理论教育 建筑业科技创新能力评价指标体系及应用探讨


时间:2023-06-10 理论教育 版权反馈


叶 贵1,2,唐笑宇1*,王玉合1,付 媛1


摘 要:为了准确评估建筑业科技创新能力,促进行业内创新驱动发展战略的有效实施,本文结合相关文献与我国建筑业发展现状,创新性地基于覆盖行业生产动态“全过程”、政产学研用“全方位”、传统有形要素和新兴无形要素等“全要素”的原则,构建出一套包括3级层次、18个具体指标的建筑业科技创新能力评价指标体系。随后,本文以重庆市2011—2016年行业数据为样本,运用熵值法确定指标权重,对研究成果进行了应用性实践。评价结果验证了指标体系的可行性,并显示出如下3点:①重庆市建筑业科技创新能力综合水平总体向好发展;②亟待加强对人才投入的重视;③创新产出与基础环境是短期内施策的关键点。



Evaluation Index System of Science and Technology Innovation Ability in Construction Industry and Its Application(www.daowen.com)

YE Gui1,2,TANG Xiɑoyu1*,WANG Yuhe1,FU Yuɑn1

(1.School of Management Science and Real Estate,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400045,P.R.China;2.Modern Project Management Research Center,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400045,P.R.China)

Abstract:In order to accurately assess the technological innovation capability of the construction industry and promote the effective implementation of innovation-driven development strategieswithin the industry,we proposed and evaluatied index system of science and technology innovation ability,based on the relevant literature and the development status of Chinese construction industry.The system is innovatively based on the principle of“all-process”that covering the production dynamics of the industry,“all-dimension”of government,industry,university,research and users,“all-factor”of traditional tangible elements and emerging intangible elements,three levels and 18 specific indicators.Subsequently,taking the industry data of Chongqing from 2011 to 2016 as a sample,the entropy method was used to determine the weight of the index,and the research resultswere applied.The evaluation results verify the feasibility of the indicator system,which shows that:①the comprehensive level of science and technology innovation capability of the construction industry in Chongqing is generally improving;②it is urgent to strengthen the emphasis on talent investment;③the innovation output and the basic environment are the key points in the short-term policy.

Keywords:construction industry;innovation of science and technology;evaluation index system;Chongqing

