理论教育 玻璃材料制作服饰配件工艺详解


更新时间:2025-01-03 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:Poor thermal conductivity,the glass parts are locally heated and softened until molten,while the rest is still at low temperature,no deformation and can be hand-held.玻璃灯工加工的玻璃部件一般是薄壁,其热膨胀系数与热稳定性成反比关系。Glass cutting.将所选用的彩色


Glass forming principle


Processing is carried out according to the relevant properties of the glass.Related properties of glass:


There is no fixed melting point,and the viscosity continuously decreases with increasing temperature,and the viscosity increases and solidifies upon cooling.


Cohesive force and surface tension make the glass shrink and thicken when it melts.When softened,it is blown into a spherical shape or drawn into a cylindrical shape.


Poor thermal conductivity,the glass parts are locally heated and softened until molten,while the rest is still at low temperature,no deformation and can be hand-held.


Glass-worked glass components are generally thin-walled,and their thermal expansion coefficient is inversely proportional to thermal stability.The hard glass has a high softening point and a small coefficient of thermal expansion,and can be processed by a high-temperature flame such as gas-oxygen or hydrogen-oxygen without cracking.Soft glass has a large thermal expansion coefficient and poor thermal stability.It can be heated by high calorific value gas to reach the temperature required by the lamp.


It can infiltrate the metal,the smaller the infiltration angle,the greater the adhesion.The pure metal state wetting angle is generally larger than the oxide state wetting angle,so that the glass is more hermetically sealed with the surface oxidized metal.


Glass product molding process (Figure 4-64、Figure 4-65)


Fusing Glass.



Fusing Glass is a molten state in a certain temperature range (generally around 750℃~ 800℃),so that the two parts of the glass are bonded or integrated into each other.

图4-64 热熔成型玻璃首饰
Figure 4-64 Fusing glass jewellery

图4-65 热熔成型玻璃首饰
Figure 4-65 Fusing glass jewellery

The form of hot melt and the variety of elements used for decoration,such as the combination of linear and block glass,the use of colored glazes and metal oxides,can be found through a variety of attempts to find some special effects.


The specific operation process includes:


Glass cutting.(www.daowen.com)


The selected colored flat glass is cut in a pattern.


Collage glass pattern.


Different colors of glass are patterned on Asbestos paper according to the assumption.


Into the kiln for burning.


Place it in an electric kiln and set the temperature (usually around 700℃~ 800℃) for firing.


Grinding corners.


After the work is annealed,it is taken out and the corners are ground.


The Flamework glass.



The main equipment used in The flame glass technology is a burner with a regulating valve.

A mixed gas such as gas-air,gas-oxygen or hydrogen-oxygen with pressure is sent to the burner to spray flames of different temperatures.Commonly used operating tools include iron tongs,clamps,carbon rods,perforated steel needles,piston tongs,air blowing tools,measuring tools,and refractory appliances that make the flames flat and narrow.Most of the glass lamp workers are carried out by hand.The large-scale products are clamped and processed by the lamp lathe,and the batch-produced products are mechanized by special machine tools.


According to the processing object,the process is divided into the following three basic types:


Glass deformation processing softens the glass,and operates by external force and inner air blowing,such as bending,blowing,drawing,tumbling,sealing the bottom of the tube,and the like.The processing of products such as the condensing tube core,the serpentine core,the vitreous bottom of the thermos flask,and the round bottom of the test tube belong to this example.


The glass parts are welded to each other and then welded and shaped,and melted into one body,such as glass tube fittings,butt joints,inner and outer tube sleeves,etc.,the same kind of glass welding is the safest.For products made of different kinds of glass,if there is too much difference in thermal expansion coefficient,there will be a difference in shrinkage after cooling after welding,causing structural stress caused by volume effect,and bursting when stress exceeds glass strength.Quartz glass and ordinary glass welding belong to this example.The solution is to use several glass with a coefficient of thermal expansion as the intermediate transition glass.In general,the difference in thermal expansion coefficient between the two glasses should be less than 6×10-7℃.


Glass parts and metal welding seals.Try to use a glass with a thermal expansion coefficient close to the metal to match the seal.When the difference between the thermal expansion coefficients of the two is too large,the intermediate transition glass,the soft metal filament or the thin foil may be used for non-matching sealing with the glass,and the structural stress generated at the sealing portion may be compensated by metal deformation.

