理论教育 商品品质语言表达:重点解析quality和sample


时间:2023-06-10 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:1)表示商品品质的语言表达“quality”和“sample”是在表示商品品质时常用到两个词。)Having examined sample received from you,we can now confirm that we are able to provide the commodity of the type and quality you require.(看了你方寄来的样品,现可确认我方可提供你方所需的种类和品质的商品。)The samples are taken at random,so they can adequately represent the goods of the shipment as a whole.(样品是随意抽取的,足以代表整批货的品质。)“sample”既可作名词,又可作动词用。




We usually export commodities of high quality.(我们通常出口高品质的商品。)

Having examined sample received from you,we can now confirm that we are able to provide the commodity of the type and quality you require.(看了你方寄来的样品,现可确认我方可提供你方所需的种类和品质的商品。)

We regret to say that the goods we have just received from you are of very poor quality,which is far below the standard specified in the contract.(很遗憾,我们收到的货品质量很差,与合同规定相差甚远。)

According to CISG,the seller must deliver goods which are of the quantity,quality and description required by the contract and which are contained or packaged in the manner required by the contract.(根据《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》,卖方交付的货物必须与合同所规定的数量、质量和规格相符,并须按照合同所规定的方式装箱或包装。)

The samples are taken at random,so they can adequately represent the goods of the shipment as a whole.(样品是随意抽取的,足以代表整批货的品质。)


We must sample the consignment before shipment.(这批货发货前必须要抽样。)



用什么装:相应的英文是Goods to be packed in×××

用什么材料衬垫或衬填:通常使用短语be lined/padded with表示,如:to be packed in wooden cases lined with waxed paper(www.daowen.com)

包装用什么加固或加封:通常使用短语be strengthened/reinforced with或be secured/sealed with表示,如:be strengthened/reinforced with metal straps;be secured/sealed with plastic seal straps.

装多少:相应的英文是to be packed in×××of×××net each

或to be packed in×××,each containing×××

大小包装之间的关系:通常要用介词to表示,如:24 boxes to a carton

包装费的支付:相应的英文是Packing cost is to be for Buyer's account

或Packing cost is to be borne by Buyer


Packing:to be in iron drums of 100 kg net each,190 drums to a 20'container(FCL)(包装:铁桶装,每桶净重100公斤,一个二十尺货柜可装190桶。)

Packing:in single gunny bags of 30 kg each,gross for net,10 bags on a pallet.


Packing:to be packed 3 dozen to a packet,4 packets to a box and 10 boxes to a carton.


