理论教育 语言点:以...为依据的风险承担责任


更新时间:2025-01-03 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:在上面的例句里,它的中文意思是指“以……为依据”。中文可以把它理解成“以……为限”或“如果”。The buyer must bear all risks of loss of or damage to the goods from the agreed date or the expiry date of the period fixed for shipment provided,however,that the goods have been identified as the contract goods.(买方必须承担自约定的装运期限届满之日起,货物所发生的一切损坏或灭失风险,但以该项货物已正式确认为合同项下之货物者为限。


This contract is subject to Incoterms 2010.

“be subject to”这个结构在贸易沟通中使用得很频繁。它的基本含义是“depending on...as a condition”或“under the condition of...”,通常用于描述一种前提条件。在不同的情况下,应根据其后面宾语的具体内容,参照其基本含义来综合理解。在上面的例句里,它的中文意思是指“以……为依据”。相似的例子还包括:

The contract is subject to approval of the Government of Import Country.(本合同须经进口国政府的批准。)

We make you the following offer,subject to your reply reaching us here before Beijing time June 1,2011.(我方做出如下报盘,以你方回复北京时间2011年6月1日之前到达我方为有效。)(www.daowen.com)

Subject to Clause 15,no variation in or modification of the terms to the Contract shall be made except by written amendment signed by the parties.(根据第15条规定,合同的任何变更或修改,必须以双方签订的修改文本为准。)

2)在阅读《2010年国际贸易术语解释通则》英文版的时候,时常会看到“provided that...”这个用法。它在国际商务合同或其他书面文件中很常见,用于引出一个条件从句,说明某种权利的行使或义务的履行的附带条件。中文可以把它理解成“以……为限”或“如果”。参考下面例句。

The buyer must bear all risks of loss of or damage to the goods from the agreed date or the expiry date of the period fixed for shipment provided,however,that the goods have been identified as the contract goods.(买方必须承担自约定的装运期限届满之日起,货物所发生的一切损坏或灭失风险,但以该项货物已正式确认为合同项下之货物者为限。)

We can sell a lot of garments provided that your price is highly competitive.(如果你方价格很有竞争性,我方可大量出售服装。)

