责任保险,是指保险人在被保险人依法应对第三人负赔偿责任,并被提出赔偿要求时,承担赔偿责任的财产保险形式。责任保险以被保险人对他人依法应负的民事赔偿责任为保险标的,在合同中无保险金额,而规定赔偿限额。责任保险仅承保被保险人的过失侵权民事责任,对故意行为造成的损害不负责任,除特别约定外,通常不包括合同违约责任。 责任保险基本概念
1.Business interruption insurance 营业中断保险
Business interruption insurance differs from property insurance in that a property insurance policy only covers the physical damage to the business, while the additional coverage allotted by the business interruption policy covers the profits that would have been earned.
2.Claims adjuster 理赔核算员
Our purpose here is to consider one aspect of automobile bodily injury liability claims management: the assignment of fault across parties as judged by the insured defendant’s claims adjuster.(Journal of Risk and Insurance/May 2003/https://doi.org/10.1111/1539-6975.00055)
3.Coinsurance clause 共同保险条款(www.daowen.com)
The advantage of buying insurance with a coinsurance clause is the policy’s premium will generally be lower than a similar policy without the coinsurance clause.(Interpreting the Coinsurance Clause in a Builder’s Risk Policy)
用共同保险条款的好处是,保单保费通常低于没有共同保险条款的类似保单. 责任保险实务
1.Insurance regulatory law 保险管理法
Historically, the insurance industry has been regulated almost exclusively by the individual state governments.The first state commissioner of insurance was appointed in New Hampshire in 1851 and the state-based insurance regulatory law grew as quickly as the insurance industry itself.
2.Liability insurance 责任保险
The confirming of responsibility of liability insurance depend on the agreement of contract of insurance.