理论教育 复旦大学建校前夕的历史岁月


时间:2023-06-11 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:The shipments of tea in 1871 exceeded the shipments of 1870 by about 105000 peculs, an increase mainly derived from larger transactions in Leaf Tea, of which 460891 peculs were sent away, instead of 3


The shipments of tea in 1871 exceeded the shipments of 1870 by about 105000 peculs, an increase mainly derived from larger transactions in Leaf Tea, of which 460891 peculs were sent away, instead of 379631.The market was opened on the 20th of May and the intelligence which arrived in August in regard to the reception in London of the first consignments, was far from reassuring. Whole cargoes had been disposed of by forced sales, serious losses had been incurred, and the most sanguine were constrained to admit,that,if the home market remained unchanged,the 1871 season would rank with some of worst that had gone before. Ere long however later intelligence dispelled these gloomy apprehensions, and investments which had inspired alarm proved to be profitable and encouraging. The 1871 season was, without doubt, a prosperous one. The presence of Ocean steamers and the larger markets attracted a greater proportion of the growth of Kiangsi, but almost a fourth again went down the river to shanghai. The success of the Russian manufactories of Brick Tea was superior to even the results of 1869,the year during which these efforts attracted most attention. Some 75000 peculs quitted the port, and indications were not wanting that this advance would be progressive. The gentlemen engaged in this undertaking have not only to posses an acquaintance with the Chinese language, and a thorough knowledge of the leaf and of the process through which it has to pass;they must besides be able to display indifference to abuse and to exercise self-control under even more serious inducements to retaliation.Such outbursts of ill feeling, however, only take place in one or two of the villages round which the tea plantations cluster and from which the various growths borrow their names; and with these unaccountable exceptions the Natives with whom the Foreigners in question come in contact invariably evince the most friendly disposition and the latter conduct their business with the most perfect security and enjoy the most complete personal safety.

The growth of trade with the interior by means of Transit Passes continued during the entire year. For foreign goods, of these documents 5487 were issues against 5015 in 1870, whilst in 1869 only 2806 were granted, and but five years ago, in 1866, only 909.In a like manner they were more largely availed of in the transport of Tea.The number issued was 191.Almost 12 500 peculs of Leaf Tea and almost 80000 peculs of brick tea were thus conveyed here. In 1870 the quantities were 11323 peculs of Leaf Tea and 52420 peculs of Brick Tea.(www.daowen.com)


