理论教育 埃及商务礼仪的分析介绍,


时间:2023-06-12 理论教育 版权反馈

























Relationships & Communication

●Egyptians prefer to do business with those they know and respect,therefore expect to spend time cultivating a personal relationship before business is conducted.

●Who you know is more important than what you know,so it is important to network and cultivate a number of contacts.

●Expect to be offered coffee or tea whenever you meet someone,as this demonstrates hospitality.Even if you do not take a sip,always accept the beverage.Declining the offer is viewed as rejecting the person.

●Since Egyptians judge people on appearances,wear good quality conservative clothes and present yourself well at all times.

●Egyptians believe direct eye contact is a sign of honesty and sincerity,so be prepared for disconcertingly intense stares.

●Egyptians are emotive and use hand gestures when they are excited.In general,they speak softly,although they may also shout or pound the table.This is not indicative of anger; it is merely an attempt to demonstrate a point.

●You should demonstrate deference to the most senior person in the group,who will also be their spokesperson.This is a country where hierarchy and rank are very important.

Business Meeting Etiquette

●Appointments are necessary and should be made in advance.

●Confirm the meeting one week in advance,either in writing or by telephone.

●Reconfirm again a day or two before the meeting.

●Meetings are generally not private unless there is a need to discuss matters confidentially.In general,Egyptians have an open-door policy,even when they are in a meeting.This means you may experience frequent interruptions.Others may even wander into the room and start a different discussion.You may join in,but do not try to bring the topic back to the original discussion until the new person leaves.

●High-level government officials often adhere to more western business practices and hold private meetings without interruptions.

●Business meetings generally start after prolonged inquiries about health,family,etc.

●If you send an agenda and presentation materials in advance of the meeting,send both an English and Egyptian Arabic translation.

Business Negotiation

●The social side of business is very important.Egyptians must know and like you to conduct business.Personal relationships are necessary for long-term business.

●Business is hierarchical.The highest ranking person makes decisions,after obtaining group consensus.

●Decisions are reached after great deliberation.

●If the government is involved,discussions will take even longer since approval must often be given by the ministers of several departments.

●Business moves at a slow pace.The society is extremely bureaucratic.It may take several visits to accomplish a simple task.

●It is advisable to include older people with impressive titles in your team since Egyptians respect age and experience.

●Expect a fair amount of haggling.Egyptians seldom see an offer as final.

●Egyptians do not like confrontation and abhor saying“no”.If they do not respond,it usually is a negative sign.

●Always include research and documentation to support your claims.

●Do not use high-pressure tactics.

●Egyptians are tough negotiators.(www.daowen.com)

Dress Etiquette

●Business attire is formal and conservative.Dress well if you want to make a good impression.

●Men should wear dark-coloured,lightweight,conservative business suits,at least to the first meeting.

●Men should avoid wearing visible jewellery,especially around the face and neck.

●Women must be careful to cover themselves appropriately.Skirts and dresses should cover the knee and sleeves should cover most of the arm.

Business Cards

●Business cards are given without formal ritual.

●Have one side of your card translated into Egyptian Arabic.

●Always hand the card so the recipient may read it.

●Make a point of studying any business card you receive before putting into your business card case.

Activity 1:True(T)or False(F).

1.Who you know is more important than what you know,so it is important to network and cultivate a number of contacts.

2.In general,Egyptians have an open-door policy,even when they are in a meeting.This means you may experience frequent interruptions.High-level government officials often adhere to more western business practices and hold private meetings without interruptions.

3.Egyptians are tender negotiators.



南非商人十分保守,交易方式力求正式。许多生意在私人俱乐部或对方家中做成。在此地做生意施用过于细腻的手段或说话兜圈子常不被人了解,想以这种方式达到目的多半行不通,想说的话就大胆直率地说出来好了。南非黑人对自己的传统情有独钟。有些黑人行拥抱礼,有些行亲吻礼,有些则行独特的握手礼,即先用自己的左手握住自己的右手腕,再用右手去与人握手。如果是特别亲热者,则先握一下他的手掌,然后再握对方的拇指,最后紧紧握一下他的手。女子相见,双膝微屈,行屈膝礼。农村妇女们相遇,一边围着对方转,一边发出有节奏的尖叫声。男子对女子,一律要尊称“妈妈”。送客时往往列队相送,载歌载舞,欢呼狂啸。黑人的姓名大多已经西方化,但仍喜欢在姓氏之后加上相应的辈分,如称其为“乔治爷爷”“海伦大婶”,往往令其喜笑颜开。绝对不要直呼黑人为“Black People”,而应称为“Africa People”。

Relationships & Communication

●South Africans are transactional and do not need to establish long-standing personal relationships before conducting business.

●If your company is not known in South Africa,a more formal introduction may help you gain access to decision-makers and not be shunted off to gatekeepers.

●Networking and relationship building are crucial for long-term business success.

●Relationships are built in the office.

●Most businessmen are looking for long-term business relationships.

●Although the country leans towards egalitarianism,businesspeople respect senior executives and those who have attained their position through hard work and perseverance.

●There are major differences in communication styles depending upon the individual's cultural heritage.

●For the most part,South Africans want to maintain harmonious working relationships,so they avoid confrontations.

●They often use metaphors and sports analogies to demonstrate a point.

●Most South Africans,regardless of ethnicity,prefer face-to-face meetings to more impersonal communication mediums such as email,letter or telephone.

Business Meeting Etiquette

●Appointments are necessary and should be made as far in advance as possible.

●It may be difficult to arrange meetings with senior level managers on short notice,although you may be able to do so with lower-level managers.

●It is often difficult to schedule meetings from mid December to mid January or the two weeks surrounding Easter,as these are prime vacation times.

●Personal relationships are important.The initial meeting is often used to establish a personal rapport and to determine if you are trustworthy.

●After a meeting,send a letter summarizing what was decided and the next steps.

Business Negotiation

●It is imperative to develop mutual trust before negotiating.

●Women have yet to attain senior level positions.

●Do not interrupt a South African while they are speaking.

●South Africans strive for consensus and win-win situations.

●Include delivery dates in contracts.Deadlines are often viewed as fluid rather than firm commitments.

●Start negotiating with a realistic figure.South Africans do not like haggling over price.

●Decision-making may be concentrated at the top of the company and decisions are often made after consultation with subordinates,so the process can be slow and protracted.

Dress Etiquette

●Business attire is becoming more informal in many companies.However,for the first meeting,it is best to dress more conservatively.

●Men should wear dark-coloured conservative business suits.

●Women should wear elegant business suits or dresses.

Activity 2:True(T)or False(F).

1.Relationships are built out of the office.

2.Personal relationships are important.The initial meeting is often used to establish a personal rapport and to determine if you are trustworthy.

3.Do not interrupt a South African while they are speaking.

