理论教育 案例分析:承包商与分包商电缆铺设引发的纠纷


更新时间:2025-01-03 理论教育 版权反馈

【案例9.1】 污水处理项目中心泵站永久供电的变更





















The Contractor presents his case based on the relevant Clauses of the Contract.Text in italics is extracted from the Contract Documents for purpose of illustration-with emphasis added where applicable by underlining.

4.1 SCC Clause 51 Variation

(1)The Engineer shall make any variation of the form,quality or quantity of the Works or any part thereof that may have been approved by the Employer and he shall have power to order the Contractor to do and the Contractor shall do any of the following:

(a)increase or decrease the quantity of any work included in the Contract.

(b)omit any such work.

(c)change the character or quality of any work included in the Contract.

(d)change the level,lines position and dimension of any part of the Works,and…

(e)execute additional work of any kind necessary for the completion of the Works.

And no such variation shall in any way vitiate or invalidate the Contract,but the value,if any,of all such variations shall be taken into account in ascertaining the amount of the Contract Price.

4.2 SCC Clause 52.(1)Valuation of Variation

“All extra or additional works done or work omitted by order of the Engineer shall be valued at the rates and prices set out in the Contract if,in the opinion of the Engineer,the same shall be applicable.If the Contract does not contain any rates or prices applicable to the extra or additional work then suitable rates or prices shall be agreed uponbetween the Engineer and the Contractor.In the event of disagreement the Engineer shall fix such rates or prices as shall,in his opinion,be reasonable and proper.”

4.3 Summary of the Contractor's Case

The Tender drawings did not show any details(such as cable route,or location of substation)for the permanent power supply to Central Pumping Station.The only information available in Tender documents regarding this permanent power supply is included in the Bill of Quantities Page No.d/11.7/13R and Page No.d/13/1 R1.According to Bill of Quantities Page No.d/11.7/13R cable route is 750m.However,Bill of Quantities Page No.d/13/1 R1 provided Provisional Sums of RO 250,000 and RO 20,000 for electrical and power supply related works.

Therefore at tender time the Contractor could not obtain price quotations from Sub-Contractors qualified for this work by the Muscat Power Authority(MEDC)and could only insert a generic rate for this work in BoQ Item Page No.d/11.7/13R since the Central Pumping Station was located in the center of a heavily built-up area of the city with various possible route to substations with different degrees of obstruction.

It is the Contractor's understanding that the Provisional Sum items allowance was included in the BoQ due to the lack of a proper design for this part of the work.Therefore due to the extended delay in finalizing design of this aspect of the works and the very large increase in quantity,with associated design expense the applicable rate for this Variation should be evaluated at the actual market price,i.e.,based on the price of the approved specialist sub-contractor and paid through the existing BOQ rate and Provisional Sums.

Comparison of actual cost incurred and provisions made in Tender document

The Contractor paid to its subcontractor an amount of RO 269,290 for entire power supply work to CPS.The average overhead and profit mark-up as agreed with the Engineer/Employer is 27.7%.Therefore the evaluation of actual market price is:RO 269,290×1.277=RO 343,883,and results in payment by the Employer in accordance with official billing Documents in which the Main Contractor is neither regarded or penalized due to the long delay or changes to this work.

The Provisional Sums of RO 270,000 plus tender Unit rate amount of RO 93,823 for power supply works for CPS=RO 363,823.

After allowance for Inflation[1]this amount would become RO 363,823×(170.2/131)=RO 472,692,which is greater than the amount determined as fair and applicable recompense.

The Engineer's inaction and denial of the Contractor's claim is unreasonable because this unfairly penalizes the Contractor for deficiencies in the Design.Damage to the Contractors Cash Flow due to inappropriate denial should be reimbursed by receipt of Interest.

The Contractor's entitlement of additional cost and the interest due to inappropriate payment of the Contractor's claim are provided in below calculation.


The Contractor's entitlement of additional cost and the interest due to inappropriate payment

1.Amount of varied work

To make reasonable evaluation the Building Material Wholesale Price Index[2]published by Sultanate of Oman,Ministry of National Economy was adopted and shown in Table 1 below.

Table 1 Building Material Wholesale Price Index

Value of Works for the quantity included in the BoQ is calculated in Table 2 below:

Table 2 Value of Works included in the BoQ

The Contractor was ready to start the work in July 2006 as evidenced by its letter ref no.OWSP/EPY/1723-2006 dated 4th July 2006.If the works were executed in year 2006 by subcontractor without variation,the cost as executed by sub-contractor will be:

Table 3 The Would-be Cost of Works included in the BoQ at time of July 2006

The above assumed sub-contract unit price was converted and calculated using the actual subcontract unit price from Table -4 below and wholesale price index from Table -1 above,and following formula:

Unit price=Subcontract unit price/{1+(Index 2008-Index 2006)/index 2006}


=78.179 RO/m

Actual Cost and Unit Price of Works executed in year 2008 by sub-contractor as per sub-contract agreement is shown in Table 3 below:

Table 4 Actual Cost and Unit Price of Works

The above subcontract unit price=Lump sum of measured works/As-built Quantity.Please note that the as -built Quantity[3]as joint measured by the Contractor the Engineer was 2409.88 meters,for the convenience of calculation,the total as-built quantity of varied work is rounded to 2410 meters.

Then the total additional cost=e+f-c

 =244,790+24,500-58,634.250=210,655.750 (g)

The average overhead and profit mark-up as agreed with the Engineer/Employer is 27.7%.

Then the total additional amount claimed=g×(1+27.7%)=269,007 (h)

Then the total amount of varied work=h+a



2.Interest due to inappropriate payment denial of above claim amount

From Interim Payment Certificate No.25 the Engineer has been certifying RO 131,681 only.While the Contractor's claim amount of varied work as calculated in Item A above is RO 294,290.

So,the amount of inappropriate payment denial

=the Contractor's claim amount-payment certified by the Engineer[4]


=RO 162,609

Interim Payment Certificate No.25 was certified on 2nd August 2009.Considering 30th June 2011 as the expected DAB decision date,amount of interest shall be calculated for 697days.Interest rate shall be 7%in accordance with SCC clause 60.9.

Thus,amount of interest=RO 162,609×7%×697/365=RO 21,736

Summary of the Contractor's Entitlement:

(1)Total amount of varied work as claimed under this referral:RO 294,290

(2)Amount certified by the Engineer:RO 131,681

(3)Interest due to inappropriate payment denial:RO 21,736

Contractor's entitlement=(1)-(2)+(3)=RO 184,345





240mm2/400mm2×2.47=1.48(increase cost factor due to 240mm2 cable)

(4)原合同中2No×3c×240mm2(变更后的动力电缆)的材料价格为20.027RO/m,经物价上涨之后的价格应为 20.027×1.48=RO29.640























习 题


(1)《永久设备和设计-建造合同条件》的合同计价方式采用( )。

A.固定单价合同 B.总价合同

C.变动单价合同 D.成本加酬金合同

(2)FIDIC系列合同条件中,适用于由承包商做绝大部分设计的工程项目,承包商要按照业主的要求进行设计、提供设备以及建造其他工程的是( )。

A.《施工合同条件》 B.《永久设备和设计-建造合同条件》

C.《简明合同格式》 D.《EPC交钥匙项目合同条件》

(3)通过( )方式解决合同争议,合同双方关系仍比较友好,不伤感情。

A.仲裁 B.诉讼

C.调解 D.特聘争议裁决委员会

(4)在施工承包合同争议的解决方式中,具有保密性特点的是( )。

A.协商解决 B.调解 C.仲裁 D.DAB方式

(5)国际工程承包合同的争议解决应该首选( )方式。

A.协商 B.调解 C.仲裁 D.诉讼

(6)FIDIC系列合同条件中,采用固定总价方式计价,只有在出现某些特定风险时才能调整价格的合同是( )。

A.施工合同条件 B.EPC交钥匙项目合同条件

C.永久设备和设计-建造合同条件 D.简明合同格式

(7)根据《FIDIC施工合同条件》,履约担保的保证期限到( )为止。





(8)根据《FIDIC施工合同条件》,业主凭保履约函索赔的情形是( )。





(9)在FIDIC的《施工合同条件》中,争议裁决委员会的成员在与本工程有关的其他工作中( )。





(10)FIDIC施工合同条件中关于争议裁决委员会的规定,下列表述正确的是( )。





(11)按照FIDIC《施工合同条件》规定,如果指定分包商不是因执行承包商的错误指令而出现违约行为时,( )。






(1)通过调解解决合同争议的优点包括( )。






(2)与诉讼方式相比,采用仲裁方式解决国际工程承包合同争议的优点有( )。

A.效率高 B.周期短 C.约束力强

D.费用少 E.保密性好

(3)在FIDIC的《施工合同条件》中,指定分包商与一般分包商的不同之处表现在( )等方面。

A.选择分包单位的权利不同 B.分包合同的工作内容不同

C.分包合同的当事人不同 D.工程款的支付开支项目不同


(4)FIDIC 1999年版《施工合同条件》(新红皮书)主要用于( )的施工项目。






(5)仲裁的特点主要有( )。

A.效率高、周期短 B.保密性 C.费用多 D.专业化



[1]Refer Table-1 in Annex 1 below.

[2].The Building Material Wholesale Price Index published by XX,Ministry of National Economy is attached in Appendix-Ci-tem 12

[3]Refer joint measurement sheet as attached in Appendix -C Item 13.

[4]Refer extracted copy of payment of claim and variation in Interim Payment Certificate No.25 and 30.

