理论教育 视觉检测系统:在线测量的利器


时间:2023-06-23 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:邹定海 叶声华 王春和 郭育摘要:本文提出了视觉检测概念,建立了用于三维尺寸测量的视觉检测系统。系统使用了两种不同类型的视觉传感器,以完成空间不同点三维坐标值的测量。将该系统用于一汽Au-di—100轿车白车身左侧围的测量,取得了令人满意的结果,与坐标测量机的测量结果进行比较,两者具有较好的一致性。


邹定海 叶声华 王春和 郭育

天津大学精密仪器工程系 天津 300072)


关键词:机器视觉 视觉检测 白车身

A Visual Inspection System for On-line Measurement(www.daowen.com)

Zou Ding-hai Ye Sheng-hua Wang Chun-he Guo Yu

(Department of Precision Instruments Eng.Tianjin Cniversity)

Abstract:In the paper,the visual inspection conception is presented and a visual inspection sys-tem is established for 3-D dimensional measurement.In the system two kinds of visual sensors(contour sensor and surface sensor)are utilized to complete 3-D coordinate measurement of differ-ent points in space.The system is applied to dimensional measurement of left sideframe on Audi-100 body-in-white and the satisfactory results are achieved.The statistical measurerment data show the readings from the system are relatively identical to those from the coordinate measuring machine(CMM).

Key Words:machine vision visual inspection body-in-white

