理论教育 一种实用成像系统像面动态散斑的空-时相关函数


更新时间:2025-01-03 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:彭翔 马世宁 叶声华摘要:本文根据傅里叶光学和统计理论,推导了一种实用的成像光学系统像面动态散斑的振幅及强度的空-时相关函数表达式,并提出利用相干场混合法提取空-时强度相关的信息。

彭翔 马世宁 叶声华

天津大学 天津 300072)

摘要:本文根据傅里叶光学和统计理论,推导了一种实用的成像光学系统像面动态散斑的振幅及强度的空-时相关函数表达式,并提出利用相干场混合法提取空-时强度相关的信息。关键词:动态散斑 空-时相关函数

Space-time correlation of dynamic speckle in image plane for optical imagine system

Peng Xiang Ma Shining Ye Shenghua(www.daowen.com)

(Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072)

Abstract:By virtue of Fourier opties and statistical theory the amplitade and intensity space-time correlation of denamie spekle in image plane for optioal imaging system have been developed.In the meantime,anovel method for extraeting intensity eorrelation information by mixing up a coherent light field has been proposed.

Key Words:dynamie speckle,space-time correlation


