理论教育 政府债券的相关概念解析


更新时间:2025-01-03 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:3.Discount rate 贴现率The State Bank of Pakistan has raised its key discount rate by 25 basis points to 6 percent, the first increase in four years.巴基斯坦国家银行将其关键贴现率提高25个基点至6%,这是四年来首次增长。

1.Bond credit rating 债券信用评级

Therefore, our bond credit rating will still be a hard and important work for us.(http://www.doc88.com/p-1436988873410.html)


2.Bond vigilante 债券民团

The notion that the “bond vigilantes” can impose some restraint on fiscal and monetary policy is a bad idea that should die, writes Caroline Baum.(www.marketwatch.com)


3.Discount rate 贴现率

The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has raised its key discount rate by 25 basis points to 6 percent, the first increase in four years.(Global Times/2018/1/27)


4.Carry trade 套利交易

If done in enough volume, this so-called carry trade would then push down the value of the affected currencies.(Global Times/2018/3/25)


5.Coupon rate 息票利率

With a term of three years and coupon rate of 5.0 percent, the yuan-denominated bond issue attracted orders of as much as 9.22 billion yuan, or more than six times the offer.(Global Times/2018/3/20)


6.Credit risk 信用风险

Local governments are encouraged to set up credit risk compensation funds to increase support for small and medium-sized enterprises and start-ups.(Global Times/ 2017-7-28)


7.Dead loan 死贷

However, its dead loan reserve fund reached 13.54 billion yuan, compared with 9.57 billion yuan from a year earlier.(Global Times/ 2009-10-21)


8.Effective interest method 有效利率

Borrowings are recognised initially at fair value, net of transaction costs incurred, and subsequently stated at amortised cost using the effective interest method.(http://www.youdao.com/w/eng/Effective%20interest%20method/#keyfrom=dict2.index)


9.Effective rate 债务收益率

So with income tax at 45% and surtax at 52.5%, the effective rate was 147.5%.https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertwood/2012/09/29/best-french-exports-bread-brie-fashion-and-taxes/#3b 3d6a045a7f)


10.Arirang Bond 阿里郎债券

This study contrasts the development of the Republic of Korea’s market for won-denominated foreign bonds (Arirang) with similar markets in the Asia-Pacific region.(https://academic.oup.com/wbro/article-abstract/22/2/165/1714103)


注:(1)foreign bond 外国债券,指外国借款人,即政府、私人公司或国际金融机构所在国与发行市场所在国具有不同的国籍并以发行市场所在国的货币为面值货币发行的债券。(2)相关术语:domestic bond 本国债券

11.Bond 债券

Sure, the stock and bond holders will get wiped out, but the infrastructure will still be there.(http://dict.youdao.com/search?q=bond&keyfrom=hao360)


注:bond holders债券持有人,指在采用发行债券的方式筹措长期资金时的资金贷方

12.Build America Bonds (BABs)构建美国债券

Build America Bonds are a new form of taxable bonds to be issued by municipalities in lieu of tax-free municipal bonds.(https://www.bestcashcow.com/bonds/buildamerica)


注:municipal bond 市政债券,又称市政证券,是指由州、地区、所属地及行政区划所发行的债券。

13.Collateralized Loan Obligations (CLOs)抵押贷款债券

The central bank launched a pilot program in 2005 to allow banks to package loans into bond-like securities known as collateralized loan obligations (CLO).(China Daily/2013-11-01)


注:bond-like security债券性证券,指由发行企业或政府机构发行并规定还本付息的时间与金额的债务凭证,包括国库券、金融债券和其他公司债券,表明企业拥有证券发行单位的债权。

14.Dual currency bond 双币种债券

China Agricultural Bank is also selling dual-currency bonds denominated in the yuan and the dollar in London.(Global Times/2015-10-13)


注:(1)China Agricultural Bank 中国农业银行,是中国金融体系的重要组成部分,提供各种公司银行和零售银行的产品和服务,同时开展金融市场业务及资产管理业务。(2)相关术语:central bank 中央银行

15.Book-entry discount treasury bonds 账面贴现国债

The Ministry of Finance said Friday it would issue two batches of short-term book-entry discount treasury bonds next week.(Global Times/ 2010-6-12)


注:(1)the Ministry of Finance 中华人民共和国财政部,是中华人民共和国国务院组成部门,其前身为1949年10月1日成立的中央人民政府财政部。(2)a batch of 一批,后可接cakes, letters, recruits, bonds。

16.Exchequer bonds 国库债券

Following the debate, MPs approved a motion allowing the exchequer to raise funds to cover any costs resulting from the successful passage of the Sports Grounds Safety Authority Bill, a private member’s bill which has secured government support.(BBC/November/15/2010/http://news.bbc.co.uk/democracylive/hi/house_of_commons/newsid_9181000/9181617.stm)


注:the Sports Grounds Safety Authority Bill《运动场安全委员会法案》,此法案赋予足球执照颁发机构更多权力,并给予对其进行修改名称的权力。

17.Extendible bond 可扩展债券

To tap financial markets, borrowers have a broad range of instruments from which to choose.Puttable and extendible bonds are one example.(World Bank/Oct.2003 /http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/wp/2003/wp03201.pdf)


注:puttable bond 上市债券,指经由政府管理部门批准,在证券交易所内买卖的债券,也叫挂牌券。

18.Government bond 政府债券

Previously, the lower 30-year US government bond rates were used to calculate lump-sum pension values.(Forbes/December 8, 2009/https://www.forbes.com/2009/12/08/lump-sum-pension-retirement-annuity-personal-finance-bernicke_print.html/)


注:pension 养老金,也称退休金、退休费,是一种最主要的社会养老保险待遇,主要用于保障职工退休后的基本生活需要。

19.Government debt 政府债务

However, the report warned that developed economies still needed to watch levels of government debt.(BBC/ April 12, 2011/ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-13050017/)


注:(1)developed economy 发达国家;(2)developing economy 发展中国家

20.Guaranteed bond 担保债券

Mainly a firmer commitment to pay its debts, probably through some form of mutually guaranteed bond, and much tighter coordination of budgetary and broader economic policy.(Wall Street Journal/ September 23,2011/ https://cn.wsj.com/GB/20110923/ecb100451.asp/)


注:(1)budgetary policy 财政政策,是国家制定的指导财政分配活动和处理各种财政分配关系的基本准则。它是客观存在的财政分配关系在国家意志上的反映。(2)cooperation vs.coordination: cooperation合作,被描述为共同合作或实施符合标准的行为,以实现共同目标。合作是自愿的活动,这个过程是自然发生的,交流是大家心照不宣的;coordination协调,对各种管理要素的系统安排,以确保顺利运作。协调是管理过程的一部分,交流是公开的。

21.Gross debt 总债务

That Gross Debt would cross 100% of GDP, equal to our entire economy, in 2020.(Forbes/April 19, 2013/https://www.forbes.com/sites/peterferrara/2013/04/19/president- obamaspredictable-budget-more-spending-more-tax-increases/)


注:Gross Domestic Product国内生产总值,是指按市场价格计算的一个国家或地区所有常驻单位在一定时期内生产活动的最终成果,常被公认为衡量国家经济状况的最佳指标。

22.Government borrowing 政府借贷

Change will come slowly at first, meaning high levels of government borrowing will continue.(Forbes/ August 30,2012/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/rickferri/2012/08/30/the- next-10-years/)


注:(1)相关术语:government debt 政府债务;(2)政府借贷分为:internal debt (owed to lenders within the country)内部债务;external debt (owed to foreign lenders)外部债务

23.Guaranteed debt 担保债务

This includes debt guaranteed by the federal government, like money market funds and bank CDs, and the obligations of government agencies like Ginnie Mae, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae mortgage debt.(Forbes/July 25, 2011/ http://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2011/07/25/is-us-debt-downgrade-inevitable/2/)


注:(1)money market funds货币市场基金,指投资于货币市场短期有价证券的一种投资基金。该基金资产主要投资于国库券、商业票据、银行定期存单、银行承兑汇票、政府短期债券、企业债券等短期有价证券。(2)guarantee vs.warranty: ① guarantee通常承诺退款,类似质保,而warranty通常只负责修理,类似保修;② guarantee通常没有时限,与质量有关,如lifetime guarantee(寿命保证),而warranty一般注明12个月或24个月等,并且可以延期;③ guarantee可以用于口头也可用于书面,往往来自制造商,而warranty用于书面上,往往来自销售商。

24.Good debt 良好债务

Mortgage debt is good debt, so long as the interest payments are tax deductible.(Forbes/June 24, 2011/https://www.forbes.com/forbes/welcome/?toURL=https://www.forbes.com/sites/investor/2011/06/24/in-hard-times-mortgage-debt-can-set-you free/&refURL=http://dict.youdao.com/w/good%20debt/&referrer=http://dict.youdao.com/w/good%20debt/)


注:interest payments 利息支出,指临时借款的利息支出。在以收付实现制作为记账基础的前提条件下,所谓支出应以实际支付为标准,即资金流出,标志着现金、银行存款的减少。

25.Going rate 现行利率

In such a market, anyone can borrow or lend as much as they want at the going rate of interest.(The Economist/http://www.economist.com/node/4424648/email?sort=1/)


注:interest 利率,指一定时期内利息额与借贷资金额即本金的比率。利率是决定企业资金成本高低的主要因素,同时也是企业筹资、投资的决定性因素,对金融环境的研究必须注意利率现状及其变动趋势。

26.General fund 普通基金

It is part of the Treasury Department’s general fund and has been since the Johnson administration.(Forbes/September 17, 2008/https://www.forbes.com/2008/09/17/banking-rtctreasury- biz- beltway-cx_lm_0918rtc_print.htm/)


注:(1)Johnson administration 约翰逊政府,美国第36任总统。继任后,约翰逊提出有关人权、减税、反穷困和资源保护的立法,得以批准。(2)administration vs.government:前者偏重于“行政当局”,即政府中最为明显的一个组成部分,是行动中的政府,它代表政府中行政的、实施的、最显著的一边;后者偏重于完整意义上的“政府”。

27.High interest rate 高利率

Ohio begins a deal today that could help some homeowners get out of high interest rate mortgages.(NPR/April 2, 2007/https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=9277330/)


注:mortgage 抵押,指抵押人和债权人以书面形式订立约定,不转移抵押财产的占有,将该财产作为债权的担保。当债务人不履行债务时,债权人有权依法以该财产折价或者以拍卖、变卖该财产的价款优先受偿。

28.Bond issuance 债券发行

Corporate bond issuance in emerging market currencies has surged to record levels this year, deepening the local sources of capital for companies.(FTchinese/Apr 26,2017/http://www.ftchinese.com/story/001072320)


注:(1)emerging market新兴市场,是市场经济体制逐步完善、经济发展速度较高、市场发展潜力较大的市场。具有低投资,高成长、高回报以及反经济周期的特点;市场规模普遍偏小;且投机者追涨杀跌的投资者占多数。(2)词义辨析currency vs.money:currency指流通中的货币,是全部流通的货币的总称;money是钱的通称,范围较currency更广,且具有财富、资产等更宽泛的含义。(3)相关术语:developed market 发达市场,是市场体系发育完备,市场手段现代化,能够充分发挥市场机制作用的市场。发达市场是一个相对的范畴。比如,城市市场相对于农村市场为发达市场。

29.Matured bonds 到期债券

For example, JP Morgan (JPM) or Bank of America (BAC) took in Spanish bonds as collateral that MF Global had just purchased and made a loan that matured concurrently with the bond maturity date.(Forbes/Aug27, 2012/https://www.forbes.com/sites/richardfinger/2012/08/27/mr-jon-corzine-criminal-or-just-plain-old-fashioned-stupid/#132ac1961141)

例如,摩根大通(JPM)或美国银行(BAC)吸收了西班牙债券作为MF Global刚购买的抵押品,并发放了与债券到期日同时到期的贷款。

注:collateral 抵押品,又称“担保品”,指银行发放贷款时作为抵押的实物,主要有土地、房屋、有价证券和商品等。作为贷款的抵押品,一般应具备下列条件:价值比较稳定,市场价格波动较小;易售性较强,有广大市场,可以随时变卖;易于保管,不易变质损失;进行鉴定所需要的技术不是很复杂。

30.Interest bond 利息债券

That means contributions to 401(k)s and other retirement plans, as well as itemized deductions for charitable giving, mortgage interest and state and local taxes would be hit by the 28% limit and municipal bond interest would only be exempt at the 28% rate.(Forbes/Apr10,2013/https://www.forbes.com/sites/janetnovack/2013/04/10/obama-budget-aims-to-raise-580-billion-in-new-taxes-from-old-ideas-targeting-rich/#29d692644228)



(2)词义辨析 rate vs.ration:rate强调部分与整体的关系,ration强调两件相似事物的比例;

(3)相关术语:tax-exempt income免税收入;tax-exempt interest免税利息;taxexempt items免税项目

31.Joint and several liabilities 连带责任

It is unclear why in China’s present civil procedure law there is a compulsory requirement that parties with joint and several liabilities or claims thereof be united in a single lawsuit.(www.dictall.com)


注:(1)joint action 共同诉讼,指当事人一方或双方为两人以上的诉讼。在某些纠纷中,当事人一方或双方均为两人以上,形成诉讼时,原告或被告一方或双方均是多数,这就形成了一种特殊的诉讼形态——共同诉讼。其意义在于简化诉讼程序,避免法院在同一事件处理上作出矛盾的判决。

(2)词义辨析 liabilities vs.debt:liabilities的复数形式时具有“债务”的意思,具有法律上的意义;debt作可数名词时指具体所欠的财物,也可指抽象的“负债的状况”或所欠的“人情”,这种情况下是不可数名词。

32.Income mortgage bonds 收入抵押债券

The majority of these investments are in fixed income securities like government and corporate bonds and the remainder in equity securities, mortgage loans, policy loans and other investment securities.(Forbes/Dec7,2010/https://www.forbes.com/sites/greatspeculations/2010/12/07/metlife-eyes-50-per-share-if-investment-returns-pick-up/#5430351670e3)



