理论教育 线圈感应式拦截器发射仿真计算分析


时间:2023-06-23 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:为了进一步研究线圈感应式拦截器发射系统中拦截弹的发射过程,优化提高拦截器发射效率,建立了拦截器二维仿真模型,分别对线圈尺寸、线圈类型、底座材料、底座和线圈间距以及外电路中电感对发射速度的影响进行了仿真分析。此外,通过三维仿真模型对拦截弹发射后的运动姿态进行仿真分析。关键词:线圈感应式;电磁;仿真优化;飞行姿态中图分类号:TJ410文献标志码:A基金项目:2018 年江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划立项项目。


陈思敏,黄正祥,祖旭东,肖强强,贾 鑫,马 彬

(南京理工大学 机械工程学院,江苏 南京 210094)

摘 要:主动电磁装甲是在电磁发射技术基础上发展起来的一种新型近程硬杀伤拦截系统,具有反应速度快、精度高、方向可控、能源简易等优点。为了进一步研究线圈感应式拦截器发射系统中拦截弹的发射过程,优化提高拦截器发射效率,建立了拦截器二维仿真模型,分别对线圈尺寸、线圈类型、底座材料、底座和线圈间距以及外电路中电感对发射速度的影响进行了仿真分析。此外,通过三维仿真模型对拦截弹发射后的运动姿态进行仿真分析。在外电路不变的情况下对发射速度为48.14 m/s 的拦截器线圈拦截器进行优化,优化后拦截弹的发射速度提升至123.07 m/s,在此基础上进一步将外电路电感由18 μH 降低到8 μH 和1 μH,发射速度分别提高到150.89 m/s 和190.89 m/s。


中图分类号:TJ410 文献标志码:A

基金项目:2018 年江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划立项项目(No:KYCX18_0469)。


Simulation analysis of coil induction interceptor launch

CHEN Simin,HUANG Zhengxiang,ZU Xudong,XIAO Qiangqiang,JIA Xin,MA Bin

(School of Mechanical Engineering,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China)

Abstract:Active electromagnetic armor is a new short-range interception system developed on the basis of electromagnetic launching technology.It has the advantages of fast response,high precision,controllable direction and simple energy.In order to further study the launching process of interceptor projectile in the launching system of coil induction interceptor and optimize the launching efficiency of interceptor,a two-dimensional simulation model of interceptor is established.The effects of coil size,coil type,base material,base and coil spacing and in⁃ductance in external circuit on launching speed are simulated and analyzed respectively.In addition,the threedimensional simulation model is used to simulate the attitude of the interceptor after launching.The coil intercep⁃tor of 48.14m/s interceptor is optimized under the condition of unchanged external circuit.After optimization,the launching speed of interceptor is increased to 123.07 m/s.On this basis,the inductance of external circuit is fur⁃ther reduced from 18 μH to 8 μH and 1μH,and the launching speed is respectively increased to 150.89 m/s and 190.89 m/s.

Keywords:coil induction;electromagnetic;simulation optimization;motion attitude

