理论教育 接待工作的作用的分析介绍


时间:2023-06-12 理论教育 版权反馈




























As a business owner,you have the opportunity to meet all kinds of people.Whether you're talking to industry experts at a seminar your company is hosting or you've invited an esteemed member of a group to speak at your conference,it's important to treat all your guests with respect.

Get to know your distinguished guest before he arrives by doing your research so you have a basic understanding of his interests,likes and dislikes.This not only helps to make him feel welcome but shows that you go the extra mile to take care of your guests.

Do Your Research

The first step in welcoming a distinguished guest is doing your research.If you have invited someone to be a part of your meeting or you're hosting a peer from a partner company at your office,it's critical to get to know her before she arrives.

Research online and ask others who know the individual about what you can expect.It would be helpful to know information about the guest that includes:

·Areas of expertise in business

·Particular areas of research with which she is fascinated

·Career milestones

·Hobbies and activities

·Family status

With this information in hand,you will have a lot to talk about with your guest.This will enable you to ask her questions about her interests and get to the heart of issues that matter to her.By knowing some personal information,like which sports she likes to play or how many kids she has,you can also touch on topics outside of work.

Help With Travel and Accommodation Arrangements

If you have invited the distinguished guest to your business,it's important to offer to help make any travel arrangements for him.In some cases,you may be contractually required to make travel arrangements.In this situation,be sure to keep the guest updated about all the travel details so he has the information well in advance of his trip.

If there are no contractual obligations,it's still important to offer travel advice.The guest may not be familiar with your area or not know the best route to take.Ask him from where he is coming and provide guidance that will make his trip easier and more convenient.

With regard to hotel accommodations,make suggestions for hotels that are closest to your place of business or the event that the guest is attending.Ensure there is an easy mode of transportation for him to get to and from the hotel,such as a cab or subway.Suggest hotels that offer the amenities your guest may need,such as a gym,business center,workstation within the room and room service.

Consider Cultural Barriers

Depending on from where your guest is coming,there may be cultural differences you need to take into consideration.Culture affects the way people communicate,and it's important to have clear and open lines of communication with your distinguished guest.Even the thumbs-up gesture,which is commonly used in the United States,can mean something offensive in other countries.

In some countries,making eye contact with someone from the opposite sex can be considered rude.It's important to not make eye contact in this case,as it can be considered too forward and disrespectful.

In some countries,punctuality is taken lightly.If your guest is late according to your standards,she may be on time according to hers.Do some research into your guest's culture so you're familiar with her cultural norms.This will help you navigate any communication barriers that may arise.

Anticipate Your Guest's Needs

Welcoming a distinguished guest includes understanding what he may need before he asks for it.Take care to anticipate your guest's requirements so you can make him feel more comfortable.For example,if he has had a long journey,he may need a few hours of rest in his hotel before heading to your office or event.Don't schedule the speech for right after he arrives.

If your guest will be working in your business for a few days,set up a work station for him that gives him the basicrequirements of a computer and a phone.He may also require some privacy,so it's better to offer him a workstation that is in a cubicle or office.

Be sure to show him around your company so he can see where the lunch rooms and bathrooms are as well.Answer any questions he has so he feels fully prepared for the day ahead.(www.daowen.com)

Introduce Your Guest to Key Colleagues

Being the new person in the office or at the event can be daunting,even if you are a specially invited guest.It is a lot of pressure to meet new people and learn their names.When your guest arrives,be sure to introduce her to a few key colleagues at the start.This will help her to get acclimated and have a few familiar faces in the room.Don't go overboard and introduce her to too many people at once,as this can be overwhelming.

When you welcome guests and participants at the door to the event,you can introduce a few more people to your distinguished guest.By gradually introducing her to colleagues,you can avoid causing confusion with names.By meeting small groups of people at a time,the guest will be able to feel more comfortable in her new surroundings without the pressure of having to remember everyone's name at once.

Create an Itinerary

Plan a few activities for your guest so he can make the most of his time with you.This will also help him to get to know your work associates and employees without having to plan meetings on his own.

Be sure to include a variety of activities in your itinerary with a balance of business and personal items.If you have a day full of presentations and meetings,it can be exhausting to attend another work-related event in the evening.Break up work meetings with a casual lunch or afternoon game of golf.Think back to your research to consider your guest's interests.Take his hobbies into account while planning your itinerary.

Include some local flare if your guest is traveling from out of town.Does your area have the best fish and chips,for example?Take him to a famous restaurant.Are the landscapes beautiful in your city?Take him for a short walk so he can see the sights.

Give Your Guest Some Alone Time

A carefully curated itinerary needs to have some breaks scheduled in it.Your guest will need to have some time to herself as well,even if it's just to stop and think for a moment.Build in 15-minute breaks every few hours so your guest can relax.If she is visiting you for a few days,ask her if she would like an evening or two alone to explore the city or rest in her hotel room.

Follow Welcome Speech Best Practices

Whether you're giving a formal speech at an event or you're just gathering with your team in the lunch room,it's important to introduce your guest in the right way.Start by talking about some of your guest's career milestones.What has he contributed to your industry that is notable for your team?

Avoid giving a long speech about your relationship with the guest or how you came to know him.Focus on your guest's expertise and give him a quick introduction.Invite him to the stage,offer a firm handshake and then go and sit with the audience so your guest can start his speech and take center stage.

New Words

contractual adj.合同的

Activity 1:Group discussion.

1.If you do research about your guest,what information can be included?














What Is a Business Meeting?

In essence,a business meeting is a gathering of two or more people to discuss ideas,goals and objectives that concern the workplace.Business meetings can be conducted in person at an office or at a different location,or even over the phone and by video conference.Meetings take place with employees,managers,executives,clients,prospects,suppliers and partners,and anyone else related to the organization.In most cases,a meeting needs to take place when the issue at hand is something that cannot be properly communicated over the phone or via email,and requires face-to-face interaction with one or more people.

How to Run Effective Business Meetings?

While business meetings help organizations to make decisions and solve complex issues,they can sometimes be an ineffective use of time if not run properly.When people come to meetings unprepared,don't pay attention and don't follow up on action items,it can be seen as a waste of time.In order to ensure that the time is used effectively,both the organizer and the participants of business meetings need to be actively involved.If you're organizing the meeting,prepare a meeting agenda,outlining exactly what will be covered.If there are items that attendees should prepare for,be sure to give them enough time to do so.Some meetings are held on a routine basis,like weekly team touch points.For these kinds of meetings,create a template for the agenda and fill in unique items each week.

Review the attendee list carefully and invite only right people to the meeting.If someone that needs to be at the meeting cannot attend,you may need to reschedule to accommodate them.Otherwise,running a meeting with a missing person that is required for decision-making can turn out to be ineffective.

Time is valuable,and it's important to respect that people who attend your meeting are taking the time out of their day to do so.As a result,it's vital to ensure the meeting starts and ends on time.When preparing the agenda,decide how much time you'll need to spend on each item and run the meeting by the clock.If you feel that the meeting is going off-track,reign it in by asking people to stick to the topics on the agenda.If other important issues arise,table them for further discussion at another point.

In order to ensure that no important items brought up in your meeting were missed,take notes,also called minutes.You can either write or type them out yourself during the meeting or assign someone else in the meeting to take the notes for you.This way you will be able to concentrate on the discussion.After the meeting,be sure to review the notes,add any missing items and send them to the important stakeholders.Having a written record of what was discussed in the meeting can be helpful if issues arise in the future.

After the business meeting is over,be sure to follow up on any action items that were decided upon.You may need to send reminders to your colleagues or guests to make sure they completed their tasks.If there are any outstanding issues that were not completed by the deadline,you may need to have an additional discussion with that person.

Business Meetings Etiquette

While the culture of your organization will inform how you should behave at business meetings,there are some aspects of meeting etiquette that are universal.One of the best ways to attend a meeting is to be prepared.This means knowing what is on the agenda and having done the preparation or research to go along with the items you're responsible for.For example,if an agenda item involves discussing a marketing plan that you're working on,it's important to go to the meeting with the plan notes in hand,ready to discuss them in detail.It's also equally important to arrive on time.

Focusing on the meeting instead of your smartphone or laptop is another way to demonstrate your professionalism,so turn off your phone and shut your laptop during the meeting.If you need to access any files on your laptop for the meeting,be sure to turn off your email so you're not distracted by incoming messages.Remember that the meeting requires your attention and dividing it between your phone or laptop will not result in an effective discussion.

Being a good listener and an active participant are central aspects of attending a business meeting.Be sure to follow along with what people are saying,ask questions when you're not sure of something and provide answers or insight on items you're responsible for.Your body language is also part of being an active participant;this means sitting up tall instead of slouching in your chair and making eye contact with the people you're speaking to.

Depending on the type of meeting you attend,you may want to send a thank-you note to the meeting organizer or the people you met with.This might be appropriate if you're meeting with an important client or prospect.You can thank them for their time and reiterate some important things you discussed in the meeting to show your enthusiasm.

New Words

prospects n.潜在顾客

Activity 2:Group discussion.

1.How to run effective business meetings?

2.Discuss business meetings etiquette you've learned.

