理论教育 欧洲股票市场行情分析


时间:2023-06-08 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:相关术语:immovable property=real estate=real property不动产;compensation for demolition拆迁补偿费;removal expense拆迁费用;urban housing provident fund城镇住房公积金;low-cost housing低价住房;property ownership certificate房产证2.Lender of last resort 最后贷款者The ECB must also act as a lender of last resort and provide liquidity to support Eastern European currencies.欧洲央行也必须作为最后贷款者,提供流动性以支撑东欧货币。它是由连接资金盈余者和资金短缺者的一系列金融中介机构和金融市场共同构成的一个有机体。

欧洲股票市场行情分析 证券及证券市场相关概念

1.Bad loan 不良贷款

Spain’s bad loan ratio had peaked in December 2013, when it had reached 13.61 percent with a total of 197.04 billion euros of bad debt as a result of the country’s financial crisis, real estate sector debt and high unemployment.(http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2017-09/26/c_136640516.htm)


相关术语:immovable property=real estate=real property不动产;compensation for demolition拆迁补偿费;removal expense拆迁费用;urban housing provident fund城镇住房公积金;low-cost housing低价住房;property ownership certificate房产证

2.Lender of last resort 最后贷款者

The ECB must also act as a lender of last resort and provide liquidity to support Eastern European currencies.(www.ftchinese.com)


注:The European Central Bank (ECB)欧洲中央银行(欧洲央行),总部位于德国法兰克福,成立于1998年6月1日,负责欧盟欧元区的金融及货币政策,是为适应欧元发行流通而设立。

3.Long-term liabilities 长期债务

Such investors have long coveted the accompanying inflation-linked investment returns,which match their long-term liabilities.


注:通胀挂钩债券(inflation-indexed bond)是香港政府发行为期三年的零售债券。通胀挂钩债券每手面值10 000港元,每半年派息一次,其息率分浮息及定息,浮息与香港最近六个月的通胀率(以综合消费物价指数为准)挂钩,定息为一厘,最终派息率以高者为准。

4.Liquidation 清算

Without rarely granted special approval, registered capital may not be withdrawn prior to liquidation.(www.ftchinese.com)


注:(1)registered capital注册资本/法定资本,是公司制企业章程中规定的全体股东发起人认缴的出资额或认购的股本总额,并在公司登记机关依法登记;(2)相关术语:minimum registered capital最低注册资本;crime of misstating the registered capital 虚报注册资本;validation of registered capital验证注册资本

5.Liquidity 流动性

Hedge funds have cut their borrowings sharply, reducing the amount of liquidity being provided to the financial system.(www.ftchinese.com)


注:(1)financial system金融系统,是有关资金的流动、集中和分配的一个体系。它是由连接资金盈余者和资金短缺者的一系列金融中介机构和金融市场共同构成的一个有机体。(2)相关术语:financial intermediary金融中介;financial market金融市场;financial institution金融机构;financial instrument金融票据

6.Credit line 信贷额度

Austria’s Oberbank will grant one billion euro of credit line for financing investment projects in Iran.(http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2017-06/12/c_136359728.htm)


注:奥地利第一储蓄银行(Erste Group Bank);奥地利中央合作银行(Raiffeisen Zentralbank);奥地利联合信贷银行(UniCredit Bank Austria AG);巴瓦克银行(BAWAG P.S.K.)

7.Derivatives 衍生品

The London Stock Exchange and Deutsche Börse formally announced their intention to merge, which would boost their businesses in derivatives, clearing houses and other financial services.(economist/2016/3/19/http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/ blog_44ced7990102w0rf.html)


注:(1)clearing house清算所,指金融机构交换支付指令或者其他金融证券的一个中心地点或者一种中央处理机制。金融机构根据清算所的章程和办法在指定的时间交换要结算的凭证。在一些情况中,清算所作为清算系统的重要订约方,或承担清算系统的金融及风险管理的责任。


(3)相关术语:acquisition 收购;takeover接管;leveraged buyout融资收购

8.Hover 徘徊

Demand for German 10-year bunds is so heavy that their yields hover above 1% and the government bonds of once crisis-wracked Spain are near 200-year lows.(www.kekenet.com)

市场对德国10年期国债的需求是如此之大,以至于其收益率徘徊在1% 以上,而一度遭受危机重创的西班牙国债收益率则接近200年低点。

注:(1)government bonds政府债券,是政府为筹集资金而向出资者出具并承诺在一定时期支付利息并偿还本金的债务凭证,包括国家债券即中央政府债券、地方政府债券和政府担保债券等。美国联邦政府发行的各种债券,包括国库券(treasury bill)、国库本票(treasury notes)和联邦政府公债(treasury bonds)。

(2)yield 收益;yield curve收益曲线;direct hours yield 直接工时产出率

9.Holder of record 注册股票持股人

Holder of Record Owner of stock recorded in a company’s books as of a certain date.


10.Holding the market 托盘

Holding the market is hard to pull off these days because any one person would have to have very deep pockets to make a significant impact on a security’s price.(www.investopedia.com)(www.daowen.com)


注:(1)security证券,是多种经济权益凭证的统称,也指专门的种类产品,是用来证明券票持有人享有某种特定权益的法律凭证,主要包括资本证券、货币证券和商品证券等。(2)相关术语:security-based swap agreement 以证券为基础的互换协议;stock index futures 股票指数期货;financial futures 金融期货;financial derivative instrument金融衍生工具;spot market 现货市场

11.Growth stocks 成长型股票

The 40m GLG Technology Equity fund (formerly SG Technology) favours small-cap growth stocks.(www.ftchinese.com)

掌管4 000万英镑的GLG科技股本基金(GLG Technology Equity,以前名为SG科技基金)青睐小盘成长型股票。

注:GLG科技股本基金,基金经理:休·格里夫斯(Hugh Grieves)。

12.Investment grade 投资级别

Their investment grade ratings of many subprime mortgage-backed securities were a primary cause of the current financial crisis.(www.ftchinese.com)


注:(1)mortgage backed securities抵押贷款证券化(2)相关术语:financial turmoil金融危机;Freddie Mac 房地美(联邦住房抵押公司);Fannie Mae房利美(联邦国民抵押贷款协会);Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight(OFHEO)美国联邦住房企业监督办公室;Government Sponsored Enterprises(GSE)政府发起企业;credit crunch 信贷紧缩;foreclosure 止赎权,丧失赎取权;lagged effect 滞后影响;swap lines 互惠额度

13.Overheating 过热经济

Worried about overheating, her government is trimming 50 billion real from this year’s budget.(The Economist: Measuring Brazil’s Economy)


注:(1)budget guideline ratio 财政预算案准则;budget proposal 财政预算案建议;budget revenue 财政预算案收入;budgetary criterion 开支预算准则;budgetary deficit 财政预算赤字

(2)Real雷亚尔,是1993年巴西发行的新货币,之前的货币克鲁塞罗雷亚尔只流通了一年半的时间。雷亚尔在1994年7月1日正式采用,1雷亚尔等于2 750克鲁塞罗雷亚尔,之后又有所回升。

14.Offering date 发行日期

Under a look-back provision, the stock price is keyed to the offering date or the purchase date, whichever is lower.(WSJ: Getting Going: Buying Stock From the Boss)


15.Near money 近钱

It is weakly overseen without an independent audit and thus is able to intermediate the transformation of bad, liquid assets into money (and near money) and then back again into valuable financial assets, all done secretly and anonymously.(Forbes: Is the Federal Reserve Using Money-Laundering Techniques to Cleanse Banks’ Balance Sheets?)


16.Overvalue 高估

These recurring extremes of yield establish undervalue and overvalue price levels.(Forbes)


17.Open interest 未平仓利率

He said the current net-long position is roughly 43% of the total open interest in futures.(Forbes: FOCUS: Speculators Add To Bullish Gold, PGM Positions For Seventh Straight Week—CFTC Data)


18.Management fee 管理费

Ackman charges his investors an annual management fee of 1.5% and, importantly, a 20% performance fee.(Forbes: The Most Serious Accusation Carl Icahn Made Against Bill Ackman In Their CNBC Deathmatch)

阿克曼向投资者收取每年1.5%的经办费,重要的是,还同时收取20%的绩效费。 融资手段

1.Bear raid 抛空

The practice of bear raid has its roots in the 17th-century Dutch Republic (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bear_raid)


2.Dilution 摊薄

To see the effect of stock disposals and dilution, consider eight founder-run firms:Alibaba, Alphabet, Amazon, Facebook, Netflix, Tencent, Tesla and SoftBank.(The Economist/2017/12/19/ https://item.btime.com/m_2s1cmatho1e)


3.New issue 新股发行

Italy raised 5bn euros from a new issue of bonds on Thursday, but had to pay an interest rate of 6.087% to borrow the money for one year.(BBC: Eurozone’s growth has stalled, says EU)


