理论教育 投资性金融工具的定义及分类


更新时间:2025-01-03 理论教育 版权反馈

1.Home equity loan 房屋净值贷款

You could also consider a home equity loan, which may offer a tax deduction, or a consolidation loan.


注:(1)tax deduction减税,又称税收减征,指的是按照税收法律、法规减除纳税义务人的一部分应纳税款。减税是对某些纳税人、征税对象进行扶持、鼓励或照顾,以减轻其税收负担的一种特殊规定。(2)相关术语:tax avoidance逃税;tax evasion避税;tax preference税收优惠;tax rebate(出口)退税;tax refund退还税款;tax exemption免税

2.Hong Kong Inter Bank Offered Rate (HIBOR) 银行间市场对港元贷款的利率

HSBC also said that it had executed its first CNH Hibor swap contract, providing an early indication of what the rate might be.

汇丰银行也表示,该行已执行首份CNH Hibor互换合约,初步表明它的利率可能会是多少。

注:(1)swap contract互换合约,指两个或以上的交易当事人按照商定的条件,在约定的时间内交付一系列支付款项的金融交易合约,主要包括货币互换与利率互换两类。(2)相关术语:interest rate swap利率互换;currency swap货币互换;coupon swap息票互换;basis swap基础互换

3.Hot money 热钱

Others, not least London, have seen hot money inflows from China and other emerging markets.


注:(1)emerging markets新兴市场,指发展中国家的股票市场或能源市场。按照国际金融公司的权威定义,只要一个国家或地区的人均国民生产总值未达到世界银行划定的高收入国家水平,那么这个国家或地区的股市就是新兴市场。(2)相关术语:emerging market sovereigns新兴市场主权国家;emerging market bonds新兴市场债券;emerging market portfolios新兴市场投资组合;emerging market economies新兴市场经济体

4.Interbank lending market 银行间拆借市场

The draft rules, which are expected to take effect in some form in February, are aimed at the interbank lending market, usually used by banks to borrow at low interest rates from one another to cover their short-term funding needs.


注:(1)funding融资,从狭义上讲,指一个企业资金筹集的行为与过程。从广义上讲,融资也叫金融,就是货币资金的融通,指当事人通过各种方式到金融市场上筹措或贷放资金的行为;(2)银行间市场即银行间同业交易的市场,包括interbank foreign exchange market(银行间的外汇市场)和interbank money market(银行间的货币市场);(3)相关术语:bank loans银行贷款;equity financing股票筹资;bonds financing债券融资;finance leasing融资租赁;overseas financing海外融资;mortgage financing典当融资

5.Inactive account 非活跃账户

Every major Wall Street broker now imposes an inactive account fee on investors who don’t generate enough commissions.


注:(1)broker经纪商,又称掮客,为买主与卖主之间签订买卖契约提供中介服务,从而收取手续费或佣金的人。在金融证券方面,从事经纪商活动的人不能直接进入交易所经营,他们的主要作用是接受投资者的委托,将委托人的证券转交给经纪人到交易所内买卖。(2)相关术语:inter-dealer brokers交易商经纪;client or agency brokers代理经纪;real estate brokers房地产经纪;insurance brokers保险经纪

6.Individual account 个人账户

Accrual stores according to individual account computation of method of frontal accrual calculation.


注:(1)accrual 计提,指计算和提取,按规定的比率与规定的基数相乘计算提取,列入某科目。计算方法是在一个规定的基数上乘以规定的比率);(2)相关术语:build accrual累积应计;accrual bonds累息债券;accrual expense应付费用;accrual concept应计概念;accrual basis权责发生制

7.Import trade finance 进口贸易融资

For import trade finance, it includes limit for letter of credit, trust receipt, inward bills receivables, delivery against banking guarantee, inward documentary collection advance and etc.


注:(1)trust receipt 信托收据,委托人向受托人提供资金或信用,并以所提供的动产标的物之所有权作为债权担保,而受托人,例如进口商,则依据信托合同或其他信托约定对前述标的物进行处分,并把处分标的物的对价,即款项,交付给委托人,例如开证银行。(2)相关术语:settler委托人;trustee受托人;beneficiary受益人;trust property信托财产;trust document信托文件;trust terms信托条款

8.Individual retirement account (IRA) 个人退休金账户

As of 2010, low savings rates, financial crises, and poor stock market performance had caused retirement savings account values to fall so low that 75% of Americans nearing retirement age had less than $30,000 in their retirement accounts, which Forbes called “the greatest retirement crisis in American history.”

截至2010年,低储蓄率、金融危机和糟糕的股市表现导致退休储蓄账户价值偏低,以至于75%接近退休年龄的美国人的退休账户金额低于30 000美元,这被福布斯称为“美国历史上最大的退休金危机”。

注:(1)savings rates储蓄率,是反映一个国家或地区储蓄发展水平的重要指标。它指储蓄存款的增加额占城乡居民、单位职工货币收入的百分比,可借以分析和研究一个地区城乡居民或一个单位职工在一定时期内参加储蓄的意愿和趋势,是制订储蓄计划的一项重要依据。(2)相关术语:personal savings rate个人储蓄率;aggregate savings rate总储蓄率;personal disposable income(PDI)个人可支配收入

9.Insufficient funds 资金不足

Once the originator of the insufficient funds check is notified of the problem with the check, he or she is normally provided some time to cover the face value of the check, plus an fees or penalties that the depositor chooses to apply.


注:(1)face value(far value)票面价值,有价证券票面上标明的金额,由发行者规定。发行价格,也称行市,是证券公开发行的销售价格。发行价格的高低由市场上的供求关系决定。在票面价值确定后,发行价格将依据市场的利率、证券的利率水平、发行者信誉和资金供应状况来确定。(2)相关术语:negotiable securities/valuable papers有价证券;at premium溢价发行;at par平价发行;at a discount折价发行

10.Insurance 保险

The Obama administration says gov’s error rate for transmitting health insurance applications to insurance companies has plunged.(NPR News)


注:(1)词义辨析:plunge用来表示价格和温度等的暴降、骤降;plummet可以表示数量、比率、价格等突然暴跌,骤然下降;slump指价格、数量等的大幅度下降。(2)相关词汇:edge down微降;rally回升;climb攀升;soar猛增;surge激增

11.Insured deposits 保险存款

She was not the author of the (abortive) idea to raid insured bank deposits in Cyprus;that was the Cypriot government’s attempt to spare offshore savers from bearing the entire bill for the island’s rescue.(The Economist)


注:(1)offshore savers 离岸储蓄者;offshore account离岸账户,指在境外银行开立的账户,客户可以从离岸账户上自由调拨资金,而不受本国的外汇管制。只要银行客户披露了离岸账户的信息,并按个人收入缴纳了税收,那么持有离岸银行账户就是合法的。(2)相关术语:offshore banking离岸银行;offshore outsourcing 离岸外包;offshore fund离岸基金

12.Interest 利息(www.daowen.com)

It pays no interest on these things, but it gets interest on some of its assets.


注:(1)asset资产,指由过去的交易或事项形成的、由企业拥有或控制的、预期会给企业带来经济利益的资源;(2)相关术语:current assets流动资产;non-current assets非流动资产;fixed assets固定资产;long-term assets长期资产;deferred assets 递延资产;intangible assets无形资产

13.Interest rate 利率

In December 1988 the monthly real interest rate was 0.8%;by the following December it had risen to 4.3%.


注:(1)real interest rate 实际利率,指剔除通货膨胀率后储户或投资者得到利息回报的真实利率。(2)不同程度的上升:climb轻微上升;grow, increase, rise程度一般的上升;leap, rocket, soar程度比较强的上升,即迅速上升、飞升、激增;(3)相关术语:deposit interest rate储蓄存款利率; overnight rate 隔夜利率;floating interest rate浮动利率;nominal interest rate名义利率

14.Interest rate index 利率指数

CMS rate defined and quoted by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association(ISDA), is widely used in the market as a reference interest rate index.


注:(1)CMS (Constant Maturity Swap)固定期限掉期协议,又称恒定到期利率调期,是一种掉期协议形式。它使得购买者能够锁定所收到现金流的久期。(2)相关术语:London Inter Bank Offered Rate (LIBOR)伦敦银行同业拆放利率;duration久期;interest rate swap利率互换

15.Interest rate swap 利率互换

Such as foreign-exchange and interest-rate swaps, were becoming volume (or “flow”)businesses where scale and low costs were paramount.(The Economist)


注:(1)foreign exchange外汇,货币行政当局以银行存款、财政部证券或长短期政府证券等形式所持有的,在国际收支逆差时可以使用的债权;是国际贸易的产物,是国际贸易清偿的支付手段;(2)外汇分类:free convertible exchange自由外汇;foreign exchange purchasing购汇;trade foreign exchange贸易外汇;non trade foreign exchange非贸易外汇

16.Trade finance 贸易融资

The recent decline reflects both the steep drop in global demand as well as the evaporation of trade finance, essential to exporting and importing.(news.iciba.com)


注:(1)demand需求,指人们在某一特定的时期内在各种可能的价格下愿意并且能够购买某个具体商品的数量。(2)相关术语:market demand市场需求;quantity demanded需求量;derived demand派生需求;demand shift需求变动

17.Triangular arbitrage 三角套汇

Meanwhile the paper analyzes the relationship of RMB exchange rate against US Dollar and non-US Dollar from the view of the triangular arbitrage.(www.e-say.com.cn)


注:(1)exchange rate汇率,又称外汇利率,外汇汇率或外汇行市,指的是两种货币之间兑换的比率,亦可视为一个国家的货币对另一种货币的价值。(2)相关术语:buying rate买入汇率;selling rate卖出汇率;medial rate中间汇率;official rate官定汇率;market rate市场汇率

18.The gold standard 金本位

Compared to the gold standard and the creation of super restore the sovereignty of the international monetary terms, the International Monetary oligarchs is more realistic.


注:(1)oligarch寡头政治执政者;oligarchy寡头政治,原指少数人掌握的政权,后通指由一小撮反动统治者操纵一切的政治制度。在政府事务中,服从少数人统治的政治,在任何团体中,诸如一个教堂、工会、学校或者任何其他机关,由少数人所管治者,均可称为寡头政治。(2)相关术语:oligopoly寡头垄断;financial oligarch金融寡头;economic monopoly经济性垄断;natural monopoly自然垄断

19.Two-tier market 双向市场

In this two-tier market, retail investors tend to buy and hold ETFs while traders and market-makers move in and out of funds rapidly for many different reasons.(Forbes: Cyprus,Anything But Unique and Why to Worry)


注:(1)ETFs(Exchange Traded Funds)交易型开放式指数基金,是一种跟踪“标的指数”变化、且在证券交易所上市交易的基金。投资者既可以在二级市场买卖ETF份额,也可以向基金管理公司申购或赎回ETF份额,不过申购或赎回必须以一篮子股票或少量现金,换取基金份额,反之亦可。(2)相关术语:Listed Open-Ended Fund,LOF上市型开放式基金

20.Elegraphic transfer 电汇

Inward and outward remittances are usually carried out by a mail transfer, demand draft,or telegraphic transfer.


注:(1)demand draft即期汇票,指以提示日为到期日,持票人持票到银行或其他委托付款人处,后者见票必须付款的一种汇票,这种汇票的持票人可以随时行使自己的票据权利,在此之前无须提前通知付款人准备履行义务。(2)相关术语:time bill远期汇票;bank drafts银行汇票;commercial bill of exchange /commercial draft商业汇票

21.Joint and several liabilities 连带负债,共同及连带责任

The right of contribution, corresponding to joint and several liability, is different from the right of indemnification.(Science of Law, 2010, 30-4:761-780.)


注:(1)contribution出资,指股东,包括发起人和认股人,在公司设立或者增加资本时,为取得股份或股权,根据协议的约定以及法律和章程的规定向公司交付财产或履行其他给付义务。(2)相关术语:monetary contribution货币出资;investment in labor劳务出资;investment in kind实物出资

22.Junior mortgage 次级抵押贷款

Life insurance companies and savings and loan associations have not been permitted to make junior mortgage loans.(The Journal of Finance/March, 1956/Junior Mortgages In Real Estate Finance—A Case Study)


注:savings and loan associations美国储贷协会,是在美国政府支持和监管下,专门从事储蓄业务和住房抵押贷款的非银行金融机构

