is_ucd.html.

20 IBM,“User-Centred Design.”

21 同上。

22 同上。

23 Keith F.Punch,Introduction to Social Research:Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches(London:SAGE,2005),68-69.

24 Moore,How to Do Research,xii.

25 见Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,108。

26 IBM,“User-Centred Design.”

27 同上。

28 同上。

29 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,182-83.

30 IBM,“User-Centred Design.”

31 同上。

32 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,183.

33 Steven Gimbel,ed.,introduction to Exploring the Scientific Method:Cases and Questions(Chicago,IL:University of Chicago Press,2011),xi.

34 Williams,“Research Methods,”66;Belli,“Nonexperimental Quantitative Research,”60.

35 Steve Sato and Deborah Mrazek,“Measuring the Impact of Design on Business”(presented at the Design Management Institute,Seattle,April 11-12,2013).

36 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,182.

37 Punch,Introduction to Social Research,68-69.

第六章 视觉研究

1 John Berger,Ways of Seeing(London:Penguin,1972).

2 Bjørn Ramberg and Kristin Gjesdal,“Hermeneutics,”Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,1972,accessed December 13,2013,http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/hermeneutics/,129.

3 Oxford Dictionaries,“Culture,”Oxford University Press,accessed December 15,2013,http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/culture.

4 Oxford Dictionaries,“Form,”Oxford University Press,accessed July 8,2014,http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/form.

5 Oxford Dictionaries,“Object,”Oxford University Press,accessed July 8,2014,http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/object?q=object.

6 Oxford Dictionaries,“Image,”Oxford University Press,accessed December 14,2013,http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/image.

7 Gillian Rose,Visual Methodologies:An Introduction to Researching with Visual Materials(London:SAGE,2012),52.

8 同上,52-57。

9 Nicholas Mirzoeff,“What Is Visual Culture?,”in The Visual Culture Reader,ed.Nicholas Mirzoeff(London:Routledge,1999),5.

10 Ian Woodward,Understanding Material Culture(London:SAGE,2007),3.

11 Mirzoeff,“What Is Visual Culture?,”5

12 同上,5-6;Nicholas Mirzoeff,An Introduction to Visual Culture(London:Routledge,2009)。

13 Woodward,Understanding Material Culture,3.

14 同上,4。

15 同上。

16 同上。

17 见Rose,Visual Methodologies,11-12;Woodward,Understanding Material Culture,3-16。

18 见Jean Kilbourne,Jean Kilbourne,accessed December 15,2013,http://www.jeankilbourne.com。

19 Tanner Higgin,“Blackless Fantasy:The Disappearance of Race in Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games,”Games and Culture 4,no.1(2009):3-26.

20 同上。

21 Rose,Visual Methodologies,12.

22 见同上,261-96。

23 同上,13。

24 Berger,Ways of Seeing,8-9.

25 同上,9。

26 见Rose,Visual Methodologies,15。

27 Oxford Dictionaries,“Culture.”

28 Rose,Visual Methodologies,16.

29 同上,51。

30 同上,55。

31 同上,55-56。

32 同上,58-79。

33 Terry Barrett,Criticizing Art:Understanding the Contemporary(Mountain View,CA:Mayfield,1994);同上,51-80。

34 Jane Stokes,How to Do Media &Cultural Studies(London:SAGE,2011),56.

35 Rose,Visual Methodologies,81.

36 见Rose,Visual Methodologies,82;Stokes,How to Do Media &Cultural Studies,56-57。

37 Rose,Visual Methodologies,87.

38 Stokes,How to Do Media &Cultural Studies,61-64.

39 同上,61。

40 同上。

41 Rose,Visual Methodologies,91.

42 同上,96。

43 Stokes,How to Do Media &Cultural Studies,62-63.

44 同上,63-64。

45 同上。

46 Rose,Visual Methodologies,102.

47 Stokes,How to Do Media &Cultural Studies,66.

48 Rose,Visual Methodologies,105.

49 见Stokes,How to Do Media &Cultural Studies,72。

50 同上,72-73。

51 同上,74-75。

52 Oxford Dictionaries,“Sign,”Oxford University Press,accessed December 26,2013,http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/sign.

53 Rose,Visual Methodologies,113.

54 同上,119。

55 见Per Mollerup,Wayshowing:A Guide to Environmental Signage Principles and Practices(Zürich:Lars Müller,2005)。

56 Kurt M.A.Goldammer,“Religious Symbolism and Iconography,”The New Encyclopaedia Britannica:Macropaedia 17,no.1(1995):591.

57 Rose,Visual Methodologies,119.

58 Carl G.Jung et al.,Man and His Symbols(London:Aldus,1964),4.

59 同上,67。

60 同上,5。

61 同上,20。

62 同上,4。

63 Goldammer,“Religious Symbolism and Iconography,”591-92.

64 Rose,Visual Methodologies,109.

65 同上,16-17。

66 Maurice Cranston,“Ideology,”The New Encyclopaedia Britannica:Macropaedia 20,no.1(1995):768.

67 Barrett,Criticizing Art.

68 Rose,Visual Methodologies,111.

69 同上,123。

70 Jonathan Bignell,Media Semiotics:An Introduction(Manchester:Manchester University Press,1997),30-55.

71 Jean Baudrillard,The Consumer Society:Myths and Structures(London:SAGE,1998),95-96.

72 同上,97。

73 Gjoko Muratovski,Design Research:Corporate Communication Strategies——From Religious Propaganda to Strategic Brand Management(PhD dissertation,University of South Australia,2010),84-85.

74 同上,134。

75 Mary Jo Hatch and Majken Shultz,Taking Brand Initiative:How Companies Can Align Strategy,Culture,and Identity through Corporate Branding(San Francisco,CA:Jossey-Bass,2008),26.

76 Jung et al.,Man and His Symbols,3.

77 Ferdinand de Saussure,Course in General Linguistics(London:Duckworth,1983).

78 Jung et al.,Man and His Symbols,41.

79 同上。

80 Cees B.M.van Riel and Charles J.Fombrun,Essentials of Corporate Communication(London:Routledge,2007),103.

81 Wolff Olins,The New Guide to Identity(London:The Design Council,1995),11.

82 Muratovski,“Design Research.”

83 Garth S.Jowett and Victoria O’Donnell,Propaganda and Persuasion(London:SAGE,2006),146.

84 Sut Jhally,“Advertising at the Edge of the Apocalypse,”in Critical Studies in Media Commercialism,ed.Robin Andersen and Lance Strate(Oxford:Oxford University Press,2000),27-39.

85 Michael Schudson,Advertising,the Uneasy Persuasion:Its Dubious Impact on the American Society(London:Routledge,1993),6.

86 同上,209。

87 同上,209-33。

88 Alexander Fadayev,“Socialist Realism,”Encyclopedia of World Literature in the Twentieth Century 3,no.1(1971):299;转引自同上,125。

89 Schudson,Advertising,the Uneasy Persuasion,215.

90 同上,233。

91 William Leiss,Stephen Kline,and Sut Jhally,Social Communication in Advertising(New York:Routledge,1997),193.

92 Leiss et al.,Social Communication in Advertising.

93 Jib Fowles,Advertising and Popular Culture(London:SAGE,1996),167.

94 Fowles,Advertising and Popular Culture.

95 Leiss et al.,Social Communication in Advertising,240.

96 同上,245。

97 同上,246-54。

98 同上,259-62。

99 Muratovski,“Design Research,”84-85.

100 Barrett,Criticizing Art;“About Art Interpretation for Art Education,”Studies in Art Education 42,no.1(2000):5-19.

101 Barrett,“About Art Interpretation for Art Education,”5-6.

102 同上,6。

103 Rose,Visual Methodologies,77-79.

104 Stokes,How to Do Media &Cultural Studies,58.

105 同上,58-59。

106 Rose,Visual Methodologies,101.

107 见同上,105-06。

108 Stokes,How to Do Media &Cultural Studies,72.

109 同上,73。

110 同上,75-76。

第七章 应用研究

1 Christopher Crouch and Jane Pearce,Doing Research in Design(London:Berg,2012),35-37.

2 Anne Burdick,“Design(as) Research,”in Design Research:Methods and Perspectives,ed.Brenda Laurel(Cambridge,MA:MIT Press,2003),82.

3 Cal Swann,“Action Research and the Practice of Design,”Design Issues 18,no.2(2002):51.

4 Crouch and Pearce,Doing Research in Design,143.

5 Swann,“Action Research and the Practice of Design,”50-51.

6 同上,53。

7 见Swann,“Action Research and the Practice of Design”,亦见Crouch and Pearce,Doing Research in Design,146。

8 Crouch and Pearce,Doing Research in Design,146.

9 Swann,“Action Research and the Practice of Design,”56.

10 同上,53-54。

11 同上,56。

12 见Linda Candy,“Practice Based Research:A Guide,”Creativity and Cognition Studios,2006,accessed November 29,2013,https://www.creativityandcognition.com/research/practice-basedresearch。

13 见Linda Candy,“Differences between Practice-Based and Practice-Led Research,”Creativity and Cognition Studios,2006,accessed February 14,2013,https://www.creativityandcognition.com/research/practice-based-research。

14 同上,第2节。

15 Candy,“Differences between Practice-Based and Practice-Led Research.”

16 同上,第4节。

17 Donald A.Schön,The Reflective Practitioner:How Professionals Think in Action(New York:Basic Books,1983).

18 David Hopkins and Elpida Ahtaridou,“Applying Research Methods to Professional Practice,”in Research Essentials:An Introduction to Designs and Practices,ed.Stephen D.Lapan and Marylynn.T.Quartaroli(San Francisco,CA:Jossey-Bass,2006),276.

19 Swann,“Action Research and the Practice of Design,”50.

20 Crouch and Pearce,Doing Research in Design,143.

21 Robert B.Burns,Introduction to Research Methods(Frenchs Forest:Longman,2000),443.

22 Jean McNiff and Jack Whitehead,All You Need to Know about Action Research(London:SAGE,2012),14.

23 同上。

24 Hopkins and Ahtaridou,“Applying Research Methods to Professional Practice,”282.

25 McNiff and Whitehead,All You Need to Know about Action Research,7.

26 Swann,“Action Research and the Practice of Design,”55.

27 McNiff and Whitehead,All You Need to Know about Action Research,7.

28 Crouch and Pearce,Doing Research in Design,151.

29 同上,27-29。

30 Swann,“Action Research and the Practice of Design,”56-57.

31 Crouch and Pearce,Doing Research in Design,151.

32 Julienne Meyer,“Using Qualitative Methods in Health Related Action Research,”British Medical Journal 320(2000):178.

33 同上。

34 同上。

35 同上,180。

36 Swann,“Action Research and the Practice of Design,”53.

37 同上。

38 同上,51;Crouch and Pearce,Doing Research in Design,147。

39 Swann,“Action Research and the Practice of Design,”58.

40 同上,59。

41 同上,52。

42 同上,51。

43 同上,51-52。

44 同上,52。

45 见Candy,“Practice Based Research”。

46 见McNiff and Whitehead,All You Need to Know about Action Research,8。

47 Meyer,“Using Qualitative Methods in Health Related Action Research,”178.

48 Burns,Introduction to Research Methods,443.

49 Crouch and Pearce,Doing Research in Design,145.

50 Swann,“Action Research and the Practice of Design,”61.

51 Meyer,“Using Qualitative Methods in Health Related Action Research,”180.

第八章 研究与设计

1 Paul D.Leedy and Jeanne E.Ormrod,Practical Research:Planning and Design(Boston,MA:Pearson,2010),291.

2 Eric J.Arnould,“Getting a Manuscript to Publication Standard,”Design Research Quarterly 1,no.1(2006):21-23.

3 同上,21。

4 同上。

5 同上。

6 同上,21-22。

7 同上,22。

8 同上。

9 Oxford Dictionaries,“Empirical,”Oxford University Press,accessed December 31,2013,http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/empirical.

10 Leedy and Ormrod,Practical Research,304.

