理论教育 有效的人际沟通的分析介绍


时间:2023-06-12 理论教育 版权反馈





Although it is true that much of interpersonal communication is goal-oriented,it is important for us to recognize that everyone is bringing a goal to communication and to open ourselves to the expressions,desires and needs of others.With a few simple techniques,you find that you are listening and being heard to a much more satisfactory extent.

Active Listening

Try to engage in active listening in all of your interactions.Active listening is a technique of truly listening to what a person has to say instead of anxiously waiting for your chance to talk again,according to Joe Landsberger's Study Guides and Strategies website.In active listening,you should focus on your speaker instead of other distractions like passing people or your cell phone,and be sure to make regular eye contact.This alerts your speaker that she is being heard,and she will feel that her own communication is more effective.

In active listening,one should not interrupt,and should respond only to what is the core argument of what the other person is saying.To help yourself,you may want to summarize what the other person has said or ask clarifying question,returning only later to points you wanted to make while the other person was talking with a proper segue.


Use“I”statements to identify the points you are making as your own responses,views and feelings toward a situation.“You” statements signal that you are focusing on the other person's role and can either genuinely be,or be perceived as,accusing,according to the Conflict Research Consortium.By focusing on the way you feel or perceive a situation instead of how someone has forced you to feel this way,you can more effectively come to a solution because the other person doesn't feel burdened with external guilt.


It is perfectly all right to pause in a conversation once your speaker has finished talking and say something like:“I'm going to need a moment to think about that.”People often say things that either subtract from or do not contribute to a discussion when they rush to respond to a statement before measuring it for its content and implications.Respond when you feel you have the best response,not with your initial gut reaction.

Even Tone

Try to keep an even tone in all of your conversations.If things do become heated,first bring your own voice level back to a normal conversational tone and continue to speak that way.Because we tend to mimic the way other people are communicating,this may on its own change the other party's tone.If it does not,ask that you both keep your voices low and de-escalate the emotional charge in the conversation.Although it is important to air your views,it is more effective to do so in an informational than emotional fashion,as facts can be debated and discussed but emotions cannot.

If nothing can seem to keep the conversation progressing civilly,ask to continue it at another time,when you have both had a chance to cool off and reconsider what the other person was saying as well as your own views and reactions.

Activity 1:Group discussion.

1.What is active listening?How could you implement this technique?

2.How could you keep an even tone in all of your conversations?








To become an industry leader or even to simply advance in your career,you must master the art of communication,or the process in which individuals interact,exchange and interpret meanings.Mindlessly conveying information through idle chitchat is easy.Effectively communicating requires skill and finesse.In order to successfully communicate,you need to be able to present ideas effectively,persuasively,clearly and concisely.


1 Understand the basic communication principles.Be clear about why you're communicating and then communicate your message without misunderstandings and confusion.Lessen the frequency of misunderstandings with clear,concise,accurate and well-planned communication.Consider your objectives since you must articulate it to achieve it.

●What do you want your audience to remember?(www.daowen.com)

●What do you want to convey?

●What do you want your message to achieve?

2 Know how to send the information in such a way that it can be correctly decoded by the receiver.Success in this depends upon both stating the information clearly,but also in anticipating and eliminating any potential sources for misunderstanding.Know your audience.Your message is being delivered to individual members of the audience,all of whom enter the communication process with his own ideas and beliefs which will undoubtedly influence his understanding of the message.

3 Understand the strengths and weaknesses of the different communication channels which include,but are not limited to,in person,phone,email and text.Make sure to use the appropriate channel for your message.For example,giving lengthy directions over the phone probably isn't the most effective route.Likewise,neither is providing negative feedback via email.Examine the strengths and weaknesses of all communication channels in relation to your message to ensure you choose the channel which will communicate the message the best.

4 Be receptive to feedback from your audience,especially when communicating in person or over the phone.Pay close attention to both verbal and non-verbal reactions to your message to help gauge if the audience has understood meaning of the information presented.Another way to increase your communication skills in business is by removing any barriers that may cause misunderstandings.Potential barriers to your message can be anything from being too lengthy,using the wrong communication channel,being disorganized in your presentation of the information,using poor verbal and non-verbal language,offering too much information too quickly,not understanding the audience's culture and not presenting a simplified and concise message.In addition to these general guidelines,you can hone your communication skills by focusing on more generalized areas of communication such as creating effective and lasting first impressions,conveying correct non-verbal body language,efficiently communicating verbally,actively listening,focusing on developing your writing skills and learning the proper etiquette for communicating through technological channels.

5 Re-emphasize your message through non-verbal communication.Only about seven percent of emotional meaning in a message is composed of the actual words and another thirty-eight percent is communicated through our tone of voice and voice inflection.This means fifty-five percent of our meaning in messages is conveyed through non-verbal communication which includes facial expression,gestures and posture.So even while you may be saying one thing,your body language may be expressing something completely different.Savvy professionals utilize non-verbal communication skills to build trust and rapport with customers and colleagues by keeping their body language consistent and congruent with their verbal message.To thrive in the business world,you must learn to not only convey your message verbally but also non-verbally.Use non-verbal communication consciously and intentionally to make it a source of power and strength in your business interactions.First,understand your non-verbal communication strengths and weaknesses then break down the components and practice impactful,consistent and natural execution beginning with eye contact.Try starting with the following:

●Examine your entrance into a room.Are you noticed when you enter a room?

●Do you offer your hand immediately when meeting someone regardless of race or gender?

●Do you consistently make eye contact with others when in meetings and throughout conversations?

●Do you tend to gesture in a distracting way that could hinder someone's ability to connect with you?

●Are the non-verbal signals you send clear and consistent with your message?Or are people generally confused as to where they stand with you?

●Are you aware of your facial reactions in different situations?

Our physical presence is the thing others notice when meeting us so make sure you exude energy,have correct posture,a firm handshake and make friendly eye contact.Learn to not only master your initial body language but also your reactions to others as well such as maintaining an impassive face when angered.Lastly,learn to match and mirror by adopting the manners and mannerisms of the person or people with whom you are interacting.Matching energy levels,facial expressions,tone of voice,vocabulary and pace is the quickest way to build rapport in the communication process.Non-verbal cues provide a context for interpreting the raw content of communication so you need to ensure that your verbal and non-verbal message remain in sync.

6 Revive verbal communication.Face-to-face communication will always be the best communication channel.Never underestimate the value of voice tone and the emotion carried through body language,especially when critiquing someone or providing negative feedback.If you are disagreeing with someone while your words may be expressing your disagreement,your tone,posture and eye contact may,at the same time,be expressing your value and respect for the other person's opinion.While a phone conversation is also a better channel of communication,it still falls a distant second to face-to-face interactions.We rely on the rich stew of non-verbal cues to interpret the meaning behind another's words and face-to-face meetings help offset potential barriers that could misconstrue the intended message.So,if you are ever in doubt about which method to use,communicating with someone face-to-face is always the safest and most effective method of ensuring your message is communicated effectively.If you have difficulty expressing yourself verbally,try some of the following to help sharpen your verbal communication skills:

●Watch verbal interactions in your office to listen to how individuals present ideas to clients,to hear the tone of voice and voice inflection used when presenting ideas and how points of difference are debated.

●Practice expressing your ideas to friends and family and have them critique you.Make sure you know whether they grasped what you were trying to convey or not.

●Get a part-time sales job to help you gain confidence in expressing yourself and verbally communicating with others.

●Utilize stories,quotes and jokes to help convey your message.

●Organize your ideas beforehand and prepare your message.

●Choose your words with care.Speak specifically,concisely and avoid careless language.

●Be positive in attitude and in word selection.

●Use vivid language,examples and remain upbeat and use a variety of voice tones to keep audience engaged.

●Tape yourself to better understand your unique communication style.

Mastering verbal communication develops personal growth and improves upon business relationships and interactions as well.Words have the power to create emotions and move people to take the action you desire.Capitalize on the power of verbal communication to help you achieve your career goals.

Activity 2:Group discussion.

1.How could you get feedback from your audience?

2.How do you think being able to communicate effectively through writing is an important skill to refine?

