理论教育 掌握常用控制、测量和阀件术语的技巧


时间:2023-06-16 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:10.11 压力控制器 pressure controller直接或间接根据受控压力的偏差值而动作的控制设备。


10.1 自动化 automation


10.2 控制 control


10.3 自动控制 automatic control


10.4 遥控 remote control


10.5 监控 monitoring


10.6 调整 adjustment


10.7 控制器 controller


10.8 传感器 transducer


10.9 开-关控制 on-off control


10.10 控制设备 control


10.11 压力控制器 pressure controller


10.12 高压控制器 high pressure controller


10.13 低压控制器 low pressure controller


10.14 高低压控制器 dual pressure controller


10.15 压差控制器 pressure differential controller


10.16 温度控制器 temperature controller


10.17 恒温器 thermostat


10.18 房间恒温器 room thermostat


10.19 双效控制器 dual-effect controller


10.20 电热元件 heating resistance由发热电阻、绝缘的支架和供电用接线柱等组成的元件。

10.21 易熔塞 fusible plug


10.22 爆破片 rupture member


10.23 双金属片 bimetallic element


10.24 内平衡管 internal equalizer


10.25 外平衡管 external equalizer


10.26 温度计 thermometer


10.27 湿球温度计 wet bulb thermometer


10.28 干球温度计 dry bulb thermometer


10.29 干湿球温度计 psychrometer


10.30 高温计 pyrometer


10.31 液柱压力计 liquid level manometer


10.32 大气压力计 barometer


10.33 湿度计 hygrometer


10.34 密度计 hydrometer


10.35 盐液密度计 salinometer


10.36 风速计 anemometer


10.37 玻璃液面计 gauge glass


10.38 量热计 calorimeter



10.39 测功计 dynamometer


10.40 检漏 leak detection检查制冷系统是否有制冷剂泄漏的操作。

10.41 检漏仪 leak detection


10.42 膨胀阀 expansion valve


10.43 节流阀 throttle valve


10.44 热力膨胀阀 thermostatic expansion valve


10.45 自动膨胀阀 automatic expansion valve


10.46 手动膨胀阀 hand expansion valve


10.47 恒压膨胀阀 constantpressureexpansionvalve


10.48 膨胀阀过热度 superheatdegreeofexpansionvalve


10.49 膨胀阀容量 expansion valve capacity


10.50 浮球阀 float valve


10.51 低压浮球阀 low pressure float valve


10.52 高压浮球阀 high pressure float valve


10.53 减压阀 pressure-reducing valve



10.54 吸气压力调节阀 suotion pressure regulating valve


10.55 水量调节阀 water regulation valve


10.56 紧急泄放阀 emergency-relief valve


10.57 检修阀 service valve


10.58 安全阀 pressure relief valve


10.59 抽空阀 pump out valve


10.60 加油阀 oil charge valve向制冷系统充灌或添加润滑油的阀。

10.61 放油阀 oil drain valve


10.62 放空阀 purge valve


10.63 充灌阀 charging valve


10.64 喷液阀 liquid injection valve


10.65 电磁阀 solenoid valve


10.66 止回阀 check valve


10.67 截止阀 shut-off valve


10.68 三通阀 three-way valve


10.69 角阀 angle valve


10.70 球阀 ball valve


10.71 闸阀 gate valve


10.72 隔膜阀 diaphragm valve


10.73 直接作用式隔膜阀 direct acting diaphragm valve


10.74 反作用式隔膜阀 reverse acting diaphragm valve


10.75 主阀 main valve


10.76 导阀 pilot valve


10.77 调节风门 damper


10.78 蒸发压力调节器 evaporating pressure regulator


10.79 液体流动指示器 liquid indicator


10.80 释压装置 pressure relief device


10.81 限压装置 pressure-limiting device


10.82 滞后 lag






安全阀 10.58

安全盖 5.101

安全系数 5.114

凹凸板式蒸发器 6.39


百页窗 9.80

板翅式换热器 6.10

半导体制冷 2.17

半封闭制冷压缩机 5.23

半集中式空调系统 9.25

半开式叶轮 5.76

板式换热器 6.7

半自动融霜 7.5

饱和压力 3.52

饱和蒸气 3.42

爆破片 10.22

保温列车 8.68

保温汽车 8.67

壁挂式空调器 9.43

比焓 3.29

比容 2.23

比熵 3.31

闭式盐水系统 8.48

闭式叶轮 5.75

比㶲 3.33

变风量系统 9.34

边界条件 3.23

标定 2.30

表面冷却 6.86

表压 3.93

标准大气压 2.35

标准工况 4.66

标准性能 4.67

冰棒机 8.39

冰淇淋机 8.40

冰淇淋冻结器 8.41

冰桶 8.57

冰盐 4.77

玻璃棉 7.55

玻璃液面计 10.37

波纹管式轴封 5.64

补充水 4.89

补充余隙 5.39


不凝性气体 3.89


测功计 10.39

层流 2.20

叉流 3.128

叉流换热器 6.4

敝开式陈列冷柜 8.5

长宽比 9.100

潮气指示器 5.102

沉浸式冷凝器 6.18

赤纬 2.32

抽气回收装置 7.22

充灌阀 10.63

充注接头 7.42

抽空阀 10.59

抽拉作用 2.36

轴流风机 5.33

抽真空 3.99

处理空气 9.9

除湿机(器) 9.86

传感器 10.8

传热 3.113

传热面积 3.135

传热系数 3.129

穿堂 8.15

穿透率 3.119

喘振 5.112

传质 3.114

窗式空调器 9.39

吹胀式蒸发器 6.40

粗效过滤器 9.94

错排管组 6.59


大气压力计 10.32

单机双级压缩机 5.6

单级压缩 3.77

单螺杆压缩机 5.14

单位容积制冷量 4.34

单位轴功率制冷量 4.36

单元式空调机 9.35

单作用压缩机 5.4

当量温度 9.20

导阀 10.76

导热系数 3.131

岛式陈列柜 8.6

得热量 3.146

等焓膨胀 3.69

等熵效率 4.60

等温过程 3.62

等压过程 3.148

低共融混合物 4.82

滴水盘 6.97

低压侧 3.57

低压浮球阀 10.51

低压控制器 10.13

低温技术 2.6

低温冻结间 8.28

低压诱导器 9.82

电磁阀 10.65

电热元件 10.20

吊顶内装式空调器 9.44

吊顶式空调器 9.42

定风量系统 9.33

顶排管 6.61

定涡旋盘 5.85

冻干 3.8

冬季空调 9.5

冻结能力 8.45

冻结设备 8.23

动压 3.95

动涡旋盘 5.86

堵塞 5.113

镀铜 5.111

对称平衡型压缩机 5.28

对流 3.123

对数平均温差 3.143

多变过程 3.64

多变膨胀 3.68

多变压缩 3.74

多层隔热材料 7.51

多级膨胀 3.70

多级压缩 3.78

多叶风门 7.48

度日 2.33


二次回风系统 9.57

二次空气 9.59


阀片 5.71

阀片升程 5.72

发射率 3.117

发生器 6.100

阀座 5.70

反射率 3.120

反应热 3.17

反作用式隔膜阀 10.74

防潮层 9.103

防冻剂 3.91

房间恒温器 10.18

房间空调机 9.37

房间喷淋式加湿器 9.89

放空阀 10.62

放热系数 3.130

放油阀 10.61

沸点 3.10

非共沸制冷剂 4.70

飞溅润滑 5.93

飞溅式填料 6.115

非稳态 3.27

分解 3.108

分配器 6.92

分散式空调系统 9.26

分体式空调器 9.40

分压 3.97

分液贮存器 7.19

分子筛 7.30

封闭式系统 9.28

封闭循环 4.8

风管 9.76

风管系统 9.75

风机 5.31

风机盘管 9.48

风冷冷凝器 6.14

风速计 10.36

复叠式制冷系统 4.21

负荷 3.145

氟利昂 4.71

浮球阀 10.50


干饱和蒸气 3.43

干冰 4.78

干度 3.45

干空气 3.46

干球温度计 10.28

干燥 7.25

干燥剂 7.26

干燥器 7.17

干式空气冷却器 6.53

干式冷却水塔 6.109

干湿球温度计 10.29

干式蒸发器 6.28

干燥盘管 6.65

缸径 5.35

钢丝肋 6.80

缸套冷却水 4.90

高低压控制器 10.14

高速半自动融霜 7.6

高温计 10.30

高效过滤器 9.96

高压侧 3.58

高压浮球阀 10.52

高压控制器 10.12

高压送风系统 9.50

高压诱导器 9.81

搁架 8.8

搁架式冻结设备 8.26

隔膜阀 10.72

隔热 2.37

隔热材料 7.50

隔热夹芯板 7.54

隔声 2.38

共沸制冷剂 4.69

共晶混合物板 6.95

功率 4.53

供热热泵 2.11

工艺空调 9.3

工作压力 3.56

孤立系统 3.22

刮油环 5.48

管板 6.70

管板式蒸发器 6.38

管冰机 8.38

硅胶 7.27

贯流风机 5.34

管排 6.57

管束 6.71

光管 6.72

滚针轴承 5.59

柜式空调机 9.38

滚动活塞 5.84

滚动活塞式压缩机 5.8

滚珠轴承 5.57

滚柱轴承 5.58

过冷 3.79

过冷度 3.80

过冷器 6.26

过滤器 7.18

过滤效率 9.98

过热 3.81

过热度 3.82

过热蒸气 3.44


哈龙 4.84

焓 3.28

焓熵图 3.38

含湿量 3.47

焓湿图 3.40

含水量 3.92

恒湿器 9.90

恒温器 10.17

恒压膨胀阀 10.47

滑片式压缩机 5.9

环境 2.27

环境空气 9.11

换气 9.62

换气次数 9.63

换热器 6.1

缓蚀剂 3.90

环状阀 5.68

簧片阀 5.69

回风 9.55

回霜 7.1

回转式压缩机 5.7

混合式冷凝器 6.24

活动冷库 8.12

滑动轴承 5.56

活塞 5.45

活塞环 5.47

活塞销 5.46

活性铝 7.28

活性碳 7.29


间歇式制冰机 8.35

机房 2.31

岐管 7.34

级间冷却器 6.47

集油器 7.12

机械冷藏列车 8.64

机械冷藏汽车 8.63

机械通风冷却水塔 6.103

机械效率 4.61

机械制冷系统 4.19

集中式空调系统 9.24

集中通风系统 9.51

加热表面 6.90

加湿 9.67

加湿器 9.87

加压元件 7.46

加油阀 10.60

间接系统 4.25

间接制冷(冷却)法 4.30

监控 10.5

检漏 10.40

检漏仪 10.41

减湿 9.68

间歇式冰淇淋冻结器 8.43

检修门 7.47

检修阀 10.57

减压阀 10.53

角度式压缩机 5.27

焦尔-汤姆逊效应 2.15

角阀 10.69

搅拌器 7.21

结冰式蒸发器 6.41

节流 3.65

节流阀 10.43

结露 3.7

结碳 5.110

截止阀 10.67

紧凑式换热器 6.11

紧急泄放阀 10.56

静压室 9.99

静电过滤器 9.97

经济器 7.10

精馏器 6.98

净面积 9.102

静压 3.94

净制冷量 4.33

绝对粘度 2.25

绝对湿度 3.49

绝热过程 3.63

绝热膨胀 3.67

绝热压缩 3.73


卡诺循环 4.4

开-关控制 10.9

开启式制冷压缩机 5.22

开启循环 4.9

开式盐水系统 8.47

壳管式冷凝器 6.20

壳管式换热器 6.5

壳管式蒸发器 6.33

可逆循环 4.3

壳盘管式蒸发器 6.32

可燃性 3.112

空气的再加热 9.49

空气过滤器 9.93

空气冷却机组 6.56

空气冷却器 6.52

空气冷却器显热比 9.52

空气幕 8.14

空气扰动系统 8.54

空气散流器 9.83

空气-水系统 9.30

空气调节 9.1

空气洗涤器 9.84

空气洗涤系统 9.92

空气制冷循环 4.14

空调器有效潜热(减湿)制冷量 4.41

空调器有效显热制冷量 4.40

空调器有效总制冷量 4.42

控制 10.2

控制器 10.7

控制设备 10.10

块冰机 8.37

快装接头 7.41

扩散 3.110

扩散系数 3.111

扩压器 5.78

扩展表面 6.74


喇叭口接头 7.40

兰克-赫尔胥效应 2.14

肋管 6.73

肋距 6.82

肋片 6.75

肋片长度 6.84

肋片高度 6.85

肋片数 6.83

肋片效率 3.132

朗肯循环 4.7

冷藏 8.1

陈列冷柜 8.4

冷藏间冷却器 6.50

冷藏柜 8.2

冷藏船 8.65

冷藏列车 8.62

冷藏集装箱 8.66

冷藏汽车 8.61

冷风机 9.47

冷链 8.60

冷凝 3.85

冷凝-贮液器 6.25

冷凝器 6.13

冷却 3.83

冷却表面 6.89

冷却管组 6.60

冷却间 8.9

冷却介质 4.81

冷却盘管 6.66

冷却水 4.87

冷却水塔 6.101

冷却水套 5.44

冷却隧道 8.33

冷却元件 6.88

立管式蒸发器 6.35

理论输气量 4.50

立式壳管式冷凝器 6.21

立式压缩机 5.25

离心风机 5.32

离心式压缩机 5.15

理想气体 3.18

连杆 5.49

连杆大头 5.50

连杆小头 5.51

连续式冰淇淋冻结器 8.42

连续式制冰机 8.34

量热计 10.38

临界点 3.13

临界速度 2.28

临界压力 3.51

淋激式冷凝器 6.16

流动点 5.105

流态床冻结设备 8.24

流体 2.19

露点 3.12

氯氟碳化物(CFC) 4.83

滤清器 5.97

落地式空调器 9.41

螺杆式压缩机 5.12

螺旋板式换热器 6.9

螺旋肋 6.77

螺旋盘管 6.64


满液式系统 4.26

满液式蒸发器 6.29

毛细管 7.39

门斗 8.16

密度 2.22

密度计 10.34

迷宫密封 5.65

名义工况 4.63

摩擦功 4.56

摩擦环式轴封 5.63

莫里尔图 3.36

膜式填料 6.112

膜式压缩机 5.17


齿轮油泵 5.91

内胆 8.7

内肋 6.81

内能 3.14

内平衡管 10.24

能效比 4.46

逆流 3.127

逆流换热器 6.3

逆流式压缩机 5.20

逆循环 4.2

粘度 2.24

浓度 3.102

浓溶液 4.79


排空 7.23

排气阀 5.67

排气压力 3.54

盘管 6.63

旁通管 7.38

泡沫混凝土 7.56

喷淋式空气冷却器 9.91

喷淋式冻结法 8.30

喷淋式蒸发器 6.34

喷泉式饮水冷却器 6.49

喷射器 7.20

喷水池 6.110

喷水室 9.70

喷水系数 9.69

喷雾式冷却水塔 6.108

喷液阀 10.64

喷嘴 9.71

膨松 8.22

膨胀 3.66

膨胀阀 10.42

膨胀阀过热度 10.48

膨胀阀容量 10.49

膨胀容器 7.15

膨胀线 3.71

片冰机 8.36

片式填料 6.113

平板式冻结法 8.29

平板冻结设备 8.25

平衡活塞 5.87

平板式换热器 6.8

平衡管 7.36

平均温差 3.141

平均温度 3.139

平板式蒸发器 6.37

珀尔帖效应 2.13

皮带传动 5.98


气封 7.43

气缸 5.40

气缸壁 5.41

气缸套 5.42

汽化(凝结)潜热 3.15

起泡 5.106

气缸体 5.43

气体常数 3.20

气调贮藏 8.11

气-液回热器 6.45

嵌入式空调器 9.45

墙排管 6.62

强制对流 3.125

强制循环空气冷却器 6.54

强制循环式蒸发器 6.31

球阀 10.70

曲柄销 5.53

强制润滑 5.94

曲轴 5.52

曲轴箱 5.61

全封闭制冷压缩机 5.24

全空气系统 9.29

全年空调系统 9.23

全球变暖潜能值(GWP) 4.86

全水系统 9.31

全压 3.96


热泵 2.10

热泵用压缩机的供热系数 4.48

热泵供热系数 4.47

热传导 3.116

热电制冷 2.16

热风器 9.85

热辐射 3.115

人工除霜 7.3

热力膨胀阀 10.44

热力完善度 4.45

热力学参数 3.9

热量 3.144

热平衡 3.24

热气融霜 7.7

热湿比 9.18

热损失 3.147

热阻系数 3.133

熔点 3.11

熔化 3.6

溶剂 3.104

融解热 3.16

容积式压缩机 5.2

溶解度 3.103

溶液换热器 6.44

容积输气量 4.49

容量调节器 5.88

融霜 7.2

融霜循环 7.9

溶质 3.105

软木 7.52

软木板 7.53


三角转子式压缩机 5.11

水管系统 9.73

三通阀 10.68

闪点 5.109

闪发气体 3.88

熵 3.30

商用冷藏柜 8.3

伸缩管 7.37

升程限制器 5.73

射程 9.66

设计压力 3.55

湿度 3.48

湿度计 10.33

示功图 4.54

实际气体 3.19

实际输气量 4.51

视镜 7.44

室内条件 9.7

湿球温度计 10.27

湿压缩 3.75

释压装置 10.80

试验工况 4.64

室外空气 9.12

室外条件 9.6

速冻 8.32

舒适区 9.16

舒适冷却 9.17

舒适空调 9.2

输气系数 4.52

舒适图 9.14

舒适线 9.15

舒适指标 9.13

速冻间 8.27

双风道系统 9.32

双金属片 10.23

双水管系统 9.72

双效控制器 10.19

斯蒂林循环 4.6

四水管系统 9.74

手动膨胀阀 10.46

霜 3.3

双螺杆压缩机 5.13

双作用压缩机 5.5

水冷冷凝器 6.15

顺流换热器 6.2

顺流式压缩机 5.19

瞬态 3.25

顺流 3.126

水滴式冷却水塔 6.107

水解 3.109

水量调节阀 10.55

水膜式冷却水塔 6.106

顺排管组 6.58

送风式冷却水塔 6.104

松散填料 6.114

速度头 3.101

水槽 7.49

算术平均温差 3.142


太阳常数 2.34

太阳散射幅射 3.122

太阳直射辐射强度 3.121

套管式换热器 6.6

套管式冷凝器 6.19

套片 6.76

天花板出风口 9.77

填料 7.45

(冷却水塔)填料 6.111

填料函 5.100

条缝式出风口 9.79

调节空气 9.8

调节风门 10.77

调整 10.6

通风 9.53

冻结 8.17

冻结点 8.18

冻结时间 8.19

冻结食品 8.20

冻结食品质量系数 8.21

托盘式冻结法 8.31

脱水 7.24


“V”形管蒸发器 6.36


外齿轮油泵 5.90

外平衡管 10.25

往复式压缩机 5.3

温差 3.140

温度计 10.26

温度控制器 10.16

温度梯度 3.138

温降 3.137

紊流 2.21

紊流器 6.91

温熵图(T-S图) 3.39

温升 3.136

温室效应 9.22

稳态 3.26

蜗壳 5.81

涡流管 2.18

卧式壳管式冷凝器 6.22

卧式压缩机 5.26

涡旋式压缩机 5.16

 3.34

雾 3.2

污垢系数 3.134

雾化 9.64

无叶扩压器 5.79

无油压缩机 5.18


吸风式冷却水塔 6.105

吸附 3.107

吸附剂 4.73

吸气阀 5.66

吸气口 5.74

吸气压力 3.53

吸气压力调节阀 10.54

稀溶液 4.80

吸收 3.106

吸收剂 4.72

吸收器 6.99

吸收率 3.118

吸收式制冷机 2.8

吸收式制冷系统 4.22

吸收式制冷循环 4.16

系统 4.17

夏季空调 9.4

限压装置 10.81

相变 3.1

相对湿度 3.50

消耗臭氧潜能值(ODP) 4.85

效率 4.58

消声 2.39

消声器 7.58

校准 2.29

斜盘式压缩机 5.10

卸载器 5.89

新风 9.54

行程 5.36

行程容积 5.37

蓄冷 2.40

蓄冷板 6.94

蓄冷盘管 6.68

絮凝点 5.104

循环 4.1

循环水 4.88

旋转式换热器 6.12

循环空气 9.10


压焓图(p-h图) 3.37

压差控制器 10.15

压力比 3.59

压力降 3.60

压力控制器 10.11

压力平衡 3.61

压力容器 7.16

压容图(p-V图) 3.41

压缩 3.72

压缩冷凝机组制冷量 4.37

压缩式制冷机 2.7

压缩式制冷系统 4.20

压缩式制冷循环 4.13

盐水喷淋系统 4.24

压缩因子 3.21

压缩指数 3.76

烟雾 9.65

盐水 4.75

盐水冷却器 6.43

有效温度 9.19

盐液密度计 10.35

遥控 10.4

水泵 8.53

盐水混合箱 8.50

盐水回流箱 8.51

盐水集管 7.35

盐水(水)冷却器 6.51

盐水膨胀箱 8.52

盐水箱 8.49

阳螺杆 5.82

液化 3.4

叶轮 5.77

叶片扩压器 5.80

叶片式出风口 9.78

液体管路 7.32

液体冷却机组 4.27

液体流动指示器 10.79

液柱压力计 10.31

一次回风系统 9.56

一次空气 9.58

易熔塞 10.21

液体分离器 7.14

阴螺杆 5.83

引射 3.100

饮水冷却器 6.48

迎风面积 9.101

诱导比 9.61

诱导作用 9.60

油分离器 7.11

油精馏器 5.96

油冷却器 5.95

有效能 3.35

㶲 3.32

油泥 5.108

有效冻结时间 8.46

预冷 3.87

预冷器 6.46

预热 3.86

余隙容积 5.38

运动粘度 2.26

运行工况 4.65


载冷剂 4.74

再循环式蒸发器 6.30

皂化 5.107

增压压缩机 5.21

闸阀 10.71

轴功率 4.62

蒸发器净制冷量 4.39(www.daowen.com)

折流板 6.96

蒸发 3.5

制冰能力 8.44

支承板 6.93

滞后 10.82

止回阀 10.66

直接作用式隔膜阀 10.73

制冷 2.1

制冷工程 2.5

制冷回路 4.28

制冷机 2.2

制冷剂 4.68

制冷剂充灌量 4.76

制冷机械 2.3

制冷装置 2.4

直接蒸发盘管 6.69

直接制冷(冷却)法 4.29

制冷量 4.31

制冷与供热热泵 2.12

制冷系数(COP) 4.43

制冷系统 4.18

制冷系统的制冷量 4.35

制冷循环 4.10

制冷压缩机 5.1

制冷压缩机的制冷量 4.38

制冷压缩机的制冷系数 4.44

制冷压缩机组 5.29

制冷压缩冷凝机组 5.30

直流式系统 9.27

直联 5.99

制冷管路 7.31

制冷(供热)空调机组 9.46

指示功 4.55

指示功率 4.57

指示效率 4.59

止推轴承 5.60

真空 3.98

珍珠岩 7.57

蒸发冷却 6.87

蒸发盘管 6.67

蒸发器 6.27

蒸发式冷凝器 6.17

蒸发压力调节器 10.78

蒸气喷射式制冷机 2.9

蒸气压缩式制冷机的理想循环 4.12

蒸气喷射式制冷系统 4.23

蒸气喷射式制冷循环 4.15

整体肋 6.78

整体式空调机组 9.36

中间冷却 3.84

中间冷却器 6.42

中效过滤器 9.95

中央加湿器 9.88

轴承 5.55

轴封 5.62

轴颈 5.54

周期融霜系统 7.8

贮冰器 8.55

贮冰器容量 8.56

贮藏间 8.10

主阀 10.75

组合冷库 8.13

贮液器 7.13

转子式油泵 5.92

浊点 5.103

自动化 10.1

自动控制 10.3

自动膨胀阀 10.45

自动融霜 7.4

自然对流空气冷却器 6.55

自然通风冷却水塔 6.102

自由对流 3.124

总管 7.33

综合温度 9.21

纵向肋 6.79

总制冷量 4.32

组合式冷凝器 6.23

作功循环 4.11

附录 B




absolute humidity 3.49

absorptance 3.118

absolute viscosity 2.25

absorber 6.99

absorbent 4.72


absorption 3.106

absorption refrigerating system 4.22

absorption refrigeration cycle 4.16

absorption-type refrigerating machine 2.8

access door 7.47

accumulation of cold 2.40

accumulator 7.19

activated alumina 7.28

activated carbon 7.29

actual displacement 4.51

actual gas 3.19

adjustment 10.6

adiabatic compression 3.73

adiabatic expansion 3.67

adiabatic process 3.63

absorbent 4.73

adsorption 3.107

aerosol 9.65

agitator 7.21

air agitation system 8.54

air change 9.62

air circulation rate 9.63

air conditioning 9.1

air-cooled refrigerant condenser 6.14

air cooler 9.47

air cooler 6.52

air cooler sensible heat ratio 9.52

air-cooler unit 6.56

air curtain 8.14

air diffuser 9.83

air duct 9.76

air filter 9.93

air lock 8.16

air refrigeration cycle 4.14

air to water system 9.30

air wash system 9.92

air washer 9.84

all-air system 9.29

all-water system 9.31

ambient air 9.11

amount of heat 3.144

anemometer 10.36

anergy 3.34

angle valve 10.69

angular type compressor 5.27

anteroom 8.15

antifreeze agent 3.91

arithmetic mean temperature difference 3.142

aspect ratio 9.100

aspiration 3.100

atmospheric condenser 6.16

atmospheric cooling tower 6.102

atomize 9.64

automatic control 10.3

automatic defrosting 7.4

automatic expansion valve 10.45

automation 10.1

available energy 3.35

axial fan 5.33

azeotropic mixture 4.69


baffle 6.96

balancing piston 5.87

ball bearing 5.57

ball valve 10.70

bare pipe 6.72

barometer 10.32

barometric condenser 6.24

batch type ice cream freezer 8.43

bearing 5.55

bellows seal 5.64

belt driven 5.98

bimetallic element 10.23

blast heater 9.85

block ice maker 8.37

boiling point 3.10

booster compressor 5.21

bore 5.35

boundary conditions 3.23

bundle of tubes 6.71

brake power 4.62

Brayton cycle 4.5

brine 4.75

brine cooler 6.43

brine(water)cooler 6.51

brine expansion tank 8.52

brine header 7.35

brine mixing tank 8.50

brine pump 8.53

brine return tank 8.51

brine spray system 4.24

brine tank 8.49

bubbler-type drinking water cooler 6.94

by-pass 7.38


calibration 2.29

calorimeter 10.38

capacity reducer 5.88

capillary tube 7.39

carbonization 5.110

carnot cycle 4.4

cascade refrigerating system 4.21

cassette type air conditioner 9.45

ceiling outlet 9.77

ceiling type air conditioner 9.42

celling coil 6.61

cellular concrete 7.56

central air conditioning system 9.24

central fan system 9.51

central humidifier 9.88

centrifugal compressor 5.15

centrifugal fan 5.32

charging connection 7.42

charging valve 10.63

check valve 10.66

chilling 3.83

chilling room 8.9

chip ice maker 8.36

chlorofluorocarbon(CFC) 4.83

circulating water 4.88

clearance pocket 5.39

clearance volume 5.38

closed cycle system 9.28

closed brine system 8.48

closed cycle 4.8

closed­shell­and­tube condenser 6.22

cloud point 5.103

coefficient of performance(COP) 4.43

coefficient of spray 9.69

coil 6.63

cold chain 8.60

cold storage 8.1

cold-storage cooler 6.50

comfort chart 9.14

comfort coolin 9.17

comfort index 9.13

comfort line 9.15

comfort zone 9.16

commercial refrigerator 8.3

compact heat exchanger 6.11

compound compressor 5.6

compressibility factor 3.21

compression 3.72

compression exponent 3.76

compression refrigeration cycle 4.13

compression refrigerating system 4.20

compression-type refrigerating machine 2.7

compression condensing unit refrigerating capacity 3.37

concentration 3.102

condensation 3.85

condenser 6.13

condenser-receiver 6.25

conditioned air 9.8

confort air conditioning 9.2

connecting rod 5.49

constant air volume system 9.33

constant pressure expansion valve 10.47

continuous ice cream freezer 8.42

control 10.2

control device 10.10

controller 10.7

convection 3.123

cooling and heating heat-pump 2.12

cooling battery 6.60

cooling coil 6.66

cooling element 6.88

cooling(heating)air conditioning unit 9.46

cooling medium 4.81

cooling surface 6.89

cooling tower 6.101

cooling tunnel 8.33

cooling water 4.87

copper plating 5.111

core area 9.101

cork 7.52

corkboard 7.53

corrosion inhibitor 3.90

crank pin end 5.50

critical point 3.13

critical pressure 3.51

critical velocity 2.28

cross-flow 3.128

cryogenics 2.6

counterflow 3.127

counterflow heat exchanger 6.3

crank-case 5.61

crankpin 5.53

crankshaft 5.52

cross-flow fan 5.34

cross-flow heat exchanger 6.4

cryohydrate 4.77

cycle 4.1

cycle defrost system 7.8

cyclic ice maker 8.35

cylinder 5.40

cylinder block 5.43

cylinder liner 5.42

cylinder wall 5.41


damper 10.77

declination of sun 2.32

decomposition 3.108

defrosting 7.2

defrosting cycle 7.9

degree day 2.33

degree of subcooling 3.80

degree of superheat 3.82

dehumidification 9.68

dehumidifier 9.86

dehydration 7.24

demarcation 2.30

density 2.22

desiccant 7.26

design working pressure 3.55

dewpoint 3.12

diaphragm compressor 5.17

diaphragm valve 10.72

diffuse solar radiation 3.122

diffuser 5.78

diffusion 3.110

direct acting diaphragm valve 10.73

direct air system 9.27

direct connected 5.99

direct expansion coil 6.69

direct method of refrigeration(cooling) 4.29

direct solar radiation intensity 3.121

discharge pressure 3.54

discharge valve 5.67

distributor 6.92

double-acting compressor 5.5

double duct system 9.32

double-pipe condenser 6.19

double-pipe heat exchanger 6.6

double water pipe system 9.72

drier 7.17

drier coil 6.65

drinking-water cooler 6.48

drip tray 6.97

drip trough 7.49

drop cooling tower 6.107

dry air 3.46

dry bulb thermometer 10.28

dry ice 4.78

dry cooling tower 6.109

dry-expansion evaporator 6.28

dry-saturated vapor 3.43

dry-type air cooler 6.53

drying 7.25

dual-effect controller 10.19

dual pressure controller 10.14

duct system 9.75

dynamometer 10.39


economizer 7.10

effective freezing time 8.46

effective temperature 9.19

efficiency 4.58

ejector 7.20

electrostatic filter 9.97

embossed-plate evaporator 6.39

emergency-relief valve 10.56

emissivity 3.117

energy efficiency ratio(EER) 4.46

enthalpy 3.28

enthalpy entropy chart 3.38

entrainment ratio 9.61

entropy 3.30

equalizer 7.36

equivalent temperature 9.20

eutectic mixture 4.82

eutectic plate 6.95

evacuation 3.99

evaporating cooling 6.87

evaporating pressure regulator 10.78

evaporation 3.5

evaporative condenser 6.17

evaporator 6.27

exergy 3.32

expansion 3.66

expansion coil 6.67

expansion loop 7.37

expansion valve 10.42

expansion valve capacity 10.49

expansion tank 7.15

extended surface 6.74

external equalizer 10.25


factor of safety 5.114

fan 5.31

fan coil unit 9.48

fast semi-autometic defrosting 7.6

female rotor 5.83

film cooling tower 6.106

film packing 6.112

filter 7.18

fin 6.75

fin efficiency 3.132

finned height 6.85

finned length 6.84

finned tube 6.73

fixed scroll 5.85

flame ability 3.112

flared joint 7.40

flash gas 3.88

flash point 5.109

flat plate heat exchanger 6.8

float valve 10.50

flooded evaporator 6.29

flooded system 4.26

flock point 5.104

floor type air conditioner 9.41

fluid 2.19

fluidized bed freezer 8.24

foaming 5.106

fog 3.2

force draught cooling tower 6.104

forced-circulation air cooler 6.54

forced-lubrication 5.94

forced thermal convection 3.125

four water pipe system 9.74

free area 9.102

freezer 8.23

freezing capacity 8.45

fresh air 9.54

frost 3.2

frost back 7.1

frozen food 8.20

free thermal convection 3.124

freezing 8.17

freezing point 8.18

freezing time 8.19

freon 4.71

frictional work 4.56

frozen-food weight factor 8.21

fusible plug 10.21


gage glass 10.37

gas constant 3.20

gate valve 10.71

gauge pressure 3.93

generator 6.100

glass fibre 7.55

global warming potential 4.86

greenhouse effect 9.22

gross regrigerating capacity 4.32


halon 4.84

hand expansion valve 10.46

heat exchange surface 3.135

heat exchanger 6.1

heat gain 3.146

heat humidity ratio 9.18

heat loss 3.147

heat of fussion 3.16

heat of reaction 3.17

heat-pump 2.10

heat-pump coefficient of performance 4.47

heat-pump compressor coefficient of performance 4.48

heat transfer 3.113

heat transfer film coefficient 3.130

heating heat-pump 2.11

heating resistance 10.20

heating surface 6.90

hermetically sealed compressor 5.24

herringbone type evaporator 6.36

high efficient filter 9.96

high pressure controller 10.12

high pressure float valve 10.52

high pressure induction unit 9.81

high pressure side 3.58

high pressure ventilating system 9.50

hold-over coil 6.68

hold-over plate 6.94

horizontal compressor 5.26

hot-gas defrosting 7.7

humidifier 9.87

humidify 9.67

humidity 3.48

humidistat 9.90

humidity ratio 3.47

hydrolysis 3.109

hydrometer 10.34

hygrometer 10.33


ice-bank evaporator 6.41

ice cream freezer 8.41

ice can 8.57

ice cream maker 8.40

ice lolly maker 8.39

ice making capacity 8.44

ice storage bin 8.55

ice storage bin rating 8.56

ideal cycle of vapor compression refrigeration machine 4.12

ideal gas 3.18

impeller 5.77

induction 9.60

in-line bank of tube 6.58

in-the-ceiling type air conditioner 9.44

indicated efficiency 4.59

indicated power 4.57

indicated work 4.55

indicator diagram 4.54

indirect method of regrigeration cooling 4.30

indirect system 4.25

indoor conditions 9.7

induced draught cooling tower 6.105

industrial air conditioning 9.3

inner fin 6.81

inner gear oil pump 5.91

insulated rail-car 8.18

insulated vehicle 8.67

insulating material 7.50

internal energy 3.14

internal equalizer 10.24

integral fin 6.78

intercooler 6.42

intercooling 3.84

interstage cooler 6.47

isenthalpic expansion 3.69

isentropic efficiency 4.60

island display case 8.6

isobaric process 3.148

isolated system 3.22

isothermal process 3.62


Jacket cooling water 4.90

Joule-Thomson effect 2.15

journal 5.54


Kinematic viscosity 2.26


labyrinth seal 5.65

lag 10.82

laminar flow 2.20

latent heat of vaporization(condensation) 3.15

leak detection 10.41

leak detector 10.40

liner 8.7

liquefaction 3.4

liquid cooling unit 4.27

liquid indicator 10.79

liquid injection valve 10.64

liquid level manometer 10.31

liquid line 7.32

liquid or suction heat exchanger 6.45

liquid separator 7.14

load 3.145

local air conditioning system 9.26

logarithmic mean temperature difference 3.143

longitudinal fin 6.79

louvre 9.80

low efficient filter 9.94

low pressure controller 10.13

low pressure float valve 10.51

low pressure induction unit 9.82

low pressure side 3.57

lyophilization 3.8


machine room 2.31

main 7.33

nain valve 10.75

make up water 4.89

male rotor 5.82

manifold 7.34

manual defrosting 7.3

mass diffusivity 3.111

mass transfer 3.114

mean temperature 3.139

mean temperature difference 3.141

mechanical draught cooling tower 6.103

mechanical efficiency 4.61

mechanical refrigerating system 4.19

mechanical refrigerated railcar 8.64

mechanically refrigerated vehicle 8.63

melting 3.6

melting point 3.11

middle efficient filter 9.95

moisture content 3.92

moisture indicator 5.102

Mollier diagram 3.36

molecular sieve 7.30

multilayer insulant 7.51

multi-leaf damper 7.48

multishell condenser 6.23

monitoring 10.5

monorotor screw compressor 5.14

muffler 7.58

multistage compression 3.78

multistage expansion 3.70


natural-convection air cooler 6.55

needle bearing 5.59

net cooler refrigerating capacity 4.39

net refrigerating capacity 4.33

noise reduction 2.39

non-azeotropic mixture 4.70

non-cyclic ice maker 8.34

noncondensable gas 3.89

normal atomospheric pressure 2.35

normal condition 4.63

nozzle 9.71


oil charge valve 10.60

oil cooler 5.95

oil drain valve 10.61

oil free compressor 5.18

oil receiver 7.12

oil rectifier 5.96

oil separator 7.11

on-off control 10.9

open brine system 8.47

open cycle 4.9

open-shell-and-tube condenser 6.21

open-type compressor 5.22

operating condition 4.65

operating pressure 3.56

orbiting scroll 5.86

outdoor air 9.12

outdoor conditions 9.6

outer gear oil pump 5.90

overrun 8.22

ozone depleting potential(ODP) 4.85


packaged air conditioner 9.38

packing 7.45

packing(of cooling tower) 6.111

parallel flow 3.126

parallel-flow heat exchanger 6.2

partial pressure 3.97

peltier effect 2.13

perlite 7.57

phase change 3.1

pilot valve 10.76

piston 5.45

piston displacement 5.37

piston pin end 5.51

piston ring 5.47

piston stroke 5.36

pitch of fins 6.83

plate fin 6.76

plate-fin heat exchanger 6.10

plate freezer 8.25

plate heat exchanger 6.7

plate packing 6.113

plate-type evaporator 6.37

plenum chamber 9.99

polytropic compression 3.74

polytropic expansion 3.68

polytropic process 3.64

positive-displacement compressor 5.2

pour point 5.105

power 4.53

precooler 6.46

precooling 3.87

preheating 3.86

pressure controller 10.11

pressure differential controller 10.15

pressure drop 3.60

pressure enthalpy chart 3.37

pressure equalizing 3.61

pressure imposing element 7.46

pressure-limiting device 10.81

pressure ratio 3.59

pressure relief device 10.80

pressure relief valve 10.58

pressure-reducing valve 10.53

pressure vessel 7.16

pressure volume diagram 3.41

primary air 9.58

primary return air system 9.56

pump-down 7.23

pump-feed evaporator 6.31

pump out valve 10.59

purge recovery unit 7.22

purge valve 10.62

psychrometer 10.29

psychrometric chart 3.40

pyrometer 10.30


quality 3.45

quick freezer room 8.27

quick freezing 8.32

quick-release coupling 7.41


Rankine cycle 4.7

Ranque-Hilsch effect 2.14

random packing 6.114

receiver 7.13

reciprocating compressor 5.3

recirculation-type evaporator 6.30

rectifier 6.98

recirculated air 9.10

reed valve 5.69

re-expansion line 3.71

reflectance 3.120

refrigerant 4.68

refrigerant charge 4.76

refrigerant compressor 5.1

refrigerant compressor capacity 4.38

refrigerant compressor condensing unit 5.30

refrigerant compressor unit 5.29

refrigerated cargo vessel 8.65

refrigerated container 8.66

refrigerated display case 8.6

refrigerated open type display case 8.7

refrigerated plate freezing method 8.29

refrigerated rail-car 8.62

refrigerated vehicle 8.61

refrigeration 2.1

refrigeration circuit 4.28

refrigeration cycle 4.10

refrigeration pipe line 7.31

refrigerating capacity 4.31

refrigerating capacity per unit of swept volume 4.34

refrigerating compressor coefficient of performance 4.44

refrigerating effect per shaft power 4.36

refrigerating engineering 2.5

refrigerating machine 2.2

refrigerating machinery 2.3

reheating of air 9.49

refrigerating plant 2.4

refrigerating system 4.18

refrigerator 8.2

relative humidity 3.50

remote control 10.4

resulting temperature 9.21

return air 9.55

return flow compressor 5.20

reverse acting diaphragm valve 10.74

reverse cycle 4.2

reversible cycle 4.3

rich solution 4.79

ring valve 5.68

roll-bound evaporator 6.40

roller bearing 5.58

rolling piston 5.84

rolling piston compressor 5.8

room air conditioner 9.37

room spray-type humidifier 9.89

room thermostat 10.18

rotary compressor 5.7

rotary heat exchanger 6.12

rotary oil pump 5.92

rotaty seal 5.63

row of tubes 6.57

rupture member 10.22


sandwish panel insulation 7.54

safety head 5.101

salinometer 10.35

saponify 5.107

saturation pressure 3.52

saturated vapor 3.42

scale factor 3.134

scraper ring 5.48

screw compressor 5.12

scroll 5.81

scroll compressor 5.16

secondary air 9.59

secondary refrigerant 4.74

secondary return air system 9.57

sectional cold room 8.13

self-contained air conditioning unit 9.36

semi-automatic defrosting 7.5

semi-central air conditioning system 9.25

semiconductor refrigeration 2.17

semi-hermetically sealed compressor 5.23

separation efficiency 9.98

service valve 10.57

shaft seal 5.62

shell-and-coil evaporator 6.32

sharp freezer 8.28

shelf 8.8

shelf freezer 8.26

shell-and-tube evaporator 6.33

shell-and-tube condenser 6.20

shell-and-tube heat exchanger 6.5

shrouded impeller 5.75

shut-off valve 10.67

sight glass 7.44

silica gel 7.27

single-acting compressor 5.4

single-stage compression 3.77

sliding bearing 5.56

sliding vane compressor 5.9

slotted outlet 9.79

sludge 5.108

solenoid valve 10.65

sound insulation 2.38

stalling 5.113

static pressure 3.94

steam-jet refrigerating machine 2.9

steam jet refrigeration cycle 4.15

steam jet refrigerating system 4.23

solar constant 2.34

solubility 3.103

solute 3.105

solution heat exchanger 6.44

solvent 3.104

spacing of fins 6.82

specific enthalpy 3.29

specific entropy 3.31

specific exergy 3.33

specific volume 2.23

spiral coil 6.64

spiral fin 6.77

spiral plate heat exchanger 6.9

splash lubrication 5.93

splash packing 6.115

split air conditioner 9.40

spray cooling tower 6.108

spray freezing method 8.30

spray pond 6.110

sprayed room 9.70

spray-type air cooler 9.91

spray-type evaporator 6.34

stagged bank of tube 6.59

standard conditions 4.66

standard rating 4.67

steady state 3.26

stiring cycle 4.6

storage in controlled atmosphere 8.11

storage room 8.10

strainer 5.97

stuffing box 5.100

submerged-coil condenser 6.18

superheat degree of expansion valve 10.48

suction inlet 5.74

subcooler 6.26

subcooling 3.79

suction pressure 3.53

suction-pressure regulating valve 10.54

suction valve 5.66

summer air conditioning 9.4

superheat 3.81

superheated vapor 3.44

surface cooling 6.86

surging 5.112

surroundings 2.27

symmetrically balanced type compressor 5.28

system 4.17

system refrigerating capacity 4.35

swash-plate compressor 5.10

sweating 3.7


temperature controller 10.16

temperature difference 3.140

temperature drop 3.137

temperature entropy chart 3.39

temperature gradient 3.138

temperature rise 3.136

test conditions 4.64

theoretical displacement 4.50

thermal conduction 3.116

thermal conductivity 3.131

thermal equilibrium 3.24

thermal insulation 2.37

thermal radiation 3.115

thermal resistivity 3.133

thermal transmittance 3.129

thermo-electric refrigeration 2.16

thermodynamic parameters 3.9

thermodynamical perfectness 4.45

thermometer 10.26

thermostat 10.17

thermostatic expansion valve 10.44

thrust bearing 5.60

transmittance 3.119

tray freezing method 8.31

three water pipe system 9.73

three-way valve 10.68

throttling 3.65

throttle valve 10.43

throw 9.66

total pressure 3.96

transducer 10.8

transient state 3.25

treated air 9.9

tube ice maker 8.38

tube-on-sheet evaporator 6.38

tube plate 6.70

tube support 6.93

turbulator 6.91

turbulent flow 2.21

twin-rotor screw compressor 5.13


uniflow compressor 5.19

unitary air conditioner 9.35

unloader 5.89

unshrouded impeller 5.76

unsteady state 3.27

useful latent heat(dehumidifying) capacity of air conditioner 4.41

useful sensible heat capacity 4.40

useful total capacity of air conditioner 4.42


vacuum 3.98

valve guard 5.73

valve lift 5.72

valve plate 5.71

valve seat 5.70

vane diffuser 5.80

vaned outlet 9.78

vaneless diffuser 5.79

vapor barrier 9.103

vapor lock 7.43

variable air volume system 9.34

velocity head 3.101

volumetric displacement 4.49

ventilation 9.53

velocity pressure 3.95

vertical compressor 5.25

vertical-type evaporator 6.35

viscosity 2.24

volumetric efficiency 4.52

vortex tube 2.18


wall-mounting type air conditioner 9.43

wankel compressor 5.11

wall-in refrigerator 8.12

wall coil 6.62

water-cooled condenser 6.15

water cooled jacket 5.44

water regulation valve 10.55

weak solution 4.80

wet bulb thermometer 10.27

wet compression 3.75

window air conditioner 9.39

winter air conditioning 9.5

wire fin 6.80

wire drawing 2.36

work cycle 4.11

wristpin 5.46


year-round air conditioning system 9.23





