理论教育 业务划分与民事法律行为形式的关系


更新时间:2025-01-03 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:民事法律行为可以采用书面形式、口头形式或者其他形式。法律规定用特定形式的,应当依照法律规定。fr=aladdin)委托代理是指受托人以被委托代理的名义,在授权范围内与第三者发生法律行为,这种行为的法律后果直接由被委托代理人承担。 信托的特点

1.Separation of ownership and interest 所有权与收益权相分离

Family trust is characterized by the separation of ownership and income rights.Once the property is put into the family trust structure, it will not involve the trust property because of the client’s death, divorce or bankruptcy, and will not have to pay inheritance tax in the future,so as to reduce the cost of inheritance.(http://trust.jrj.com.cn/2016/06/23072621103019.shtml)


注:family trust 家族信托,是一种信托机构受个人或家族的委托,代为管理、处置家庭财产的财产管理方式,以实现富人的财富规划及传承目标。

2.Independence of property 独立运作财产

After the establishment of the trust, the trustor no longer has the ownership of the trust property, but only has the right to supervise the trust.(http://finance.sina.com.cn/trust/xthydt/2018-10-11/doc-ihmhafiq8692921.shtml)


注:相关术语:movable property 动产,指能脱离原有位置而存在的资产,如各种流动资产、各项长期投资和除不动产以外的各项固定资产;immovable property 不动产,指依照其物理性质不能移动或者移动将严重损害其经济价值的有形物体;intellectual property 知识财产,具有商业价值的知识或信息。一般分为艺术财产(如艺术品、文学作品、音乐作品等)和工业财产(如发明、商标、商业秘密等)。 代理(www.daowen.com)

1.Agency 委托代理

The act of agency is the act of an agent.That is to say, the acts of the agent in the name of the principal to the third party are of legal significance.It includes civil legal acts, litigation acts and other acts of legal significance.(https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E4%BB%A3%E7%90%86%E5%95%86/849539?fr=aladdin)


注:(1)civil legal acts 民事法律行为,指民事主体通过意思表示设立、变更、终止民事法律关系的行为。民事法律行为可以采用书面形式、口头形式或者其他形式。法律规定用特定形式的,应当依照法律规定。(2)词义辨析:agent是一个独立主体,负责完成任务但不负责执行任务,具有一定的自主决策能力;broker是一个独立主体,但没有自主决策能力,只负责订约过程。

2.Differences between agency and trust 代理与信托的区别

Principal-agent refers to the legal acts between the agent and the third party within the scope of authorization in the name of the principal-agent.The legal consequences of such acts are directly borne by the principal-agent.The so-called trust refers to the act that the trustee transfers his property rights to the trustee on the basis of trust in the trustee, and the trustee manages or disposes of the property in his own name for the benefit of the beneficiary according to the wishes of the trustee.(https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E4%BF%A1%E6%89%98/221065?fr=aladdin)


注:principal agent theory 委托代理理论。20世纪30年代,美国经济学家伯利和米恩斯因为洞悉企业所有者兼具经营者的做法存在着极大的弊端,于是提出“委托代理理论”,倡导所有权和经营权分离,企业所有者保留剩余索取权,而将经营权利让渡。

