理论教育 光幕阵列测试系统动态信号特性分析


更新时间:2025-01-03 理论教育 版权反馈

李 轰,倪晋平,陈 丁

(西安工业大学 陕西省光电测试与仪器技术重点实验室,陕西 西安 710021)

摘 要:光幕阵列各测量通道存在不均衡性,会导致阵列动态信号传输延迟出现差异,直接影响光幕阵列测试系统的总体性能。为了解决这一问题,提出一种利用半实物仿真的方法进行评估、分析光幕阵列测量通道传输特性的方法。为了简化研究,本课题采用半实物仿真平台产生两路并行模拟动态信号,通过采集后进行动态信号的时、频域分析,基于不同信号参数条件下(如不同脉宽、信噪比、滤波截止频率等)分析并获得其传输特性及相关变化规律。试验结果表明,该方法可以科学、客观地评估光幕阵列测量通道传输不均衡性,为测量通道的校准与补偿提供了依据。


中图分类号:TJ12.3 文献标志码:A



Characteristics analysis of the dynamic signal in light screen array measurement system

LI Hong,NI Jinping,CHEN Ding

(Shaanxi Province Key Laboratory of Photoelectric Measurement and Instrument Technology,Xian Technological University,Xi'an 710021,China)

Abstract:It leads to the difference delay of array dynamic signals transmission due to unbalanced measure⁃ment channels in the light screen array,which directly affects the overall performance of the light screen array tes⁃ting system.To solve the above problem,a method of evaluating and analyzing the transmission characteristics of light screen array measurement channels using semi-physical simulation is proposed.For simplicity,the semiphysical simulation platform to generate two parallel analog dynamic signals is used.Through the time and fre⁃quency domain analysis of the dynamic signals after acquisition,the transmission characteristics and related change rules of the dynamic signals based on different signal parameters(such as different pulse width,signalto-noise ratio,filter cut-off frequency,etc.)is analyzed and obtained.The experimental results show that the method can be scientifically and objectively evaluate the transmission imbalance of the measurement channel of the light screen array,and provide a basis for the calibration and compensation of the measurement channel.

Keywords:light screen array;dynamic signal;signal characteristics;time domain analysis;frequency do⁃main analysis

