理论教育 意外伤害险保障详解


更新时间:2025-01-03 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:意外伤害险实务Time of payment of claim 索赔期限The time limit for the insurance company to pay the insurance is stipulated.索赔期限规定了保险公司支付保险金的时限。

意外伤害保险是指以被保险人的身体作为保险标的,以被保险人因遭受意外伤害而造成的死亡、残疾、医疗费用支出或暂时丧失劳动能力为给付条件的保险项目。其保障的项目有死亡赔偿、残疾赔偿、支付医疗费用以及误工补贴等。 意外伤害险基本概念

1.Personal insurance 人身保险

The scale of personal insurance business increases constantly, but it is an extensive development model and this kind of model causes the product structure of the insurance to be unreasonable.(dict.cnki.net)


2.Tourist accident insurance 旅游意外保险

Visitors to the insured when the insured person during the tour because suffer accident harm accident caused casualties, according to the stipulations of the contract of insurance payment of death, disability, medical expenses insurance.

被保险人在旅行期间因遭遇意外伤害事故造成人员伤亡时, 根据保险合同规定支付死亡、伤残、医疗费用的保险。(www.daowen.com)

3.Time on risk 保险期限

The period when the risk premium is greater than zero.With the increase of the policy year, the investment account value of the investment linked insurance and the reserve level of the bonus risk may exceed the insured amount, so that the risk premium is zero.

风险溢价大于零的期间。随着保单年度增加, 投资连结保险的投资账户价值和分红风险准备金水平可能超过保险金额, 使风险溢价为零。 意外伤害险实务

Time of payment of claim 索赔期限

The time limit for the insurance company to pay the insurance is stipulated.


