理论教育 人寿保险简介:以寿命为标的的保险方案


更新时间:2025-01-03 理论教育 版权反馈

人寿保险,简称寿险,是人身保险的一种,是以被保险人的寿命为标的,以被保险人的生存或死亡为给付条件的保险。寿险和所有保险业务一样,被保险人将风险转嫁给保险人,同时接受保险人的条款并支付保险费。与其他保险不同的是,人寿保险转嫁的是被保险人生存或死亡的风险。 人寿保险基本概念

1.Cash value 现金价值

Cash values are usually associated with whole life insurance or endowment life insurance and other forms of permanent life insurance.The contract determines for each possible cancellation date the related cash value.(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cash_value)


注:whole life insurance终身人寿保险,是现金价值人寿保险之一。除了提供人寿保险,还建立了现金价值或者投资价值,称为内部建设,这种价值建设不受制于税收,即资本利得和收入都是免税的。现金价值可以撤回,保单所有者可以以此举债。投保人撤回现金价值,保单即失效,否则保单终身有效。在保单期间投保人支付的保费是不变的。

2.Life insurance 人身保险

When you take out a life insurance policy, you pay premiums in the expectation that when you die your spouse or your children will receive the benefit.But audits of the nation’s leading insurance companies have uncovered a systematic, industry-wide practice of not paying significant numbers of beneficiaries.


注:insurance premium保险费,是指被投保人参加保险时,根据其投保时所定的保险费率,向保险人交的费用。当保险财产遭受灾害和意外事故而造成全部或部分损失,或人身保险中被保险人发生意外时,保险人均要付给保险金。保险费由保险金额、保险费率和保险期限构成。保险费的数额同保险金额的大小、保险费率的高低和保险期限的长短成正比,即保险金额越大,保险费率越高,保险期限越长,保险费越多。交纳保险费是投保人的义务。如果被保险人不按期交纳保险费,在自愿保险中,则保险合同失效;在强制保险中,则要附加一定数额的滞纳金

相关术语:insurance rate保险费率,是保险人按保险金额向投保人或被保险人收取费用的比例,通常用“‰”或“%”表示。保险费率是计算保险费的依据。保险费率由纯费率和附加费率两部分构成。

3.Indemnity 赔偿

Several studies (e.g., Sinn, 1982; Keeton and Kwerel, 1984) show that under limited liability, individuals will not always demand full insurance, even if the premium equals the expected indemnity payment (referred to as actuarially fair premium).(The journal of risk and insurance / March 23,2018/https://doi.org/10.1111/jori.12247)

一些研究(例如,Sinn,1982; Keeton和Kwerel,1984)表明,在有限责任下,即使保费等于预期赔款(称为精算公平保费),个人也不会总是购买全额保险。(www.daowen.com)

4.Insured 被保险人

The potential loss of insured can be affected by many nondeterministic factors, in which uncertainty always coexists with randomness.(Insurance: Mathematics and economics/Sep,2015/ https://doi.org/10.1016/j.insmatheco.2015.06.004)


5.Insurance claim 保险索赔

However, a validation on the basis of insurance claims might be more conservative in cases where model errors are more pronounced in areas with a high density of values at risk.(Insurance: Mathematics and economics/February, 2018/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.12.042)


6.Juvenile life insurance 青少年人寿保险

In recent years, juvenile life insurance has become a popular college savings, lifetime savings, investment, and estate planning tool.It is increasingly popular with financial planners and insurance professionals.

近年来,青少年人寿保险已成为一种流行的大学生储蓄、终身储蓄、投资和财产规划的工具,越来越受到财务规划师和保险专业人士的欢迎。 人寿保险实务

Claim settlement 理赔

Solvency margin is an important leading indicator of benefit payment or claim settlement ability of life insurance companies.(http://www.doc88.com/p-6126780551568.html)


