理论教育 政策性金融工具的作用及实践


时间:2023-06-08 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:注:debit card 借记卡,指发卡银行向持卡人签发的,没有信用额度,持卡人先存款、后使用的银行卡;credit card 贷记卡、信用卡,是由商业银行或信用卡公司对信用合格的消费者发行的信用证明,持卡人可以在规定额度内透支。


1.Draft 汇票

At present, the non-cash payment tools in China are made up of bills (draft, promissory notes and checks), bank cards and network payments, but does it mean that every business should agree with every kind of legal payment? (www.ftchinese.com/story/001077011?full=y)


注:汇票draft、本票promissory notes与支票checks的区别:支票的出票人与付款人之间必须先有资金关系,才能签发支票;汇票的出票人与付款人之间不必先有资金关系;本票的出票人与付款人为同一个人,不存在所谓的资金关系。

2.Exposure 风险敞口

Stock market risk exposure is different from economic exposure, and there are great differences between different emerging markets.(www.ftchinese.com/story/001076859?archive)


注:emerging market 新兴市场,是市场经济体制逐步完善、经济发展速度较高、市场发展潜力较大的市场。

3.Deposit account 存款账户

Social Finance Inc.said it will start offering deposit accounts and debit cards to some customers next month, the first major new product under Chief Executive Officer Anthony Noto.(www.finance.yahoo.com/news/sofi-plans-start-rolling-checking-222815799.html)


注:(1)debit card 借记卡,指发卡银行向持卡人签发的,没有信用额度,持卡人先存款、后使用的银行卡;(2)credit card 贷记卡、信用卡,是由商业银行或信用卡公司对信用合格的消费者发行的信用证明,持卡人可以在规定额度内透支。

4.Endorsement 背书

When a signature or endorsement is required to be on a document consisting of more than one page, and the credit or the document itself does not indicate where a signature or endorsement is to appear, the signature or endorsement may appear anywhere on that document.(ISBP745, Para A25)


注:brand endorsement 品牌背书,指某一品牌要素以某种方式出现在包装、标号或者产品外观上,但不直接作为品牌名称的一部分。通常,这一特殊的品牌要素是公司的品牌或标识。

5.D/P 付款交单

Our payment term usually is to accept document against payment in 60 days, which we hope can satisfy you.(www.dyebbs.cn)


注:payment term 付款条件也叫现金折扣,是指企业为了鼓励客户偿还贷款而允诺在一定期限内给予的规定的折扣优待。通常可表示为5/10,2/20,n/30;price term 价格条款,指国际贸易合同中表明价格条件的款项,是对外经济贸易合同中的重要条款之一。

6.D/A 承兑交单

The international factoring business has received increasing attention from various parties and has been widely used because it meets the needs of the development of trade methods such as credit sales and acceptance of acceptance.(Sina Finance/5 July, 2001/http://finance.sina.com.cn/d/79589.html)


注:international factoring 国际保理、承购应收账款,指在以商业信用出口货物时,出口商交货后把应收账款的发票和装运单据转让给保理商,即可取得应收取的大部分贷款,日后一旦发生进口商不付或逾期付款,则由保理商承担付款责任,在保理业务中,保理商承担第一付款责任。

7.D/D 即期汇票

Inward and outward remittances are usually carried out by a mail transfer, demand draft(DD), or telegraphic transfer(TT).(www.examw.com)


注:remittance 汇款,国际结算支付方式之一。付款方通过第三者(一般是银行)使用各种结算工具,主动将款项汇付给收款方的一种业务处理方式。

8.Dishonor 拒付

Since the nature of Teleingreso is a real-time transfer of online banking, it is generally operated only by the consumer.So once the payment is successful, there will not be dishonored.(www.ibtimes.com.cn/press-release/-4648.htm)


注:transfer of account 转账,指不直接使用现金,而是通过银行将款项从付款账户划转到收款账户完成货币收付的一种银行货币结算方式。


9.Discount 贴现

However, the actual situation is that before the repurchase expires, the bank notes were taken out by a bill institution from Chongqing in advance and the institution repurchased and discounted with another bank.The funds entered into the stock market illegally but not return to the accounts of the Beijing branch of Agricultural Bank of China.(International Business Times/8, April, 2016/http://www.ibtimes.com.cn/articles/48264/20160408/113209.htm)


注:bank notes 银行券,指由银行发行的、用以代替商业票据的,由银行票据表征的货币,主要包括银行本票、银行汇票、银行签发的支票等。

10.Debenture 公司债券

After the treasury bills were sold in November, the prices of debentures continued to decline.The difference between the yields of 5-year AAA corporate bonds and the equivalent treasury bonds had reached the highest point in three years.(www.ftchinese.com/story/001075504?archive)


注:treasury bill/short-term government bond/treasury bond/treasury government bond/treasury bond/short term bill 短期国债,指一国政府为满足先支后收所产生的临时性资金需要而发行的短期债券;短期国债最早发行于英国,在英美被称为国库券。

11.Default 违约

The time between defaulting on storage payments and going to auction is usually a few months at best, depending on the place.(www.ibtimes.com/man-arrested-after-child-pornfound-storage-locker-sold-auction-2669785)


注:auction 拍卖,指专门从事拍卖业务的拍卖行接受货主的委托,在规定的时间与场所,按照一定的章程和规则,将要拍卖的货物向买主展示,公开叫价竞购,最后由拍卖人把货物卖给出价最高的买主的一种现货交易方式。


Sessions had said Andrew “made an unauthorized disclosure to the news media and lacked candor—including under oath—on multiple occasions.” (International Business Times/4,March, 2018/http://www.ibtimes.com/jill-mccabe-facts-ex-fbi-deputy-directors-wife-attacks-tr ump-fiery-op-ed-2668454)


13.Emergency fund 紧急备用金

Being prepared with an emergency fund gives you confidence that you can tackle any of life’s unexpected events without adding money worries to your list.(https://investor.vanguard.com/emergency-fund/)


14.Electronic check 电子支票

This smart card application system can verify customers and has the function of electronic check.Combined with POS payment, it ensures many transactions.(dict.cnki.net)


15.Digital currency 数字货币

Fortunately, one of the solutions being considered by central bank officials in the absence of cryptocurrency bubbles or fraud is to introduce a kind of digital currency.(Financial Times/20 March,2018/http://www.ftchinese.com/story/001076792)


16.Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) 电子资金转账

Petra: I don’t have any checks.In this day and age, I should be able to use one of the many electronic funds transfer options.(www.niuyingyu.cn)


17.Fractional reserve banking 部分准备金银行制度

In the 1930s, scientists suggested repealing “fractional reserve banking”.The capital condition of the banking industry remains worrying.(Financial Times/28 September, 2017/http://www.ftchinese.com/story/001074498)


18.Factoring 保理

The red wine dealer and debt factoring company plunged by 40% yesterday and the market value evaporated 12 billion US dollars.10 billion dollars market value evaporation happened within two days.What should regulators do? (Financial Times/22 May,2015/http://www.ftchinese.com/story/001062160?archive)


19.Ethical banking 道德银行

She says: “Ethical banking is complex, encompassing the decisions made by fund managers for institutions to the direct experience of customers with a retail bank.”(Independent/22Feburay, 2017/https://www.independent.co.uk/money/where-now-for-ethicalbanking-a7593421.html)


20.Gearing ratio 资产负债率

One banker said the government had also raised numerous demands regarding the structure of debt for the buy-out and the company’s post-acquisition gearing ratio.


21.Sale and leaseback 售后回租

In a sale and leaseback, the government would sell public buildings to an investor and enter into a long-term agreement to rent the space in the building.(www.dictall.com)


22.Structured deposit 结构性存款

In addition, there is a significant difference between investment in gold directly and investment in gold-linked structured deposit.(www.dictall.com)


23.SIBOR (Singapore interbank offered rate) 新加坡银行同业拆放利率

Most banks in Singapore offer SIBOR-based home loan packages.It is considered the most widely used reference rate for home loan packages in Singapore and the most popular amongst consumers.(www.fabiao.net)


24.Signature loan 无担保贷款

The cash or scrip would be offered as part of a pro rata return of capital to shareholders.(www.ebigear.com)


25.Senior loan 优先备款

“There has been a lot of technical demand for high-yielding loan assets this summer,”said Dan Norman, managing director of the ING Investment Management senior loan group in the US.(www.ftchinese.com)

荷兰国际集团投资管理公司(ING Investment Management)美国优先贷款部门董事总经理丹·诺曼表示:“今年夏天,市场对高收益贷款资产的技术需求很旺盛。”

